“Name someone more historic than me. I’ll wait.”
Once Mandy Rose appeared, those watching knew what they were about to get; an ego trip to the greatest extent. Although there were many possible answers to her request, she would not take any as factual.
“Three months ago, I had my first match in EBWF. A match that just so happened to be the first ever Women’s Elimination Chamber. And guess who won that one? Me. Guess who became EBWF Women’s Champion in their first outing? That’s right; I did, bitch.”
Apparently her words were directed to someone in particular. But who?
“Now, who is the bitch I’m speaking to, you ask? Don’t worry, she knows who she is. Because who else could it be…other than Candice LeRae?”
The Golden Goddess rolled her eyes after mentioning her opposition at WrestleMania.
“Candice thinks she’s going to cut in on my WrestleMania moment. My FIRST WrestleMania moment. And that just isn’t going to happen. There is no way a commoner like Candice LeRae is going to upstage the Golden Goddess at WrestleMania. No way in hell.”
Her aggression was shining brighter than her gear, which was as golden as the championship she was yearning to reclaim.
“I’ve been paying attention to what some of you jealous haters have been saying, so let me clear this up right now. Just because Candice got lucky against me once before means absolutely nothing. This is the EBWF’s biggest event of the year, and I am the EBWF’s biggest and best competitor. There’s no way I can lose. I don’t lose.”
After shaking her head, Mandy huffed, well aware that she just told a blatant lie. She didn’t care though.
“Okay, I don’t lose when it counts.”
Again, she sighed.
“Just shut up, okay?”
Despite no one else being around, she glared at the camera.
“The point is, I’ve taken home greater victories than this. I’ve defied the odds like no one else has come close to defying in EBWF. If I can win the first ever Women’s Elimination Chamber, which, I did, I can win a number one condendership match, which I will. ”
Mandy flipped a lock of her blonde hair back, then smirked.
“WrestleMania is all about the gold. And that’s why there isn’t a night any more perfect for THE Golden Goddess to ensure that the gold will return to her waist. When it comes down to it, I’ve shined brighter than every single woman in this company, especially Candice LeRae, championship or no championship. But mark my words, there is no one that title looks better on than me, and that’s why I’ll be taking it back. And Candice? You’re just the first step in making it happen; the bottom step. So trust me, I’ll have no problem stepping over you just like I stepped over every single female on my first night. Welcome to MandyMania.”
With that, Mandy’s image faded away, leaving everyone wanting to see her ego get knocked down yet another peg even more than before.