The shot opened on Aiden English sitting in a dark room with his eyes closed. He was well lit but everything around him was cast in shadows. There was fog creeping into the bottom of the frame. Aiden had the silver version of the EBWF World Title laying over his shoulder. He was dressed in all black. A black denim jacket with cut off sleeves, black wrist tape and a black mask similar in shape to a phantom of the opera mask. The light flickered momentarily and Aiden’s eyes shot open. He pulled the mask off his face and smiled.
Aiden English: Fate is a fickle friend and fiendish foe. She can pull you to new heights or drag you down to unspeakable lows. Fate. She’s been both friend and foe since I joined EBWF. She’s laid me low at the feet of Miz and she’s brought me to three different title reigns! She’s seen me shamed at one King of the Ring to dominate the next. Fate has put me number one in the Rumble and pulled me through the match as the winner. Fate. This is fate. A fateful encounter with the first man to beat me in this company. An encounter with the one wrong I have yet to right in all my victories since.
Static crossed the screen and Aiden blinked between several different versions of himself. Each one was dressed differently. Each carried the same devilish smirk. It ended back with the current Aiden, the World Title hanging on his shoulder. He looked down at it.
Aiden English: Listen to me, talking about fate. Fate? How fitting is it that we’ve come to this? Christmas Eve of Destruction. Tommy End. Aiden English. The EBWF World Heavyweight Championship. The final match of the decade. An END of an era. Inside an electrified steel cage! Is the Universe prepared? Is Tommy End prepared? Hell, am I prepared? No. No. YES! Why? Because I’m always prepared. Because, no matter how much Tommy End hopes and prays that 2020 is the year of Legion this year, the current year, is the year of Aiden English and it isn’t over yet!
Aiden pulled the title off his shoulder and held it in front of him. There was no smile, no frown, nothing. He looked blankly at the belt.
Aiden English: How did we get here? How did I get here? Let’s walk back through it all. Last year at CEOD I found myself in a similarly deadly situation. TLC4 to defend my title against Andrade Almas. He hadn’t earned a shot at me, the company was simply carrying out an automatic rematch clause. Almas didn’t belong in the ring with me and he knew it. His team knew it. Almas’s manager decided to put herself in my match to try and help steal the title from me. But, like everyone who came before Almas suffered defeat. He was forced to watch from the flat of his back while I climbed the ladder, took hold of my title and held it proudly over my head. He met his fate head on. Next was the Royal Rumble! One and done. The first person to enter the ring and the last one to leave it! Rey Mysterio, Matt Sydal, Brock Lesnar, Heath Slater, Hardcore Holly, Edge. Eliminated by my hand. Men whose fates I cut short to claim my Wrestlemania moment! But it wasn’t meant to be. Flash forward to King of the Ring. Rey Mysterio, Drew McIntyre, Lio Rush, PJ Black, Edge. Again I ended the hopes and dreams of these men. Fates cut short by my hand. My time had come. The new and improved Aiden English ascended the throne and it wasn’t long before my reign as EBWF World Champion began. Miz. He bested me at Wrestlemania. My moment staled and the year of the Drama King seemed to come to a halt. But it hadn’t ended. The year wasn’t over and I beat him and AJ Styles to claim my prize. Then we had our rubber match and I put the nail in the coffin. I proved it wasn’t a fluke. I took his fate, held it in my hands and squeezed the life out of it. A fate Tommy End now shares. Why? How can I be so certain? No man in EBWF has ever beaten me to claim MY title. Not a single soul. Breakout Title, I relinquished my iron grip on it when I ascended to the Gateway Championship. The Gateway Championship I had no need to cash in because I proved myself to be the best on numerous occasions! I have held fate, I have conquered fate, I have ended fate.
Aiden pulled up a scroll of paper with names of wrestlers written on it. They were the names of everyone he had just mentioned and a few others. Notable Chavo Guerrero Jr. and CM Punk. Each name was written in calligraphy like sweeping font with black ink and then crossed through with a single red line.
