Closing the Trilogy

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Ian B
Posts: 65
Joined: Fri Apr 22, 2016 5:23 am

Closing the Trilogy

Post by Ian B »

Tomasso Ciampa is sat at the edge of his bed in his hotel room. Only his top half is visible to the camera but he is dressed in a smart black dress shirt and silver tie. He looks as if he has put extra effort into his presentation. His head is freshly shaved, his beard more groomed than normal. According to the timestamp on the corner it is "10/26/18 10:30"

Tomasso Ciampa: This is the biggest weekend in my career so far. The biggest match of my life. For years I had this work colleague, a so called friend. Let's call him... Joey. Now, Joey pretended to be my friend but in actual fact Joey was a selfish a hole. My...

Tomasso Ciampa makes air quotes

Tomasso Ciampa: "work colleague" did not do his fair share. My so called "work colleague" drove me to the point where I began to resent him. He even caused me to begin to resent myself. I blamed myself for his errors. It felt like he blamed me too, and I tortured myself for months. A friend who drags down their buddy like that does not deserve to be called a friend. Any person who makes life difficult for someone like Joey did deserves another label. Bully. I couldn't stand that behavior. I stood up to the bully and it cost me my job. That asshole tried to cost me my livelihood. He failed. I landed on my feet. EBWF. The big leagues.

Ciampa raises his middle finger to the camera

Tomasso Ciampa: Side note. Fuck you Joey. And your bitch of a wife too.

Ciampa lowers the finger and massages his temples for a moment.

Tomasso Ciampa: I arrived at the building for my first night at the company only to be told they had nothing for me. Great. I'd heard that before. That didn't sit right with me. I'd stood up to one bully weeks before and I wasn't willing to be taken for granted. I had been associated with Joey for too long. I needed to do something to separate myself from those days. Get that stank off me. I went into business for myself and took it out on a man who probably didn't deserve it. But! He didn't and doesn't have my passion. Whatever, life goes on. That night, my first night in the company I was the victim of a bully once more. I've covered this. Braun broke my phone. Blah blah. These last couple of months I've been consumed, thinking about it, thinking about him constantly. Obsession some might call it. Unhealthy. I spent my time being angry at Strowman for his actions, trying to put the Monster Among Men in his place. I regret it.

Ciampa shook his head

Tomasso Ciampa: I've invested far too much energy into it all. That isn't even my biggest regret. My biggest regret is letting it lie that night, my first night. My EBWF debut. Then and there I shoulda stood up to Big Bully Braun. It's done, it's the past. I can't go back and change that. In a way, once again, I brought this on myself. Just like what happened with that other guy. But NO MORE. I, Tomasso Ciampa am not gonna let the past define me any longer. It ends this weekend at Fanniversary. Strowman, we've been doing this back and forth for too long. I'm sick of it now. I wanted to leave it alone months ago. As far as I was concerned it was done, I was happy to let it lie but you kept pushing me to act. ENOUGH. After they haul your battered body away back of an ambulance I want you out of my business. In exchange I will stay out of yours. Funny...

Ciampa cautiously stroked his beard and grinned.

Tomasso Ciampa: When my plans come to fruition you won't be doing business on the ring with anyone for a while. I have proof if you need it. Ask Mike Kanellis.

Ciampa laughs at his own joke.

Tomasso Ciampa: Either way, I want a truce with you Braun. I'm serious. And we will have a truce whether you like it or not. Even if I need to dislodge your arm from it's socket to force you to wave a white flag or throw in the towel.

Ciampa is interrupted by a knock on his door

Tomasso Ciampa: Hold that thought. I've got a meet and greet to do.

Ciampa reaches out and closes the camera off. The scene fades back in a few hours have passed. The time stamp shows it to be "10/26/18 17:30". Ciampa is wearing the same outfit but much more disheveled.

Tomasso Ciampa: It's always reassuring to sign merchandise for fans. Especially those fans who are happy to tell me I'm out of my depth. I appreciate it, honesty! It's just as well I have self confidence or I'd be worried. Every single one of you have told me I'm gonna to lose. Shout out to the guy who had me sign a rubber chicken. Original. I like that.

Ciampa sinks his face into his hands for a moment

Tomasso Ciampa: You weren't even the worst of them. At least you acknowledged me. The number of deluded, ungrateful fans that walked straight past me to speak to HER. IT. Mrs Joey. Urgh. You people make me sick but also, here's the bad news. Each and every one of you miscreants fuel me. I feed on your hate. Know this -as I stuff Braun Strowman's broken body into the back of that ambulance, fueled by your hatred - broken bones and bodies mend but broken spirits? Those can last a life time. Not Braun's spirit. He's too resilient. Despite what I've been told all God damn day I am not taking that big bastard lightly. His spirit will be fine in the long run. I want to break the spirit of every single one of my doubters. You're going to hate it. And once my business with Strowman is done, once I've taken out EBWFs own immovable object... You're really going to hate what happens next. I'm not going away this time. Sorry! But, let's not get too hung up on the future. not yet. First, I'm going to savor this moment, the here and now. Take it in. At Fanniversary I am going to stand tall. Stand unaided. And you ungrateful fans are going to hate every minute of it, then you're going to learn to love me, respect me, you'll hate yourselves at first but you will be unable to deny. I am superior.