Taking on the psychotic

This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.
Candice LeRae

Taking on the psychotic

Post by Candice LeRae »

~Prologue and scene~ It was two weeks ago when we saw Candice LeRae suffer a loss against the newest woman to come to the EBWF, Becky Lynch. This week, Candice will be going one-on-one with Nikki Cross. The camera now shows Candice LeRae inside the trainer's room, getting her arm looked at from two week ago when Becky put her in the Dis-Arm-Her.

Candice: Am I ready for competition tonight Matt?

The trainer looks at Candice's arm, and nods his head.

Matt: I think you are ready for Warfare this week. The injury wasn't as bad as we thought at first.

Candice gives a sigh of relief, then exits the trainer's room, and looks at the card for this week's Warfare. She paused for a moment, shaking her head, knowing she would have to be taking on Nikki Cross. Candice then walked to her locker room, and sits down on the couch, then stares into the camera, as she speaks.

Candice: After having to suffer a loss two weeks ago to one of the women I respect, Becky Lynch, I am back. Now she I know she tried to make a example out of me. but I'm not going to change my attitude cause she wasn't getting the spotlight. Becky can do what she wants, but I'm going to be doing what I want to do. I am still going to keep working my up the rankings to soon being a champion, and this week will sure be a challenge for me when I will be taking on Nikki Cross. Nikki, you are psychotic, and I have watched you in the ring, and I know what to expect from you. I might have been off last week to heal my arm, and now since it is better, I am ready for you Nikki.

Candice paused for a moment, as she got a drink of water, and took a drink.

Candice: If you think I'm scared of you Nikki, and if you think I'm just going to lay down for you, it's not going to happen. I'm NEVER going to give up, and if you think my loss two weeks back is a advantage for you, then think again. Since being off last week, I've been training harder than ever to face you this week. So Nikki, good luck, cause I am one hundred percent ready, and I will win. See you at Warfare.

Candice just stares deeply into the camera, as the camera zooms out, and the scene slowly fades to black.