Realistic Ending

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Realistic Ending

Post by D.J »

What a way to kick off 2019. The Miz, a global superstar in and out of the ring, had become the EBWF Champion for a fourth time. To do so he finally got over the hump, and was able to defeat Jimmy Havoc, in one of the most brutal hardcore matches of his entire career. It was a statement win for The Miz, because many doubted if he could find the sadistic nature that it took to defeat a guy like Havoc at his own game so to speak. Not only was Miz successful and recaptured the games top prize, but he also inflicted an injury on the former champion, and as a result had no clear first challenger on reign number 4. He would, however, have a next opponent. It was a man that Miz knew very well, a man who was on the side of the Miz in his fight against Legion, in Aiden English. Aiden was a superstar who Miz had a lot of respect for, he was the current Gateway Champion, and Miz also knew that meant he had his sights set on becoming the games top man, a position that Miz was not ready to give up anytime soon. Needless to say this was a big match, Miz knew this was his first impression as the New EBWF Champion and he wanted to make a loud and clear statement.

The scene opened in the LA Home of the New EBWF Champion The Miz. We were in a very well furnished living room where Mickie James sat on the couch. She wore baggy gray sweatpants and a black tank-top. Her hair was up in a bun. She had a big bowl of popcorn in front of her. She looked at the camera and rolled her eyes. She looked very frustrated and quickly yelled out.

Mickie James: Mike! You didn't tell me you were filming today! Look at me I'm in my jammies!

The Miz: (Off Screen) I didn't know we were filming today...

Mickie James: Well there's a camera here, and I'm trying to catch on my Netflix... I'm Netflixing.. and you aren't even out here to "chill" with me.. and now there's a camera guy here.. maybe he wants to "chill" what's up big boy...

Mickie couldn't help but giggle at herself.

Mickie James: He's still here filming me.. it's getting weird.. shoo shoo..

The camera stayed put. All of a sudden The Miz came out from the other room. He was completely decked out in a designer hooded sweater, and expensive black pants. He had the hood over his head but that wasn't messing up his hair that was doused in product and was literally not moving. He wore sunglasses (inside) and had the EBWF Championship over his shoulder. Mickie talked as if Miz was still in the other room.

Mickie James: Mikeeee he won't leave.. I don't get why he would just show u...

Mickie must have felt Miz' presence because she turned and saw him completely decked out. She smiled.

Mickie James: WHOA BABY!

The Miz was standing dramatically in the background of the shot. He broke character at Mickie's comment.

The Miz: I know right! How good do I look right now.

Mickie James: Come on over here I'll show you..

The Miz: Mickie not now.. it's time to talk to the Mizfits... but later.. we will Netflix... and my god will we chill.

Mickie James: You drive a hard bargain Mizanin.. but I'm in. I'm going to go shopping..

The Miz nodded. She kissed him on the cheek.. and waved to the camera man.

Mickie James: See you in your dreams camera man.

The Miz smiled but quickly got serious as Mickie left the scene.

The Miz: Now Mizfits I know what you're thinking.. and yes I know.. she is SO cute.. but I know what else you're thinking. Why so dramatic? Why so decked out in your own house.. why such a flare for being over and above.. EXTRA.. as the kids say. The answer is simple, my name is the Miz.. and I am the EBWF World Champion. The means something.. it means I'm the best.. it means I can do whatever I want.. it means I can say whatever I want.. it means I can wear whatever I want.. it means I can BEAT whoever I want. At Warfare I will go head to head with another man that has a self proclaimed love of drama. Another man who really likes to set the stage- paint a picture- a man that has an exquiste way with words. A man named Aiden English. Aiden references poems, movies, tv shows, he will quote.. and reference.. and really open his listeners up to a world of vivid imagery with the way he speaks. So as is my way, I'm going to show why I'm better at this very thing than Aiden himself. I'm going to show that I'm a better wrestler, I'm a better speaker, I'm better at checkers, I'm better at bop it that old game we played as kids, I'm better at EVERYTHING. My face was made for the camera, it was made to be the star of a final "directors cut," but for Aiden English- I will not become a victim of his favorite move- so Aiden you can go ahead and remove that line that you just wrote down from your script. In fact the only thing your match with me is going to leave you saying is the timeless line from an enamored fellow student of Regina George in the classic comedy Mean Girls "one time he punched me in the face... and it was AWESOME."

The Miz smirked.

