It had been a busy month for the EBWF World Champion, The Miz. His star was on the rise, both in and out of the ring. The EBWF had always been his sanctity, when things were crazy in his personal life, the ring was always the place where The Miz felt most comfortable, most at ease, most at home. For the first time in awhile, it appeared however, that everything was starting to align for Mr. Mizanin. A wonderful relationship with Mickie James, a third EBWF Championship reign, endorsement deals, guest spots in movies and television shows, talk show appearances. Life was coming at The Miz and he was doing his best to enjoy it one day at a time. Mizfits far and wide were anticipating another match from their favorite wrestler, and on Warfare they would get their wish, as The EBWF Champion would be going one on one with the eccentric and strange Matt Hardy. Hardy, like Miz, was a veteran of the business. He was perhaps best known for his runs with brother Jeff in the world renowned tag team The Hardy Boyz, but lately Hardy had seemingly lost his marbles. His vacant eyes, crazy hair, and unusual behavior was certainly a difference from the Hardy that wrestling fans were used to seeing. One thing was for sure, Matt could still get it done in the squared circle, so if the champ wanted to make sure he didn't drop a key match on his road to face Seth Rollins at Summerslam, he would need to slow his life down, and focus on getting a victory.
The scene opened up inside the Cadillac Escalade of The Miz. He was behind the wheel, rocking a gray sleeveless "Your Favorite Wrestler's Favorite Wrestler" shirt with Orange Letters. He had a pair of designer sunglasses on as well as black shorts. Mickie James was shotgun wearing a pair of short white shorts and a black tank top. She also had sunglasses on. The view of the camera was the point of view of the dashboard as it was clear a camera had been set up there. Miz broke the silence.
The Miz: Grab your guitar walk down the street, the sign says Nashville Tennessee!
Mickie James: Proud of you right now baby!
The Miz: I know my country music, which is why Mizfits, I could not be MORE excited to be coming to you LIVE en route to Warfare which will be held... as Aldean.. and well I.. just said.. in Nashville Tennessee. Now I know what all of you have been thinking.. Miz.. where in the H-E- double hockey sticks have you been? The answer is simple... I've been living.. captivating.. rocking.. rolling.. and being all that is Miz.. but boy of freaking boy have I missed everyone. Last time you saw me I was sitting ring side as I watched Seth Rollins become the King of the Ring- yippie dippie whippie.. who cares? The fact is- all of you who have been wishing, waiting , praying for The Miz to actually bring some entertainment back to EBWF programming.. will not have to wait any longer... because on Warfare this week.. your hero.. your main man Miz.. will be back in action vs... wait for it... Matt Hardy.
The Miz: Yes Mickie.. MATT HARDY!
The Miz: It doesn't matter I saved.
Mickie James: What if you get deleted.. and then closed out.. and then when it says do you want to save you accidentally hit cancel instead of save changes?
The Miz: Holy shit.. I never thought of that.
Mickie James: Well.. maybe you should...
The Miz looked like he was actually a bit rattled.
The Miz: Well I would assume.. I'm saved to the Hard Drive.. I mean I'm the freaking Miz.
Mickie James: Yeah I just hope that doesn't get deleted too...
The Miz: Yeah...
The two pretended to ponder this scenario. Miz finally smirked.
The Miz: I mean REALLY!? Matt Hardy?! Come on now.. am I being Punk'd?! Where's Ashton!? Don't worry Hardy is old enough for that reference. You Mizfits have been just awaiting another Miz match.. and then we give them a true MIZMATCH.. what fun is that? Well.. actually now that I think about it.. it sounds REALLY fun. Mizfits.. Matt Hardy is a guy that though he has always had a fair amount of in ring talent.. there has always been something holding him back. Whether it was his junkie brother.. his awful love life.. his late night snacking.. Matt is just a guy who's never been able to FULLY figure it out. He's never been able to fully get himself to a point where he truly "made it." Now though.. now it gets even worse.. because now in addition to that self destruction habit that he's basically perfected.. Matt has completely lost his god damn mind. He's speaking in riddles and looks and sounds like he doesn't even know what planet we're on.
