Hollywood Becky 003

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Becky Lynch
Posts: 173
Joined: Tue Jan 07, 2020 2:06 pm

Hollywood Becky 003

Post by Becky Lynch »

One the previous edition of Monday Night Warfare, the Cerebral Lassassin better known as Becky Lynch took on the Captain of Team Kick also known as Dakota Kai. With everything that Dakota had said about kicking the face of Becky off of her head, with all of the posturing that Dakota engaged in, it was all for naught.

The reason that all of the posturing from Dakota was all for naught was due to the fact that Becky Lynch had her well scouted. There is a reason why she is called the Cerebral Lassassin. Becky has seen it all. There is nothing that can pull the wool over her eyes. With more experience on her side, Becky Lynch was able to dictate the pace of the match and it ultimately paid off for her.

Once she locked Dakota Kai in the Dis-Arm-Her, the Captain of Team Kick had nowhere to go. It was a tap or snap situation. Knowing the history of Becky, the Cerebral Lassassin would have had no problem with snapping the arm of Dakota if she refused to tap. Fortunately for her, Dakota realized that the pain was too much for her to bear and much like everyone else that was locked into the Dis-Arm-Her, the Captain of Team Kick tapped out.

Becky Lynch gained another victory, but now a more daunting task lies ahead. The Cerebral Lassassin finds herself booked in a match with Tam Nakano. The two women crossed paths before and, because she got lucky, Tam Nakano got the victory. Outside of winning the Women’s Championship, nothing else would make Becky happier than to destroy one of the very few people that got lucky against her, much less the current Women’s Champion.

With the second match between Becky Lynch and Tam Nakano booked for the next episode of Monday Night Warfare, one has to wonder who will come out on top. Will Tam Nakano manage to get lucky again or will her luck run out when The Man Comes Around?


The scene being filmed today will wrap up the Vice Kings story arc of the Saints Row film. Becky Lynch, Johnny Gat, and Benjamin King (played by Terry Crews) had just managed to scare the living daylights out of Stefan, the European fashion consultant to the former prostitute known as Tanya who had taken control of the Vice Kings from Benjamin King, forcing him to give them the code to the elevator that will take them to King’s former penthouse.

After entering the code for elevator, the trio of Becky Lynch, Johnny Gat (wearing a brace on his left leg from a shotgun blast), and Benjamin King step into the lift. Becky is holding a pistol, Gat is holding an AK-47, and King is holding a shotgun. After they step onto the elevator, Gat says, “Where now?”

“The Penthouse.” King says before Gat pushes the button. After the doors close and the trio begin their ascent, Gat rests his rifle on his shoulder before turning to King to say, “I’m gonna skull-fuck that bitch!”

A few moments pass before Becky utters her first line of dialogue. “Hope ya don’t mind hepatitis.”

Upon hearing that, Gat immediately turns his head a raised eyebrow, looking at Becky in disbelief. “Wha-?” The elevator dings and King walks out with Becky behind while Gat still looks at her in confusion. After they step off of the elevator, the trio of Becky, Gat, and King make a break for King’s former office in order to confront Tanya, killing any gang members in their way.

Once the trio make it to King’s former office, Becky kicks the door open and they immediately run into the office to confront Tanya. Tanya, however, does not look worried. She is reclining in King’s chair with her feet propped up on his desk. “Some people just never get enough of me.”

The trio advance toward the desk. “I’ve had more than my share, bitch.” Gat says with anger in his voice.

“It’s over, girl. You’re not gonna be able to fuck your way out of this one.” King says matter-of-factly.

“That’s cute, sweetie. That’s just precious.” Tanya says as she stands up. While standing up, Tanya picked up an assault rifle and aims it at the trio. Before she can fire off a shot, the trio of Becky, Gat, and King all shoot at her with some bullets shooting out the glass window behind her. The knockback from the bullets cause Tayna to fall out of the window. With some strength left, she holds onto the ledge for dear life. “P-p-please don’t…”

King walks up to the window. “Oh, Tanya, do yourself a favor and die with some dignity.” With that said, King stomps on Tanya’s hand. This causes her to lose her grip and she falls from the window, screaming all the way down until her body smashes King’s car. Once her body crushes King’s car, the car alarm goes off.

Gat walks up, shaking his head. “That sucks for your car. We better get outta here. The cops will be here soon.”



With the scene completed, the Cerebral Lassassin decides to partake in some rest and relaxation before her upcoming match with Tam Nakano. In order to rest her body, Becky along with Winter end up going to a local sauna. In the sauna, the duo collectively known as Fire and Ice take a seat in the sauna.

