The scene open backstage with self proclaimed Bastard PAC and he says I am issuing a Damm open challenge. to anybody on roster to come fight the best High flyer in the Damm world. At EBWF warzone and I will also give you a quick start as well for free. And that good for y'all very much because you get free hits but than I will Destory you Quick and fast and make you bleed. From everywhere in you're little ass body. And make you bow down to king of ebwf. And prove you not on my Damm Leavel like the rest of Them Here at This Hell Hole Called EBWF. I'm not just a king but a Damm handsome one at that so that a Damm plus so what do y'all say mate yes or no challenge Becouse I'm ready to whoop some ass any day of week I don't got nothing to Doo at all. But sit home and chill out like a king. The reason I want a challenge is because I'm board and nothing to do so who wants a fight agenist the best in the Damm world. No one can hold a candle to what I've done In the ring at all. I'm not Scared of no man or no monster. Because nothing can touch me at all. And y'all know y'all can't. I don't care if you take it or not. But I want a answer from y'all. At warzone or I get violent real quick and fast. And get pissed off. At you for being a pussy and not taking this match. From me at warzone.