The scene opens up in an empty football stadium. All of a sudden the sound of an electric guitar being poorly played is heard in the background. The person behind this clearly has no idea what they're doing on this particular instrument and is simply slamming on the strings like a 5 year old would. This level of play is fully explained when Rob Gronkowski enters the frame. He is on the fifty yard line in a New England Patriots sweatshirt with the sleeves ripped off. It wasn't made that way but it's Gronk- and obviously the most douchebag thing to do to a sweatshirt is to rip it's sleeves off.. so that's precisely what he did. Gronk continues to slam away on the guitar. He has a headset microphone on and he yells out.
Gronk: Boats and Hoes!
After he delivers this plagerized joke from 'Step Brothers' he laughs as if he came up with it himself, god I hate him, we should all hate him. He makes his way now from the stadium field up the ramp and into the crowd. He is high fiving imaginary people as he climbs higher and higher. He continues to wail on the guitar making horrible sounds throughout this entire waste of everyone's time.
Gronk: I wanna rock and roll all night- and PARTY everyday.. with chicks... in bikini's... and NAKED!
Gronk makes a devil horns sign with his right hand. He is truly the world's biggest idiot. He climbs higher and higher in the bleachers continuing to play. He is now near the top of the arena. A look crosses his face that he's going to do something cool, this of course won't be cool- because it's Gronk- and nothing he does is cool ever, because he's a big stupid, stupid, idiot, moron.
Gronk: Stage Dive! Catch Me Guys!
No way he is that stupid right? Wrong. Gronk throws his guitar off his shoulder and it crashes and breaks on the hard unforgiving metal below. Not picking up that this is exactly what will happen to him, due to his lack of any brain cells whatsoever, Gronk follows his guitar's lead. He climbs on the balcony and jumps over it. He free falls countless stories and plummets to his death. Once again his body parts scatter everywhere. His arms roll towards to the visitors sideline while his head flies off and makes a chair in section 8 a lot dumber than it was a second ago, simply by inhabiting it. After several beats Ron Simmons enters the scene. He looks up at where Gronk jumped from and then down at his mangled deceased carcass. He has a disturbed and bothered look on his face, "how could anyone be so stupid?" is a question his face would ask if it could talk. He looks over at Gronk's head in section 8, somehow his decapitated head still has a goofy and annoying smile on it. An angry look crosses Simmons' face now and he lets out a sharp and aggressive..
Ron Simmons: DAMN!
The scene fades to black.
Gronk Concert.
Gronk Concert.
EBWF World Champion (x7- Current) EBWF Intercontinental Champion (x3) EBWF Tag Team Champion (x2) EBWF PTG Champion (x2 ) EBWF Gateway Champion (1x)
EBWF World Champion (x7- Current) EBWF Intercontinental Champion (x3) EBWF Tag Team Champion (x2) EBWF PTG Champion (x2 ) EBWF Gateway Champion (1x)