Bow Down

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Bow Down

Post by Billy »

A dimly lit brick wall opened the scene. The little bit of light that reached the wall, emanating from a source off screen, flickered rapidly. The intensity of the light started to swell, washing the red bricks of the wall out in the process. The brightness flared on screen, whiting everything out as if the camera pointed at the sun itself. Then as the screen slowly faded back to the original dimly lit scene, Aiden was standing front and center as if teleported by the light. The Gateway Title was hung over the shoulder of his white denim vest. He was staring at the ground, humming something barely audible.
Aiden English: It’s two thousand and nineteen and once again the time has come to crown a new King of the Ring. It’s a familiar feeling, standing on the precipice of greatness. I’ve been here before with a different cast of characters. Pretenders.
Aiden lifted his head slowly to stare into the camera.
Aiden English: The EBWF has but one true King, a Drama King. EBWF has ONE Royal Family. The First Family of wrestling. And, at King of the Ring I will have to silence the remaining pretenders to MY throne.
Aiden took a step forward, his hands extended in front of him and clenched into fists.
Aiden English: At Royal Rumble, they doubted me. No one expected me to start at number one and finish as number one! But, I did. I showed everyone that I am exactly what I claim to be and what I claim to be is the best in the business. Bar none! I proved my worth and yet here I am again, doubted by my peers. Doubted by the fans. Doubted by the EBWF Universe. I have to prove that I’m still at the top.
Aiden threw his hands down to his sides, tilted his head slightly and finally cracked a smile.
Aiden English: If they’ve been paying attention, then those remaining pretenders know I AM THE MAN TO BEAT! I AM the heir apparent to that throne. If they’ve been paying attention, there’s a target…
Aiden spun around to reveal the back of his white vest with three black rings spray painted to form a target. He pointed over his shoulder carrying the title toward the target with his thumb.
Aiden English: Right there. I carry it proudly. I carry it with all the weight that is to come from my reign as KING OF THE RING. Many men fear being the odds on favorite. Many men suffocate under the pressure of being the best night in and night out. But, I’m not those men. I’m no... mere man!
Aiden spun back around, a wicked smile settled across his face.
Aiden English: At King of the Ring, though I wear a target on my back, I will be the predator on the prowl. I will be on the hunt for blood and my lust shall be satisfied. There’s no need to go into detail about how I study my prey. If they don’t know that I sit and watch hours upon hours of their in ring performances, let them be surprised by my dedication. There’s no need to discuss how I formulate strategies on par with the greatest war generals to ever walk this earth! If they don’t understand my genius, let them be surprised again when the trap springs and it’s time for their Curtain Call.
The light flickered out and when it came back on, Aiden was holding a golden crown in his hand. He pulled it up to his face and examined the single red gemstone inlaid into the front of it. He turned it out toward the camera.
Aiden English: The crown. Bragging rights. A title shot. The bounty of this tournament is abundant. Success is oh so important. But there's more to winning than one might think.
Aiden put the crown on his head.
Aiden English: Heavy is the head that wears the crown, or so they say. And, all too often the King unprepared stumbles under the weight of his success. Preparation is in my veins. It flows through my blood, it is part of my DNA. I understand the weight of the crown, the expectations of the King and the renewed target that comes with it. I’ve prepared. I’ve looked at these two matches from every angle, witnessed every possible outcome the light has to show me. And I have learned one thing.
The light went out again but this time it stayed out for several moments. From the left Raquel Diaz emerged with a glowing red orb in hand. She wore tight leather pants and a similarly leather jacket which concealed her shirt. The red light coming from the orb cast everything in a deep red hue. Had Aiden still been in his white denim get up it would have been fully saturated in the red light however this was not the case. Now he was in a fully black outfit of the same style. The red barely tinted his clothing.
Aiden English: The answers I seek lie not in the light. The light that has blinded me from my goals for far far far too long. The light which had set me sailing off course like a ship following the moon out to sea when the crew desperately wants for dry land. I have been a fool. I have acted out of character. I came to the aid of the Universe and it led me down the wrong path. I am however a very lucky man. Lucky because this woman, this SPECTACULAR woman, stands by my side no matter what. She supported me even when she knew I was making all the wrong choices. She supported me when I abandoned the teachings of her legendary father. She supported me until I found the path back home.