The Miz mimicked walkie talkie sounds.
The Miz: PSHHHH PSHHH.. MATT.. COME IN MATT.. we are on planet earth.. come in.. MATT DO YOU COPY?!
Mickie pretended to be Matt, she sported a crazy look that she was very good at.
The Miz: PSHH Matt confirm you know that we are on earth!
Mickie pantomimed Matt throwing the Walkie Talkie across the car.
Mickie James: Delete! Delete! Delete!
The Miz smirked.
The Miz: The biggest point though Matt.. is that we ARE on planet earth.. and right now you are staring at the best wrestler on earth.. or Mars.. Jupiter.. Neptune.. or any other planet in the solar system. I'm it.. and if you don't believe me.. take a look into the back seat there.
The Miz moved out of the way so that the camera could see the EBWF World Championship sitting on the seat behind him.
The Miz: So Matt Hardy with all of his screws tightened.. is not and WOULD not be enough to beat The Miz.. THIS Matt Hardy with his screws OFF.. not even loose.. has NO mother effin shot. I'm not sure if you know this about me Matt.. so I'll remind you and all of my Mizfits watching live on youtube right now. Creepy- scary- tapped- stupid- none of that does a god damn thing against cool-talented- handsome- captivating- cream of the crop. I have seen this business send guys into a real tizzy. The Brian Kendricks, the Cody Rhodes, the EBWF can drive people off the cliff.. can send them off the deep end. It's nothing to be ashamed of.. but it's always nothing that's going to keep you from DROWNING in that deep end.. the second you come across the undeniable, unstoppable, unmistakable talent of the best of the best.. your favorite wrestler's favorite wrestler.. the EBWF World Champion.. this beautiful bastard on your screen right now.. yours truly..The Miz.. HASHTAG FACTS! Nashville.. see you soon the champ is on his way!
Mickie James: PEACE!
Mickie flashed a peace sign and the sign faded to black.
The scene reopened at Bridgestone arena we were just moments away from the beginning of the show, and the fans were really starting to get pumped up! There was a real buzz to the Nashville crowd, and that buzz turned into absolute bedlam, when on the tron- a zoomed in shot of the EBWF Champion appeared. Miz was wearing a long sleeve gray fitted hoodie, designer sunglasses, and had his hair slicked all around. He had the EBWF Championship over his shoulder. After a couple beats of silence.. he finally flashed a big smile.
The crowd erupted in cheers and a "Miz is Awesome" chant broke out.
The Miz: Now Nashv...
A voice from behind The Miz was heard.
Michael Cole: MIZ, MIZ! Can I get a quick word with you?
The crowd gave Cole a little bit of heat as he came into the camera's view. He was visibly out of breath from seemingly rushing to see The Miz.
The Miz: Michael can you not see that I was already talking? What have I ALWAYS told you?
Michael looked sheepish.
Michael Cole: Always say no to desert, a moment on the lips.. is forever on the hips..
The Miz smirked.
The Miz: True.. but not that.. the other thing.
There was laughter from the crowd.
Michael Cole: Oh- never interrupt the master when he's in his flow.. I just thought tha..
The Miz: No Michael- you weren't thinking.. or you wouldn't have interrupted me.. when I'm trying to give a big Michael Cole gut sized.. SPOILER ALERT to what they are ALL about to witness here in just a couple of hours. Besides- why all of a sudden are you interested in what I'm doing?! Every time I turn around you are interviewing the very man I'm going to be decimating very soon. I figured you'd already be waiting in Matt Hardy's porta potty or wherever the werido deirdo's get ready to fight and trying to get his thoughts. It's been awhile since I've seen you run after me, panting, and sweating even though you only chased me about 15 feet.. and I wasn't moving..
Michael Cole: I'm not sweating.
Michael embarrassed wiped a bead of sweat from his brow. Miz smiled.
The Miz: Relax Cole- I'm just messing with you.. I'd be glad to talk to you- I thought you'd NEVER ask.
Michael looked relieved.