Aiden English: See my list? Notice a name missing? Tommy End! Fate has kept us apart this year. At Royal Rumble and King of the Ring. While I was making a name for myself at this event and that his name was glaringly absent! To be fair to Tommy, he spent Royal Rumble weekend with his eyes set on the Miz and the EBWF World Championship. He headlined that event in a losing effort to the Miz. An effort that practically ejected him from the singles division. Then months of competing against Hardcore Holly and Bobby Lashley. Each one straining his luck as he clung so tightly to the only title that allows him the constant support of someone else. Nothing else of note.
Aiden snapped the list in his fingers and it went up in flames. A snap of the other hand produced a blank white card about the size of a playing card. He turned it over in his fingers.
Aiden English: The only thing that kept End relevant from then until now were his ties to Dante and Schreiber. Legion. Without Legion what is Tommy End? Nothing. Without Legion he isn’t a Tag Team Champion. Without Legion he never stood next to an EBWF World Champion. Without Legion he isn’t a contender at Royal Rumble or Christmas Eve of Destruction. It takes a dozen legs to prop up the talent of Tommy End to a level that approaches my level. You want proof that End is living the fate of someone else? Someone that didn’t need help to conquer a gauntlet?
Aiden flipped the card and revealed the name Edge written on it in the same black calligraphy.
Aiden English: Edge. Look back at that list I was making and you’ll see him. Final two at Royal Rumble? Edge and Aiden English. Final two in the King of the Ring? Edge and Aiden English. Edge went the distance in that Gauntlet. I was watching along with the Universe. He would have been the man standing in the ring facing me for the title. He SHOULD have been the man standing in the ring facing me for the title. He’s not. Why is that you ask? Why is Edge taking on Randy Orton in an attempt to get his third shot at beating me? And Tommy, so we’re clear, Edge is facing Orton for a chance at me. Because a chance, a chance is something you don’t have. You’re here because Legion lifted you up and pushed you into the spotlight. Legion carried you to the end because you couldn’t make it on your own. We’ve seen it. What Tommy End can accomplish when he stands on his own two feet. We saw it at the Royal Rumble. We saw in the finals of last year's King of the Ring. We saw it in the Gateway Championship tournament that ended at Fanniversary! The only thing Tommy can do on this stage is LOSE!
Aiden passed his hand in front of the card and Edge’s name was replaced with the word FAILURE in big red letters.
Aiden English: You should have saved yourself the trouble. Should have saved yourself the pain. Should have saved yourself the humiliation. Christmas Eve of Destruction. Aiden English walks in the EBWF World Heavyweight Champion. And, come hell or high water, he walks out the exact same way! Why? Because on his own Tommy End is the consummate failure. On his own Tommy End doesn’t deserve a shot at my title, at Orton’s title or Lio Rush’s title! On his own Tommy End is less than the sum of his parts. Alone he is nothing and that is why he is never alone. He is always with someone. Dante, Zahra, Hangman, Okada. He’s always with Legion! And, what about Legion? You want to talk about Legion? Are you going to have Legion? Before I answer that...
Aiden burst into insane laughter.
Aiden English: I’ve got someone I want you to meet!
The screen scrambled with static. Aiden English was replaced by himself with the Breakout Title slung over his shoulder. He was wearing his old ring gear. He smiled.
Aiden English: Tommy End. History. You and I have history. I was young and hopeful, the new kid on the scene. I made it to the semifinals of the King of the Ring before you kicked me in the head and changed my world. It was that kick that set me on the path to become the Breakout Champion. That kick that diverted me from a sudden rise to the World Title picture. That kick that secured Jimmy Havoc as the Champion. Jimmy Havoc. That kick was the reason I stood beside him in the ring at Fanniversary last year. That kick is the reason I thought Dante was the weak link. That kick is the reason he split me in half with a spear. He broke me. Shattered my misconceptions. His spear, your kick. They motivated me to make a change. To let someone else take control. When the Champion called for unity among the shattered. I was hesitant. I didn’t want to be forgotten. I clung to my vanity. I refused his offer. That kick, your kick motivated me again! When we learned that Legion was trying to crawl out of the depths of obscurity I sought him out. I agreed to join him in the present. UNITY! History. You and I have history and I’m abandoning that history to make sure once and for all that you are history.
The screen was once again engulfed in static. The current Aiden English was back still laughing hysterically. His eyes narrowed in on the camera. A wicked grin spread across his face.