Raquel dropped the orb at her feet and wrapped her arms around Aiden’s neck. She pulled him toward her and kissed his cheek. As she let go there was a quick smile that shot across her face for a moment and then it was gone. Aiden took a knee and looked down at the ground.

Aiden English: PRETENDERS! I am in control of your destiny. I am the arbiter of your fate. And the future looks bleak for anyone in my path to the throne. Darkness comes for PJ Black first. It hunts Edge and his venomous pal. Darkness engulfs Bobby Lashley and his dominated allies. The old Aiden is BACK!

Aiden chuckled rhythmically, his chest rising and falling with each beat. He sucked in a deep breath of air loudly through his nose. And then exhaled with a sort of extended “haaaaa”.

Aiden English: PJ. King of the Ring… This is where you fall apart. You’ve reached the end of your time in this endeavour. You’ve reached the end of the road. Your path goes no closer to the throne than the opening bout of King of the Ring. Sadly, your future is bleak. Hell it’s damn near black!

Aiden laughed again, this time tilting his head back into a cackle. Raquel stepped behind him and lifted the title off his shoulder. She turned and left the shot. Aiden rolled his head over to his empty shoulder and sighed.

Aiden English: It’s unfortunate isn’t it PJ? Unfortunate that on Sunday night, our past achievements mean nothing in this match. Where we’ve been, what we’ve done, how HIGH we’ve climbed. It doesn’t matter. Nothing else matters. Are you with me? Are you focused on ME? Title reigns carry no weight in the King of the Ring, it’s all just luck of the draw and a deep desire to fight your way to the top! Wrestler of the year. Who cares? Do you truly think you have what it takes to lay claim to the crown? Do you think you can rise to become the King of the Ring?

Aiden rolled his head back to the front and smiled. Slowly he shook his head from side to side.

Aiden English: You’ve come oh so far though, haven’t you PJ? Yes, you bested Almas in the first round. What a tantalizing turn of events. But, I am not like him. Oh, my claim to the throne, to the crown, to the title of ROYALTY isn’t based on the words of Charlotte Flair and Zelina Vega. I need no endorsement or pretend success. You bested Tommaso Ciampa whom I have been known to work with. A man who’s just as likely to break someone’s leg as he is to pin them. But again, I am not like this man. You see, Ciampa, he’s lost. He’s rudderless in the vast sea of talent his vessel contains. Sadly, he has no guiding light to bring him home as I have been brought home from my time away. He lacks FOCUS when Strowman’s not involved. I am not so easily fixated on one slight, on one mistake, on one enemy. I revel in the chance to defeat everyone! Hahaha. Randy Orton? Yes, you beat him too. Does it matter that I am not him? Does it matter that I am not an aging relic of the bygone generation that came before? No! It doesn’t matter because none of it matters. None of them matter. Almas, Ciampa, Orton, Rush, Mysterio, McIntyre. None of them. They are the past. Pretenders who have been eliminated from the race to the throne. What matters now is us. It’s PJ Black and Aiden English. What matters is who wants this more. Who will do what it takes to win?

Aiden rose to his feet and stepped forward to the camera.

Aiden English: I will PJ, I will… Anything and everything. Nothing is forbidden. Say it with me, BY HOOK OR BY CROOK!

Aiden laughed into the camera, his breath fogging up the lens. The laughter mutated into ragged deep breaths as Aiden walked away from the camera and toward the red orb. He picked it up and wrapped his hands around it as he turned back toward the camera. The red glow seemed to dim in his hands, and the saturation of the light began to fade as well as if the color was being drained away.

Aiden English: Oh, let’s dive deeper you and I. Let’s walk the long road you took to arrive at the doorstep of your downfall. Do you remember the word Charly used weeks ago? Eluded. Your entire career PJ. Eluded! Why would this year be any different than the oh so many others? Let me make this clear, it won’t. I don’t expect you to see that. I don’t expect you to see anything because there’s no light at the end of this road, only darkness. Pitch. Black. Darkness. And, in that darkness waits a monster you’ve never had to face. In that darkness lives an animal of a different color. A dark reflection of your past come back to haunt your present. I am the darkness waiting at the end of the tunnel. I am the monster in that darkness. I am the catalyst of your imminent destruction. This year, Aiden English is the roadblock on your long road to greatness. Sorry to tell you but then again, there’s always next year. There’s always next year to complete your career and grab a hold of that one thing that has ALWAYS eluded you.