Michael Cole: So Miz tonight here in Nashville.. you will go head to head with Matt Hardy. Are you excited to be back in action?
The Miz: Nice..
Michael smiled.
Michael Cole: Thanks Miz.
The crowd laughed and cheered.
The Miz: The answer to the question is simple Cole.. and here it comes... DUHH!- Let me explain something to you.. when you are in demand.. when you're a mega star.. people are grabbing at you from all angles, Cole. Everyone wants a piece of you.. you get dragged in a million directions.. but every star.. has the one place that made them just that.. and for me.. there's no place I'd rather be than right here tonight.. prepping myself to beat the WEIRD out of Matt Hardy in front of all my MIZFITS!
Huge pop from the crowd.
The Miz: Michael- I'm not going to sugar coat it.. because if I did.. you or Matt Hardy would eat it.. tonight is going to be a CLEAR CUT MESSAGE to everybody that has mistaken my absence for weakness as of late. If anyone has any doubts whatsoever at to who the god damn man around here is.. open your EYES as wide as Matt Hardy has been lately.. and take a big big GAWK at the greatness before you. Tonight is going to be an absolute massacre, it's going to be an OBVIOUS statement that Matt Hardy.. or anyone else for that matter is WAY over their heads against yours truly. So to be able to prove that once again, like I've done night in and night out for the past 7 years.. yeah I guess you could say I'm excited, Cole.
Michael Cole: You mention Hardy's antics since returning to EBWF action. Do you think this new deranged mentality that he has will help him or hurt him tonight?
The Miz laughed.
The Miz: Michael- how long have you known me? How many matches have you seen me win? How many opponents have you heard me address? Do you really think I give a flying flamingo what my opponents personality is? I mean really do you? I don't care if Matt Hardy is deranged.. if he's nice.. if he's pensive.. I don't care if he's horny.. or if he's excited.. or if he's excited to be horny... the fact of the matter is.. he's GOING TO LOSE. To be honest it's been kind of fun to watch him parade around with this new little thing he's got going on. It's a real like.. "hey I'm still here.. I still need a paycheck because I spend all my money. Cry for help." It's cute.. endearing.. but what it isn't.. is intimidating. Matt Hardy being off his rocker.. isn't enough to make me give him a second thought.. but if you don't mind I'm going to continue to share my first thought on him..
Michael Cole: Please by all means..
The Miz: Matt Hardy quite simply Cole is a re-gift. He's a present that was given to this company a long time ago, and we all enjoyed it. He and his brother flew through the air with the greatest of ease.. they stuck their tongues out, they danced, they were great. Then the years went by, the time ticked away, and all of a sudden that present that was once Matt Hardy- well it began to rust.. it became older and unwanted. So what does Matt do.. he tries to wipe the rust of.. to repaint the present as something completely different. So that people may want to enjoy it again.. well newsflash Matt.. my Mizfits aren't stupid.. they know that whoever a worthless piece of crap acts.. no matter how they walk.. how they talk.. how they cut their hair.. at the end of the day they are still a big steaming piece of crap. So as always Matt- I am going to be the hero- I am going to be the one who finally does what needs to be done. I'm going to be the guy that finally throws this re-gift AWAY.. I'm going to be the one that finally lays Matt Hardy version 948.. to rest.. I'm going to be the one.. who.. dare I say it.. DELETES MATT HARDY FOR GOOD!
The crowd erupted in cheers. As The Miz began to make the arm motion.
The camera zoomed into The Miz who had now taken Cole's microphone.
The Miz:
The Miz flipped the microphone to the ground as he and the crowd finished his tag line. He exited the scene leaving Michael Cole standing in the frame before the tron cut off and Warfare was set to begin.
Control B for Bold
Control B for Bold
EBWF World Champion (x7- Current) EBWF Intercontinental Champion (x3) EBWF Tag Team Champion (x2) EBWF PTG Champion (x2 ) EBWF Gateway Champion (1x)
EBWF World Champion (x7- Current) EBWF Intercontinental Champion (x3) EBWF Tag Team Champion (x2) EBWF PTG Champion (x2 ) EBWF Gateway Champion (1x)