Aiden English: LEGION! All of your pals. Everyone who has carried you this far. They’ll be outside the cage. They’ll be forced to watch from the sidelines. Legion locked out. Meanwhile you’ll be in the ring with Aiden English. All of us. The last remaining holdouts are folding by the minute. Come Christmas Eve of Destruction there will be unity. There will be unlimited power. I will be UNSTOPPABLE. You will be… shit out of luck!
Aiden resumed his cackling laughter. The shot slowly faded to black and the screen lowered toward the ground. Suddenly the laughter stopped and Aiden grabbed the camera with both hands. He jerked it up to eye level and the full color spectrum snapped back into focus.
Aiden English: Did you think I was done? Get used to that feeling Tommy. At CEOD, every time you think I’m done. Every time you pray I’m done. Every time you hope for the end of the match. I’m going to pull the rug out from under you. I’m going to surprise you with how far I’m willing to take things to end this year on the high note it deserves. You would think retention is enough. You would think that I would rest on my Champion’s advantage. And maybe a month ago I would have. Maybe I would have been happy for the easy last match of the decade. Then you started talking to a camera in your mom’s basement. Then you stirred up the demons festering in the pit of my stomach. You reminded me of the past. You drug the hatred from deep within my bowels. Now it doesn’t stop with retaining my title. Now it doesn’t end when you can’t keep going! Now it only ends with the end of End. Now it only ends when I’m through proving once and for all that Legion continually puts its faith in all the wrong people!
Aiden laughed at the camera mockingly just as if Tommy End were staring back at him. He bent down and grabbed something, slowly pulling it into frame. It was a knee brace. He tossed it aside. He pulled up a staple gun and tossed it aside. He pulled up the gold version of the EBWF World Title and again tossed it aside.
Aiden English: Mementos of the past failure. The time when Legion was the premier faction in EBWF. Shades of 2018. Memories from your little groups moment in the spotlight. It was a good month. Right? You had it all. EBWF Women’s Champion, EBWF Tag Team Champions, EBWF World Champion. But he couldn’t stand the pressure. He couldn’t hold the weight of the company on his shoulders. The Universe crushed the life out of him and then Miz put him out of his misery. You know why Havoc washed out? Because you put faith in him. You decided who was of the darkness and who wasn’t and you chose poorly. You’re still doing it. You think you’re going to show me true darkness? What have you ever known of darkness? All your darkest moments, your fued with Havoc. Those moments were STAGED! All the darkness you’ve shown the EBWF Universe has been FAKE! Darkness! Don’t make me laugh. You wouldn’t know darkness if it crawled up and nibbled on your ear. To be perfectly honest, it wouldn’t surprise me if you keep Dante around to take out the trash at home because it’s too scawy. Emptiness. That’s an interesting choice of words because, as you can see, I’ve never been more full of myself!
Aiden started laughing again. The screen flickered with static and again the different versions of him flashed on screen in rapid succession. They were all laughing.
Aiden English: You talk about my corner. I’ve emptied my corner. Punk, Chavo, Elias. I separated myself from them because I don’t need them! I made myself a one man show and Natalya helped. She took my wife from me Tommy! She did, not you or Zahra. Then Wes kept me on the road, kept me working non-stop. He kept me away from my wife! You think you can do worse? Not likely! You have nothing! Your idle threats mean nothing! They’re worthless! Fake, just like the darkness you lay claim to! Loneliness! That’s something you’re going to learn all about when that steel cage descends on the ring! You’re going to know how it feels to be all alone. I’m used to it now. I’ve broken that feeling in. I don’t need anyone else Tommy. But you, you need someone else.
Aiden twitched, his head jutting to the side abruptly. The video cut away to Raquel Diaz winning the EBWF Women’s Championship at Royal Rumble by drop kicking Zahra off the ring apron. Static heralded the return to Aiden smiling.