Aiden tilted his head back and breathed deeply. The orb’s light dimmed down even lower, barely illuminating Aiden’s jawling. He held the orb up in front of his face and took another deep, long breath. The screen was completely black.

Aiden English: Welcome to the darkness Mr. Black, I do hope you enjoy your stay. Oh but since this tournament is when you shine your brightest please do so. Oh yes, you go ahead and shine PJ, shine bright and I will consume all of that light you have to give too.

Aiden’s laughter echoed out of the darkness momentarily until Raquel emerged again with an orb. This one had a blue hue to it. She passed it to Aiden, taking the dead orb from his opposite hand as she left the screen in the opposite direction.

Aiden English: It’s an unfortunate state of things that PJ Black isn’t my final barrier to ascension. Two more victims lie along my path to the throne. Two more foes I have to prepare myself to face, even though only one of them shall make into the ring with me. Even though only one of them has what it takes to challenge for the crown. Even though, neither is worthy of my time. Still, I will give it freely because thisssss is my way. Thisss is the path I walk to victory.

Aiden placed the orb at his feet and closed his eyes knelt beside it.

Aiden English: Edge…

He let the name hang in the air for several moments.

Aiden English: Oh how I wish this name was foreign to me. Oh how I wish he wasn’t another long time wrestler whose career highlights have never included King of the Ring. Oh how I wish things were different but alas they are not. Oh sadly, it is what it is and what it is. Well it’s a jester reaching for a crown he’d never be able to hold up. Edge. You better understand that I’m not garbage you can toss aside. That I’m not someone to take lightly as you have your competition in this illustrious tournament so far. I’m not a threat that can be dissolved with witty banter, shallow jokes and cutesy smirks. Those tactics simply don’t work on me. You can’t joke your way out of a meeting with the Drama King.

Aiden put his hand on the orb and smiled slightly. He opened his eyes and stared into the camera.

Aiden English: That’s an interesting name you have, Edge. I bet many people have wondered where it came from. I’m certain fans have spent a lifetime debating what it’s a reference to. Oh but it’s self-referential isn’t it? Yes, it’s where you always are isn’t it? You’re right there on the Edge of greatness. Just on the Edge of being something huge. On the Edge….

Aiden paused and winked at the camera.

Aiden English: Of winning the King of the Ring. It’s always been just slightly out of reach for you hasn’t it? You’ve developed a tendency to choke on your own ambition. To flounder at the last moment. You’re a final four failure. Huh? Funny guy, isn’t it funny how this is where you break? What will you do different this time? Maybe… Yes. Maybe my preparation to face the Rated R Superstar has all been in vain. Odds are that’s the case. Odds are you’ve already lost…

Aiden hung his head in silence for several moments.

Aiden English: It’s okay I suppose to have wasted my efforts on you. I’m sure a day will come when the preparation pays dividends kind of like how maybe one day your association with Randy will do the same. For now let’s maintain the optimism that you actually surpass Lashley. That you break into the finals. That you leave your mark on this tournament by being the last pretender standing.

He looked up again.

Aiden English: Are you prepared for that fight? After going all out against Lashley will you have anything left in the tank to give me? Will you put up the fight of your life or just slink back into obscurity for another year? Edge, I want that fight. I want to be pushed past my limits. And, I hope.. No, I pray that you take me to that place because I think it’s something you need to see. Something that will drive you to understand what lies beyond the Edge of greatness. Drives you to see what real honest terrible greatness looks like. I want to be the one that opens your eyes to the darkness that lies beyond the limits. Let me consume what little light you still have Superstar and become your guiding darkness.

Aiden tossed his head back and took a deep breath. Just like the red orb, the blue one at his knee started to fade.

Aiden English: Let me have your spotlight.

Aiden took another deep breath and the light again dimmed until the screen was completely black. His breath lingered in the silence followed by a sigh of contentment.

Aiden English: I guess now we have no choice but to turn our focus to the dark horse of the final four. It seems Lashley has risen to prominence in recent weeks. It would seem his star is just beginning to rocket into outer space. Like magic, he has exceeded what everyone thought he was capable of. It’s exhilarating, isn't it? It’s intoxicating to be here isn’t it Bobby? Don’t think that I don’t know all the feelings you’re feeling. It’s a perfect storm that builds a confidence you’ve probably never felt in your career. It’s like everything is in the palm of your hand now. But…

The screen lit up as a light shone from above on a standing Aiden with his hands spread wide.