The Miz: In all seriousness, Aiden, you've done a lot in this business.. you're quickly making a name for yourself.. but what's in a name? What does it really mean? How big does your name have to be, before anyone really sees your face? How many ridiculous questions can I ask in a row? How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? A lot of really important inquiries here.. but I'll start but addressing the first one.. your name is growing around here. You're currently the EBWF Gateway Champion.. that's great, it's wonderful, it's adorable, it's perhaps a Gateway to a bigger and better life.. a life where you achieve more than a "possibility." However.. PLOT TWIST.. standing in the way of that life.. is a man.. who for your story is a villian.. but for the rest of the world's story.. is a god damn hero.. it's an A Lister.. its a headliner.. it's a beautiful beautiful bastard.. its a champion.. it's a Miz... it's a ME.. which means for you.. it's a roadblock... and it's a roadblock you can't get through.. over.. under.. or around. Which mean's you're going to get lost in this gateway and your "Final Destination" isn't going to be what you would hope for.. or write for yourself... like the troubled artist Demi Lovato once said "I'm sorry... I'm not sorry." ... so true.

The Miz paused for dramatic effect.

The Miz: This is my big debut.. it's my big entrance.. you only get one shot at a first impression.. and this is reign number 4 for yours truly.. and this is the match that's going to be people's first memory of it. My plan is to have people merely only remember just how dominant I was.. for you Aiden.. they will simply say.. "hmm I remember that he faced... ummm.. well it was... wait... who was it?" You're place in this memory is irrelevant.. you're not important here.. you're small.. that's what she said.. Wayne Gretzky- Michael Scott. Seriously though Aiden, I don't dislike you, we once fought together against a common enemy in Legion- we've made fun of bat shit crazy fossils together on twitter.. I respect you- I'd hang with you at Applebee's.. but what I won't.. is let you ruin this first night. I'm not letting you have a moment at my expense.. Jimmy Havoc was a hurdle that I finally mustered up the hops to get over. When I jumped that hurdle, I knew that this was the beginning of a new era in my already.. well.. amazing career. Aiden, Mizfits, it was the beginning of a new era of excellence, a new standard, a new height of the bar that is too high for any to reach.. and certainly to high for you Aiden. In fact you'd need a rocket pack to even see the bar, but you still wouldn't be able to reach it... yeah.. it's higher than Afro Man.. higher than AJ Styles.. translation it's pretty god damn high. Aiden- I don't want you to take this personal- but I'm the Miz.. and you're you... you're not winning this match.. Hash tag facts.. hash tag sad but true.. hash tag.. duh.

The Miz put the EBWF Championship on the couch in front of him. He took his sunglasses off.

The Miz: Wow that's so much better.. kind of see now why you're not supposed to wear sunglasses inside. So why wear them you may ask? Well because my house has a lot of mirrors inquisitive Mizfit.. and god forbid I catch my reflection in one of them.. I shine so god damn bright.. that.. well you know.. I might need the sunglasses... but I've digressed. Aiden English- you're probably looking at this as a big opportunity.. a big chance.. a big moment for the EBWF to "show you the money" like you were Jerry McGuire.. but what the reality of the situation is.. is that they are setting you up to fail. They are setting you up for you to get your hopes up.. only to have the carpet pulled right out from under you.. only to have your wishes and dreams NOT come true.. all this talk of carpets and wishes.. can only make me think of everyone's favorite street rat Aladdin.. but unfortunately for you Aiden.. it is not a "Whole New World" around here.. it's still the 'real world' it's still the EBWF.. and the reality of this that I'm the Champion.. and you're the guy who's going to lose to him. Mizfits.. I'll see you there.. I'll be the guy winning.. annnnnnnd scene..

The scene faded to black. We reopened at a house show in Des Moines, Iowa. The fans were expecting a great time, and some high tempo EBWF Action. What they weren't expecting was to hear.



The crowd exploded as The Miz powered his way out from behind the curtain. He had the EBWF Championship over his shoulder. He rocked a dry fit "I'm Awesome #FACTS" shirt available at and gray pants. The soon to be Mickie Mizanin flanked him wearing a white tank top and blue daisy dukes along with a pair of brown cowboy boots. She presented Miz with her Arms as Miz soaked in all the cheers from his adoring fans. On his way down the ramp Miz high fived a couple of his people, as he entered the ring.

Christy Hemme: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the EBWF World Champion... THE MIZ!

The Miz grabbed a microphone from the time keeper. He smiled and a "Miz is Awesome" chant delayed him from beginning. When it died down he began to speak.

