
This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.
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Post by A.J »

Backstage at warfare we see Renee Young in front of a door that read Coalition,Renee knocked on the door.

Christian Cage: Come in.

Renee walked in where we see all the members of The Coalition with the trainer who was finishing bandaging the mid-section of Alexa Bliss.

Renee Young:Alexa tonight you go one on one with Winter who was chosen by Ronda Rousey to be your opponent,with your current condition and Wrestlemania only six days away aren't you worried?

Bliss smiled.

Alexa Bliss: Well considering the fact that my ribs were reinjured a couple weeks ago by Ronda and the fact that Winter is going around on Twitter talking about how she's gonna rip my heart out of my chest maybe I should be worried but I'm not.
I'm not worried because it's Winter when's the last time Winter has won a match,when's the last time Winter has done anything memorable.
Winter is nothing more than Becky Lynch's bitch she goes around saying " I'm the devil,I'm gonna rip your heart out,I will do anything for dearest Rebecca".

The rest of The Coalition laughed at the impersonation.

Alexa Bliss: Tonight I'm gonna defeat the devil and go to Wrestlemania to destroy Ronda Rousey and prove why i am The Goddess of ebwf and to ensure that tonight is a fair fight because I know Becky Lynch will try to jump me and Ronda Rousey will try to jump me so to ensure a fair fight I'm gonna bring my good friends to ringside.

Jeff Jarrett: Tonight will be a fair fight just like how it's gonna be a fair fight at Wrestlemania and you can take that to the bank.

Christian Cage: Winter can make all the threats she wants but everyone knows a goddess beats the devil any day of the week.

Renee Young:Well Alexa you have chosen Ronda Rousey's opponent for tonight so can you tell us who it is?

Alexa Bliss:All I will say is this person is a former champion.

Alexa smirked as the camera cut.

"If you don't pay attention to me,I'm going to make you pay attention to me. I've always been that way."
- Alexa Bliss

"Watch Me"
-Liv Morgan