The camera fades into a small corridor with dimly lit lights. Incandescent light bulbs with half of them knocked out, leaving large unlit spots on the walls and down to the floor. There are few doors that are lined up on each side of the small hallway. We see three doors on the left side, two of them way down on the other end of the hallway. On the right side of the corridor, we see two doors, one closest to the camera and the other almost on the opposite end. Suddenly a man starts to walk his way from under the camera, and we see that it is Raven. He leans into the wall, then falls to his knees on the linoleum floor. He begins to speak slowly
Raven: Life is funny, as much as you rage and defy the idea of fate, the thought that a divine force is guiding and predicting your every choice, everything always seems to come together in the end. And for all your raging, for all your defiance, for all your impudent rebellion, you are what you were destined to become. I know my destiny....It's not the end that interests me, it's the head on screaming bull ride I crash there with, waving my fists with all the rage, rebellion, and defiance I can fully muster. Now you're asking yourself, what is Raven's destiny? Do you boys and girls really want to know? Could you bear the burden of knowledge? Knowing what this life holds for you no matter where you go, no matter what you accomplish, that horrible fate is waiting for you one way or another.
Raven starts to slowly crawl into one of the dark spots caused by the terribly bad lighting. He sits there for awhile and then starts to laugh a very menacing, and crazed laugh. His voice getting high pitched and almost cracking. Suddenly and without notice, all of the lights go out. Then the laughter that was coming out of Raven starts to get louder and echoes faster. Only the chaotic laughter of Raven is heard, then suddenly something happens. The glow from Raven's eyes are spread and the pupils are seen, so it looks like his eyes are floating. They look directly at the camera, then he blinks, and a split second later he is about four feet closer to the camera and his eyes are beaming at the camera. You can hear his heavy breathing, and his panting from his spot in the empty hallway. He continues his speech to the EBWF faithful
Raven: There is a reason we are born without the ability to know what is to become of us. We live to produce, to prosper, and experience every agonizingly beautiful moment life offers us for the first time, over and over again. You take that away and we are little more than autonomous machines breeding an ideal.
Raven stares directly at the camera, and then starts to move towards it. He grabs it and pulls it directly from the wall. He starts to scream into the camera, and then puts his head hard against the lens. He then smiles at the lens and starts to shake his head violently around. Then he stops and continues to look into the camera. He spontaneously looks to his left, then snaps his head to his right, as if looking around. Then he turns to look at the camera.
Raven: Now you're asking yourself, how do I go on? How do I carry the burden I assume you could not? Because everything ends as it should, there are no loop holes, no exit signs, and no way off this one way train to oblivion. I know my destiny and I do not fear it, because my destiny is nothing so trivial as becoming a world champion or winning a tournament. These are benign accomplishments, the means can only be worth the end, because the means are the end.
Staring at the camera he addresses the audience one more time
Raven: I showed up here in the EBWF with a sordid reputation of past gains and failures, nobody is sure if I'm worth their time, if I'm worth the words wasted. I don't intend to get behind a mic and start issuing challenges because I'm arrogant enough to think I deserve them. I also don't intend to sit here listening to some jacked up ring monkey tell me where he's been and what he's done like somebody in this business should give a damn. We're all faces in the crowd, you want to be noticed then telling people so isn't the way to get it done. Actions speak louder than the most thunderous battle cry and it doesn't matter if you've been in the game a month or a decade it only takes a single moment to climb that pinnacle, and only a moment to lose your balance. For some of us just getting to that peak, that adrenaline charged high that puts you head and shoulders above all of mankind, for some that's everything, it's their life, their ambition. Some of us have had it, lost it, and come to the realization that a momentary buzz is pale in comparison to a legacy of high points, to them it's all about making a name and leaving a mark. The rest of us see through the veil of unfulfilled dreams and broken promises to the dirty industry underneath, and in our morbid state we rejoice because we are home, we are apathy cloaked in flesh and given will, we seek the only thing left for us to find.
The lights come back on to their dimly lit level that they were at. Raven takes the camera and throws it against the left wall. The camera starts to fizz and we see Raven walking away in his wrestling attire. The cut-off jeans, an imitation leather jacket, and some flannel around the waist; the typical grunge look. Then the camera blanks for a half second and returns to showing us Raven sitting in the corner.
Raven: The breaking point. The point beyond all physical measures, a place only visited once. It is the end, the final stop in a line of train wrecks, the last stand where a warrior is given his earned coupe de grace in proper fashion, upon the field where he has dedicated his life. My destiny is not to push one man or another to this point, this I've done and with regret immortalized those names upon my soul. My fate is to build a pinnacle worthy of being broken by one greater, and to in turn immortalize my own career upon his deeds by making that victory all the grander for my defeat. Championships, titles, records, these only matter to those who wish to be better.
Raven walks out of the dimly lit hallway we hear his laughter and joking tone
Raven: Christian you are asking yourself one question, Can I be the one to break Raven?, Of course you can, it's really quite simple, all you have to do is try. My job is to make sure you're not the one to break me....Quote The Raven Nevermore!
Raven walks out through one of the doors and the camera starts fizz out faster and faster, then it just goes pitch black.