After the two women take a seat, they both sigh contently. “Yeah… This definitely what I needed after a hard day’s work. It’s a good thing ya managed to get us a private sauna.”

“Well, what can I say? I did the owner a favor and he repaid in kind.” Winter says as she closes her eyes.

“So, what’s my next match? I’m facin’ Tam Nakano, right?’ Becky asks, wanting confirmation on her opponent for her next match.

“Precisely. You will be facing off against Tam Nakano on the next episode of Monday Night Warfare.” Winter says without opening her eyes.

“I remember her quite well. I faced her before. I had that match in my grasp. There wasn’t any stoppin’ me, yet she managed to get lucky and then she won the title from Trish Stratus in my place. If anyone deserved to beat Trish Stratus, it’s me, the biggest star in the entire world of wrestlin’.”

“You know something, Rebecca?” The Satanic Diva asks. “This could be good for you. When you beat Tam Nakano, they would have no choice but to put you in the title match at WrestleMania.”

“No, I won’t because when I win, she’ll be too chickenshite to say ‘Awright Becky, ya got yer match’. It’ll be just like when Trish Stratus cried like the bitch that she is last year when the idea of my bein’ added to the title match WrestleMania came up after I beat Shayna Baszler. What’s funny is that Shayna was all fer it, but it was Trish that cried. It’ll be deja-vu. I win and I get nothin’ outside of the satisfaction of beatin’ the champion. It’s like this company is afraid of the idea of Becky Lynch bein’ the Women’s Champion. They’re afraid because I have the ability to propel that title to heights that no other person in the division can bring it to.”

“Come to think of it, Rebecca, you’re right. When you beat Tam Nakano, chances are someone will cry about the idea of you being added to the title match.”

“I just don’t get it. I’m makin’ my way into Hollywood. I have a Saturn award fer the Manhunt movie and I’ll most likely win an award fer this Saint’s Row film. I’m the biggest star in the company. I have that crossover appeal that so many people wish they could have. I’m a once in a lifetime star. People like Trish Stratus, Tam Nakano, and Raquel Diaz are a dime a dozen. There’s only one jewel in this division and that’s me. I’m the crown jewel of this division yet no matter how hard I work, it never pays off in EBWF. They’re too busy handin’ out opportunities the undeservin’ piles of shite like Trish or Nakano or Raquel, and there’s nothin’ comin’ my way.”

“I find it becoming increasingly obvious that this company is truly uncaring about the top star.”

“It ain’t like I’m hurtin’ fer money. I made more with the Manhunt film than I did with EBWF and that’s even with all the merchandise sales and the endorsement deals. I makes millions in EBWF. I make millions more with one film. It makes me wonder why I’m still under contract.”

“Well, their reason for you still being under contract is because they know how big of a star you are, and they don’t want you becoming an even bigger star than you are without them. They wish to control you and it has become obvious to them that they cannot. So, they are putting the squeeze on you. They made you jump through all of those hoops last year and Nattie helped Trish retain the title. Then, they decided ‘Fuck that. One and done.’ Now, you need to say ‘No more’. The way for you to say it would be to beat Tam Nakano.”

“I still owe her fer gettin’ that fluke a few months ago. If she thinks that she’s gettin’ that lucky again, then she’s wrong. She’s dead wrong. This is goin’ to be the second take and there won’t be any bloopers like the first one. I plan on makin’ the most of it. I always repay my debts. I repaid the debt against Shayna last year and I’m repayin’ the debt against Tam Nakano on Warfare.”

“And if that little nuisance decides to interfere then she will have to deal with me.”

“Tam Nakano is goin’ to learn that one should quit while they are still ahead. She wants to step up to me? That’s fine, because she’s goin’ to fall before me. Luck won’t save her like it did last time, because I’ve learned from the last time. I’m not leavin’ anything to chance. When that bell rings, I’m goin’ to turn that ring into a charnel house. I’m goin’ to beat her, batter her, bludgeon her, bloody her, and leave her as a pitiful husk. I’m goin’ to MAKE HER add me to the Women’s title match at WrestleMania. The pain that Tam Nakano will endure on Monday Night Warfare will only stop when she says that I’m part of the title match at WrestleMania.”
Daffney: 1975-2021
Becky Achievements: Queen of the Ring (2020, 2021), Women's Last Survivor (2024), EBWF Women's Champion (1-Time), Best Actress (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024), Most Violent Scene in a Film (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024), Best Villain in a Film (2021, 2022, 2024), Best Antihero in a Film (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024), Best Hero in a Film (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)
Allysin Kay Achievements: Queen of the Ring (2022)