Are you ready Hardcore

This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.

Are you ready Hardcore

Post by Charles »

-Paul 'Big Show' Wight gets in his Dodge ram heading for the interstate heading to Atlanta. He is coming off a big win in his debut. He has a crisp clean look today and he is full of confidence. He arrives in Atlanta, GA hours later and he finds a hotel parking garage to enjoy an extended vacation in Atlanta by checking out downtown. He gets out wearing jean shorts and a polo shirt with a baseball cap on backward as he grabs his bag. He shuts the door and makes his way to the elevator. He gets in and takes it down to the hotel lobby. He gets off and checks in but does not go to the room instead he does drop off his bag to the front desk. He gets the key and slips it into his pocket. He walks over to a small table set up for a drawing and he sees a lady over there and as he gets closer he notices the name Brenda on her shirt.-

Paul 'Big Show' Wight- Excuse me, ma'am, Can you tell me more about this drawing?

Brenda- Yes sir I can. The drawing is tonight and it is for an appearance on this new show called "What is the deal?" and the show is basically about anything and everything. The hosts never know who will be part of the show but this drawing is just a promotional way of getting the show out there.

-He grabs a pen and fills out a form as he slips it into the drawing box at the edge of the table. He puts the pen back where he found it and smiles at the lady.-

Paul 'Big Show' Wight- Sounds like it would be fun and now that I am entered I suppose best of luck to me. How will I be notified if I do win may I ask?

Brenda- We will just call you or you can be present for the drawing tonight which is at the hotel.

-Paul 'Big Show' Wight shakes Brenda hand as he heads downtown. He walks for a short distance and walks over to the fountain of rings as he walks around the structure on a hot humid day. The water suddenly rises at different times and lengths and Paul 'Big Show' Wight takes a walk through the water becoming absolutely soaked as he has a big smile on his face. He reaches the other side and thinks to himself.-

Hardcore Holly, when I walk through these fountains I realize that it reminds me of you. It is nice to have them around for amusement and it is refreshing to know that like these fountains. Hardcore Holly is easy to conquer and I do not even have to break a sweat. It is funny you take a big game for a guy who has not stepped in the ring since the dinosaurs of the world roamed the earth. You have nothing on me and as far as I am concerned you stepping in that ring with me tonight is not a wise move but I cannot be held responsible for breaking your fragile body in half and having you quit the same month you were hired.

-He continues through the park soaking wet as he walks down to see the Olympics Rings as he sits on one of the rings and has another thought.-

Hardcore Holly these rings right here represent growth and history something that has always eluded you. Your shorter then almost any athlete I know and the only history you have in this business is making excuses. These rings symbolize true greatness which is me.

-He laughs to himself as he jumps down from the rings and heads to a little carnival that is going on and that is when he notices one of his favorite games called "striker". He walks over to the guy and grabs the hammer as he notices there as three different lengths.


Paul 'Big Show' Wight- This is was so much fun growing up before I seemed to break everything because of my strength.

-He goes to the first one which is more designed for children but he does it with one hand just to show his ability.-

Operator- Oh that really took a man to hit that one. Why don't you challenge yourself to the other two I have here. Why did you even try the small one?

Paul 'Big Show' Wight- I feel like this one would be great for Hardcore Holly because to me he acts more like a child than a man. The company has worked too hard to get to this point to have someone of his maturity to bring it down. He will have a reality check as he steps in my ring tonight.

-He walks over to the next one which is about fifty feet high as he lifts the hammer and slams it down as the meter bar continues up before hitting the buzzer again. The operator seems intrigued as inquires more from him.-

Operator- What did that meter represent to you?

Paul 'Big Show' Wight- That meter to me shows my dominance over everything I touch. It will be a shock to me if I lose to old man Holly. He does not have the stamina to keep up with me. I may be a big guy but I am solid muscle and I will not be humiliated by a man with his personality.

-He picks up the mallet again walking over to the biggest meter they have it reaches almost 100 feet. He reaches deep within as he lifts the hammer way above his head and slams it down. It reaches the top in record speed as the bell breaks on the machine-

Operator- Did you seriously just break it?

-He has Paul 'Big Show' Wight repeat the process and it hits the top but no sound from the bell.-

Paul 'Big Show' Wight- I am very sorry is there anything I can do to help you out? I had no idea I would break it.

Operator- I am so pissed right now all I want you to do is leave. That will cost me a fortune to fix do you know how many little pieces go with that device.

-Paul 'Big Show' Wight walks away very pissed at himself. The sun is starting to set as he has spent almost all day downtown. He looks around and realizes he cannot remember which way he came. The wind is picking up as a storm is forming. The mini carnival moves quickly to get out of the way and suddenly the bottom falls out as the storm hits downtown with force. Paul 'Big Show' Wight starts walking as the rain comes down. He finds an overhang as he watches the lighting in the sky lighting up the area. He looks around trying to gather his thoughts.-

What direction do I need to go? I need to get myself in a better situation than this. I am wet and lighting loves big & tall objects. I need to just keep walking and look for something familiar.

