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Tony S
Posts: 268
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2012 10:02 pm


Post by Tony S »

Good luck to you too, Tony. Right back at you.

“WHERE ARE THEY?!” was heard loudly just at the cameras cut backstage. There, in an angry rage, Alexa stood in front of a stagehand. She screamed in his face, but all he could do was shrug his shoulders. She glared at him before she spoke at him again.

Alexa Bliss: ”Useless..

But you know what.. Maybe you can do some good. Why don’t you tuck your tail between your legs, go to Angelina Love’s office, and you tell her that I’m hunting for the Riott Squad. And after I find them, I’m coming for her.”

With force, Alexa shoved the stagehand back into the wall. He quickly scurried away and Alexa turned around. Just then she noticed the camera be quickly began to speak directly through it.

Alexa Bliss: ”Riott Squad..

I don’t know where you’re hiding, but when I find you.. Whether it’s back here, or out there in that ring tonight. I will end your miserable lives. Do you understand me?”

Alexa filled up with anger as she spoke, which caused her to momentarily pause. She held up one finger as she was able to continue.

Alexa Bliss: ”You know what.. Last week, I blame myself. Yeah.. That’s right, I blame myself.. Mostly I blame Angelina.. I mean I was suppose to have the night off because my opponent was unable to compete..

I mean everyone else around his just handed byes.. But I guess you have to either be Wes Ikeda’s mistress, a Guerrero, a wack-job lunatic, or.. Wait.. Angelina's lesbian lover.. Well I’m sorry Angelina, but I don’t do well in caves, so that Carlsbad Caverns you got going on between your legs, you can count me out..”

She shook her head.

Alexa Bliss: ”You’ve screwed me time and time again.. And just when I’m given a moment to get myself back into the title picture, that I should have never been taken out of, you want to put your foot down and demand that I compete against some random slob off the streets?

I was ready for competition..

However, that’s all your fault Angelina. Me? I blame myself for bringing that pink haired Smurf tongue troll doll, Liv Morgan. If I never would have found her on the side of the road like a lost puppy, she wouldn’t be in this company. She wouldn’t be the bane of my existence. AND she and her Island of Misfit Toys wouldn’t have been around to do what they did to me last week..

That is why I blame myself.. That is why, once I find the three of you, I’m going to destroy each and every one of you, but I’m going to save you Liv for last..

I’m going to make you watch as I hurt your friends. I’m going to make you watch as they cry. Then.. I’m going to make you wish that you would have stayed working at the Hooters back in New Jersey..”

Alexa looked as though she was about to leave, but she stopped herself. She looked back into the camera.

Alexa Bliss: ”But if I don’t manage to find where you rats are hiding before our match tonight.. Then tonight, the slaying will start with you Ruby. And what better way to end the Riott Squad, but taking out it’s namesake first?

The three of you started something last week..

I’ll admit, I laxed off as of late with getting my EBWF Women’s Championship back.. But after that attack last week. After being a victim, yet again, at the hands of Angelina.. I’m done playing games. I’m done waiting around.

That championship is mine.. So Zahra.. I hope you’re keeping it nice and warm for me, because once I’m through with this little cheer leading squad, I’m coming for what is mine. And don’t think that I don’t remember everything that has happened between us last year..

When I get my hands on you at SummerSlam.. Last year, will just seem like a vacation. Keep that in mind.”

With that being said, Alexa moved out of view of the camera as she continued in her hunt of the Riott Squad.
EBWF World Champion (PJB x2)(TE x1), EBWF Intercontinental Champion (PJB x1),
EBWF Path to Glory Champion (PJB x2)(CS x1), EBWF Tag-Team Champion (Corre x1)(CJP x1)(BR x1)(SDS x1),
EBWF Women's Champion (AB x1), EBWF Women's Royal Rumble (AB 2016, 2018)