Aiden English: All eyes are on you now. You’ve got more attention now than you’ve ever experienced before. Confidence turns to overconfidence. Overconfidence turns into defeat rather rapidly. Sure, you’re listening to me right now and thinking. It can’t be. I’m not overconfident, I’m just that good. I know, I’ve been there. I’ve been the rookie in the final four. I’ve been the overconfident nobody hoping to make a name for himself by grasping that crown. I’ve been the pretentious pretender that you are. And make no mistake Lashley, you are but a pretender to my reign as King of the Ring. The best you can hope for is making it in the ring against me this weekend. Beating Edge would be the highlight of your career because it would mean getting to loose to me. And, although you may lack the experience in King of the Ring that everyone else seems to have, you are adept at losing to me.

Aiden held out his right hand in a fist lifted above his head. With his left hand he snapped and suddenly the Gateway Title appeared dangling from his closed right hand.

Aiden English: Does it look familiar? Yes, you’ve been this close before. You’ve been to the place where Aiden English is the only thing keeping you from claiming what you so desperately want. Where I am the only one standing between Bobby Lashley and relevance. You’re not Edge or PJ Black lingering on the fringes of greatness. You’re simply striving to matter. You’re lingering in the shadows of Bob Holly and Lio Rush. Let me offer you my sage advice. Abandon the dead weight. Abandon the squeaky toy posing as your advocate. Support yourself. Speak for yourself. Stand up for yourself. And, one day the world may finally care about Bobby Lashley. First you have a lesson to learn that Holly and Rush already know. When you talk shit about Aiden English, you better be prepared to back it up. You need to realize that the best of your best just ain’t good enough. Realize that though you are the dark horse of this race, I am the DARKNESS. I am the end of the line for you just the same as I was for little Lio. Realize that the Almighty King shall bow before the might of the Drama King of the Ring.

Aiden snapped again and the Gateway Title vanished. He put his hands down at his side and tilted his head.

Aiden English: I’m going to say something slightly out of character. I wanted to say that so that you could smack Lio and get him to focus. I’m going to agree with him on one thing and probably only this one time. Chavo isn’t a winner. He isn’t Eddie. He isn’t representative of the greatness inherent in the Guerrero name. He turned his back on his family for the last time. He set himself as my wife’s enemy and by extension mine. Chavo isn’t willing to do what it takes to win. He’s not willing to follow in the footsteps of his legendary father, my legendary father-in-law. He’s not Gory. He’s not Mando. He’s not his father. In fact, Chavo Jr. isn’t even Hector. Right now he couldn’t Gobbledy Gook his way to greatness if he tried.

Aiden laughed at his own reference.

Aiden English: It’s sad that beating Chavo Guerrero Junior doesn’t make you dominant. It’s obvious that beating Heath Slater doesn’t make you dominant. Just like beating PAC doesn’t make you any more dominant than beating Lio Rush made me. You want dominance? Come and find me in the finals and I will show you dominance. I will show you by dominating you. I will show you my wicked greatness and I will do it for free. For free because.. you don’t.. have any... light for me… to absorb. You………. I’m at a loss for words. It’s truly awe inspiring just how unimportant you are in the grand scheme of things.

Aiden looked up at the light hanging above him, just out of shot. He snapped again and the sound of glass shattering followed a sudden darkness on screen. Aiden laughed in the darkness.

Aiden English: All three of you have a dream of becoming King of the Ring. Will you fight for it? Will you go to war? Will you die for that dream? I am coming Sunday to leave my mark on this tournament. To leave my mark on the lives of the two men I have to consume to propel myself to victory. To leave my mark on the entire night! I am coming for my crown. To make the entire EBWF Universe BOW DOWN!

There was a long silence as the video continued in darkness. In the very last moment a flash of Aiden, still wearing the crown flashed up on screen. His face wore the devilish grin the old Aiden had become known for.

Shaul Guerrero
*EBWF Women's Champion (x2)*
*2019 & 2021 Women's Royal Rumble Winner*
Aiden English
*EBWF World Champion (x3), Gateway Champion, Breakout Champion (x2)*
*2019 King of the Ring and Royal Rumble Winner*
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Re: Bow Down

Post by Ashlee »

Well, God damn, Billy. lol

That's one hell of a promo.

//goes to bed early
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