-He continues walking not sure what is going to happen as lighting strikes near him at the top of the building as he ducks down startled for a moment. He notices a taxi in the distance and begins running trying to catch the driver's attention. The water is so high it overtakes his boots as he splashes down with each step he reaches the taxi only to realize it is empty and broken down. He busts out the window in frustration as he looks down the road only to notice the hotel. He is out of breath but keeps on running as he reaches the hotel lobby doors and just barrels through the door just as lightning strikes in the background. He falls to the ground just glad to be back as he kisses the lobby floor. He gets up and notices everyone looking at him but he does not care. He makes his way to his room which thankfully is on the first floor. He opens the door and proceeds to go get a shower and once he is out he makes a call to the front desk asking for his bag to be dropped at the door. a few moments later there is a knock at the door as he opens it just slightly and grabs the bag. He opens it up and grabs out a Hardcore Holly sucks t-shirt and a pair of jeans. He changes and goes back to the lobby where the drawing is about to take place.-

Brenda- Ladies and gentleman it is time for our drawing. If you have entered your name please step forward.

-Paul 'Big Show' Wight and ten others step forward as Brenda makes the pick-

Brenda- The winner of our contest is Paul Wight as she looks up at him and smiles as she hands him a VIP pass for tomorrow.

-He grabs it and thanks her and then heads back to his room and just collapse in exhaustion and he sleeps into the afternoon of the next day. He wakes up and showers before getting dressed. He looks at the VIP pass that says the show airs inside the Georgia Aquarium at 6 P.M. so he gets in his truck and heads to the Aquarium. He arrives and speaks to one of the workers about the show and he is led to a doorway as he walks in and the crowd is forming. He takes a sit in the crowd not sure what to expect as host Jennifer and Matt Elbert appear.-

Jennifer & Matt- Welcome everyone to "What is the deal?" We have a special guest later in the show that is a surprise to us as well but basically, this show will break down some of the craziest ideas in the world currently. Who is ready for a great discussion?

-The crowd cheers as the host take their seats and begin breaking down the show's topic for the night.-

Jennifer- Matt you may know more about this than me but when you think of wrestling do you think about younger talent, older talent or a mixture of both.

Matt- Well sweetheart it has been a while since I watched but I would say a younger talent pool may pull in a new generation. Why do you ask that?

Jennifer- I agree that younger talent always wins me over so I am just curious as to why a 46-year-old guy who has not wrestled in years suddenly has a job.

Matt- Are you talking about Paul 'Big Show' Wight?

Jennifer- Yes that is exactly who I am talking about. I am curious as to what the company is thinking about hiring him. If he was ten years younger I would be all for this because he was a dominant force back then what is the deal with this?

Matt- Well I have always been one to never assume anything so maybe the company sees something in them that we cannot see from the outside. I think it is good for the younger talent to have a veteran like that who can guide them.

Jennifer- The only thing he will guide them to is the buffet line and how to be unsuccessful.

Matt- I think you are being a bit harsh for a guy that has a history like he does. However, it is your opinion and that is fine shall we bring in our VIP guest to discuss this topic with us?

Jennifer- Yes of course.

-Jennifer and Matt are handed an envelope and they pull it out and the facial expression says it all. Suddenly they hear a very familiar voice.-

Paul 'Big Show' Wight-I am only good for a buffet line and showing other how to fail? Did I hear you correctly Jennifer? I am surprised you still have a job in anything with that kind of work ethic.

Jennifer- Excuse Me

Paul 'Big Show' Wight- Yeah you heard me I have endured bullying all my life and the fact you are making assumptions about me without even getting to know me shows your ignorance. I guess you did not see me in the ring this past week where I destroyed your "younger" talent. It is never about age and it will never limit me to what I expect from myself.

Jennifer- I did not know

Paul 'Big Show' Wight- You did not know that I was bullied or that I was sensitive to jerks like you? I am wondering what the deal with you is really because I came here expecting to be on a great show and let everyone see just how intelligent I am in regards to different topics but you have ruined it for me.

Matt- She really did not mean anything by it and it was all done for show purposes.

-Paul 'Big Show' Wight turns his attention to Matt.-

Paul 'Big Show' Wight- Matt, save it because the truth is if you knew I was the guest star she would have never said any of that and you know that is the truth. I am glad to be here regardless because I can express who I really am. I am a gentle giant for the most part but the reason I got back in the ring is because of people like Jennifer. Thank you for making me stronger and better and by the years end you will be eating all the words you have said about me.