Aiden English: You want to talk about my wife’s title reign? It has no bearing on my own but I’m willing to open the table to discussion. Raquel had her debut match at the Royal Rumble. Her in ring debut in EBWF and she claimed the Women’s Title from Legion’s grasp. Did you know that she never wanted to join the roster as a full time competitor? How did she end up in the Women’s Royal Rumble? Well it just so happened that they were one woman short of a show and Natalya, she seems to play a role in fate around here, asked her to throw her name in the hat. She drew 1. More honesty here, we didn’t expect the night to go as well for the two of us as it did. It would be a good showing, she’d get to see the competition in action and then maybe she’d work her way up the ladder and have a championship match down the line. Then she won. Her first EBWF match and now she’s the Women’s Champion! She took one look at the competition and realized there was none. She lost interest. You want to know how she prepared for her rematch against you pal Zahra? She didn’t. Didn’t care, didn’t train, didn’t put any effort into it. Raquel Diaz likes a challenge and EBWF couldn’t provide one. LEGION COULDN’T PROVIDE ONE. Funny thing is, it has come full circle Tommy. Legion still can’t provide a real challenger to a singles title against a competent competitor.
Aiden tilted his head to the side and shrugged his shoulders.
Aiden English: Sadly for you, I haven’t lost interest in my title. I didn’t come here for a competent competitor. I came here to prove something you desperately seek to prove. I proved it. Aiden English is the most dominant force in the EBWF. More dominant than Miz. More dominant than Edge. More dominant than Jimmy Havoc. More dominant than LEGION.
Aiden shrugged again.
Aiden English: The truth hurts, fate is a bitter pill. Aiden English versus Tommy End only has one possible outcome. I beat you. I retain my title. Legion slinks off into obscurity to face Miz and Jericho or Elias and Chavo. The dice has been cast, the number rolled. Fate has spoken. Your fate is loss. My fate is dashing the hopes and dreams of yet another EBWF Superstar!
There was a spot of static. Aiden English was sitting with an infomercial product in either hand. He was wearing a button-up shirt.
Aiden English: BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE!
More static. The scene changed. Aiden was now sitting amongst dangling wires, swaying back and forth. When they connected with one another sparks popped from the wires.
Aiden English: We haven’t talked much about the electrified steel structure. Death incarnate. A structure so twisted that it can only be from the mind of Wes Ikeda. Intended to bring pain to two people that Wes hates with every fiber of his being. Intended to injure both victor and victim. Intended to end a certain End’s career. It’s going to be fun! Well fun for me! Not for you. There is no fun to be had inside the electrified cage. For you, it’s bound to be a shocking experience! Shocking when you realize that I’m the better man. When you realize I’m the better wrestler. When you realize that I’m the champion for a DAMN reason! Shocking for Legion when they realize they’ve once again placed their faith in the wrong wrestler. When they realize that all the efforts to get you here amount to nothing in the face of my overwhelming superiority. When they realize that they’ll have to try again next year! Shocking for the entire EBWF Universe when they see the Voice of Legion muted. When they witness him brought low, decimated, humiliated and defeated. When all the remotes in the Universe won’t be able to turn the volume down low enough to muffle your cries and screams! When the nail is driven soundly into the coffin! Your shot expires and I walk out with my title! Shocking for Wes Ikeda when he realizes he has to ring in the New Year with Aiden English as the World Champion! When he realizes that his family has caused me more pain and suffering than anything Legion has to offer! When he comes to the realization that I’m just getting started! Shocking for the Ikeda clan when they realize that there is no escaping the darkness creeping in on the EBWF. There’s no escaping the REAL darkness! The DARKNESS that is not scripted. Not planned. Not faked! I will suffer no fools! And you Tommy End, if you think you have a shot at winning my title, ARE A FOOL!
Aiden snapped and his silver crown appeared on his head. After a second of static he was sitting draped in a black fur cloak.
Aiden English: The King has spoken!
The screen faded to black.
Shaul Guerrero
*EBWF Women's Champion (x2)*
*2019 & 2021 Women's Royal Rumble Winner*
Aiden English
*EBWF World Champion (x3), Gateway Champion, Breakout Champion (x2)*
*2019 King of the Ring and Royal Rumble Winner*
*EBWF Women's Champion (x2)*
*2019 & 2021 Women's Royal Rumble Winner*
Aiden English
*EBWF World Champion (x3), Gateway Champion, Breakout Champion (x2)*
*2019 King of the Ring and Royal Rumble Winner*