The Miz: Ahh does that not have a nice ring to it or what Mizfits?

The crowd cheered.

The Miz: Mizfits, it's an honor to be here tonight.. it's an honor to once again.. be standing in front of all of you the new EBWF CHAMPION!

The crowd popped one more time, louder than the first time.

The Miz: Tomorrow night.. on Warfare.. your main man.. your hero.. the cream of the crop.. best of the best.. your favorite wrestler's...


The Miz: EBWF CHAMPION.. will be in action against Aiden English. Which means it SUCKS to be Aiden English.

The crowd cheered once more.

The Miz: No not because he needs a tan.. not because he's balding.. not because he's a virgin.. but because he's got to be the very first victim of this new Miz reign. This new Miz dominance.. this new Miz era. They say it's hard to reach the top.. but it's harder to excel once you do. From someone who has held this title 3 times before this, I can say that this is definitely true.. but Mizfits I can comfortably say that I've never been more ready.. I've never been more focused.. and I've never been more excited to make an example out of somebody like I plan to, Aiden English, to make the statement loud and clear- who the class is AND HAS been of this company.

The Miz started to pace the ring, as the crowd cheered.

The Miz: Aiden English loves a good story- he loves a good script. Unfortunately for him the script for tomorrow night, does NOT have a happy ending for him. Picture it if you can. The conflict.. the struggle.. 2 men emerge to fight in the main event of warfare. One is an outspoken.. charismatic.. MUST see.. beautiful son of a bitch.. he's successful.. he has a beautiful fiance.. he has a million watt smile.. the other.. a pale.. nerd..

The Miz flashed a quick smile and the crowd laughed.

The Miz: I had more to describe him.. but I think that actually does the trick. Now in a lot of stories.. it's "expect the unexpected." However.. in the EBWF.. when I'm involved.. it's time to "expect the expected." There's no twist here.. there's no underdog story.. there's no nerd coming of age here.. all there is.. is the man.. who has everything.. GOING AND TAKING MORE.. all there is.. is the man WHO HAS IT ALL.. going and FURTHERING his UTOPIA! All there is going to be in this story.. is the man.. who is head and shoulders BETTER than his adversary.. SHOWING THAT.. in a complete and utterly VICIOUS WAY.. for as LONG as he feels he god damn feels LIKE!

The crowd cheered as Miz gained in intensity. Mickie clapped along with the crowd.

The Miz: So grab your popcorn.. get your Mike N' Ikes.. grab a large soda.. and be ready for a show.. Mizfits.. but if there's one thing that NONE of you should be expecting.. it's to be surprised.. because what you feel is going to happen.. is EXACTLY what is going to happen. The man you THINK is going to win.. is GOING to win. The man who you EXPECT to dominate.. is going to dominate. Aiden English may have had a nice little run so far during his time in this company.. but don't be SURPRISED.. when he doesn't SURPRISE anyone.. by losing to me.. because Aiden.. JUST DOES NOT HAVE WHAT IT TAKES.. to overcome what you're all looking at right now. Aiden English does not have what it takes to overcome this obvious MIZ MATCH. The biggest gripe that movie critics have with some films is that the ending is unrealistic.. that it could never happen.. so fear not Siskels and Eberts.. THIS show.. is going to have as REAL of an ending as it gets.. THIS show is going to have an ending that WILL NOT CATCH ONE PERSON OFF GUARD. It's not going to be flashy.. it's not going to be a fairy tale... but what it is going to be is....


The Miz flipped the mic to the mat and flashed a smile. The crowd cheered loudly as The Miz held the Championship strap up for all to see. He exited the ring with "I Came To Play" by Downstait blaring in the background. The scene faded to black.

EBWF World Champion (x7- Current) EBWF Intercontinental Champion (x3) EBWF Tag Team Champion (x2) EBWF PTG Champion (x2 ) EBWF Gateway Champion (1x)
Posts: 184
Joined: Sun Apr 22, 2018 11:15 am

Re: Realistic Ending

Post by Billy »

Damn good rp. I loved every line. Sorry that I no showed on you. It won’t happen again!
Shaul Guerrero
*EBWF Women's Champion (x2)*
*2019 & 2021 Women's Royal Rumble Winner*
Aiden English
*EBWF World Champion (x3), Gateway Champion, Breakout Champion (x2)*
*2019 King of the Ring and Royal Rumble Winner*