-Paul 'Big Show' Wight walks off the stage and out the door as the crowd is clapping thinking it was all part of the script. He walks out of the aquarium and drives back to the hotel and into his room where he sits down and pulls out a pen and writes some encouraging words down on a napkin.-

"Look up never down because you are strong and fearless"

-He puts the napkin in his pocket and walks down to the restaurant and has some dinner and a few drinks before going back to his room and getting some sleep. He wakes up and prepares for his match against Hardcore Holly as he remembers the words he wrote down and he heads to the gym in downtown Atlanta to do some last minute training for his match-
Last edited by Charles on Mon Aug 13, 2018 9:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Brandon M
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Re: Hardcore Who?

Post by Brandon M »

I don't exactly understand this RP, I mean its good but your at a amusement park? An because I don't see anything about a camra on IDK not trying to be a dick just asking it was really good though.
Shayna Baszler: Current EBWF Women's Champion
Lio Rush: Current EBWF Breakout Champion
Erick Rowan: Special Enforcer
Hardcore Holly: Retired, 2 X EBWF Breakout Champion
Bobby Lashley: Injured

Re: Hardcore Who?

Post by Charles »

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Re: Hardcore Who?

Post by Sam »

Hardcore Holly wrote: Mon Aug 13, 2018 9:24 pm I don't exactly understand this RP, I mean its good but your at a amusement park? An because I don't see anything about a camra on IDK not trying to be a dick just asking it was really good though.
Why does it not make sense because of the scene he’s chosen? His RP makes sense considering he’s comparing the playing of the carnival games to beating up Holly.

Plus, we’ve never had to state when “Camera” is on.
Jimmy Havoc
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Re: Are you ready Hardcore

Post by Ben M »

I agree with Sam's comment. We've never asked people to explicitly state in their RP whether the scenes are televised or not, we take it as best judgement.

For example, if Chris Jericho is at a mall talking trash about his opponent, we can assume that's televised. If he's in bed talking to his wife, the camera definitely isn't on... Jericho doesn't make those kind of home movies ;)

For what it's worth, Charles, I enjoyed this RP, and I liked that you did something different.

Re: Are you ready Hardcore

Post by Charles »

Thanks I appreciate it. I try to be original and always try to bring the match into it somehow
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Brandon M
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Re: Are you ready Hardcore

Post by Brandon M »

I wasn't trying to be a dick, but when it says big show starts thinking to himself how can I reply to what someone is thinking? Im not gonna write a essay on what hardcore holly does or thinks during the day or in his personal life. So when he is dissing me to some random carnival employee I cant respond to it, I mean half of the RP is big shows thoughts. I never said it was a bad RP I actually think its pretty good but its not a a show called following the big show, its Wrestling just saying really wasn't trying to be a dick.
Shayna Baszler: Current EBWF Women's Champion
Lio Rush: Current EBWF Breakout Champion
Erick Rowan: Special Enforcer
Hardcore Holly: Retired, 2 X EBWF Breakout Champion
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Re: Are you ready Hardcore

Post by Sam »

Hey Man.

Just to point out that Charles defines when he’s “thinking” and “talking” he uses “Paul ‘Big Show’ Wight -“ when speaking so you know when something is being said out loud. When Big Show is thinking to himself he avoids using that.

You have to think that when he is dissing Bob Holly to a carnival employee that it’s televised or just a promo clip being shown.

Also, you don’t have to respond to everything Charles RP’s about. In my honest opinion RP vs. RP isn’t even about responding, it’s about writing the best reasons as to why you should win the match and why your opponent isn’t going to win or something.

I’m in the U.K. timezone so most of the time I RP and post first over the American dudes here cos that’s how time works, If RPing was all about a “response” it would always be in favour of the person who posts second which isn’t fair.

I believe you can write your best stuff if you don’t focus on reacting to what Big Show says and just be Hardcore Holly.
Jimmy Havoc
King of the Ring 2017
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Brandon M
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Re: Are you ready Hardcore

Post by Brandon M »

First like I said it was a great RP I wasn't dissing it at all but when you RP you cant assume what is being televised and what isn't that's the point of the RP.
Shayna Baszler: Current EBWF Women's Champion
Lio Rush: Current EBWF Breakout Champion
Erick Rowan: Special Enforcer
Hardcore Holly: Retired, 2 X EBWF Breakout Champion
Bobby Lashley: Injured
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Re: Are you ready Hardcore

Post by Billy »

There not saying to assume. They are saying the specifics of camera are implicit on the situation if not openly expressed. Stuff done in the privacy of one's bedroom is un-televised unless specifically stated. On the other hand segments in public, autograph signings and such are televised or recapped on or the company social media outlets.

There's nothing wrong with stating what the camera is doing, where the clip is located (i do this) or how the shots are framed. There's also nothing wrong with just writing up a segment. Anything said in a public forum (again this means not the bedroom) is considered open to having been seen by the other talent in one way or another.

I don't think anyone was saying that you were dissing it. They were just trying to figure out where the confusion stemmed from.
Shaul Guerrero
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