There was commotion in the room as Jim Ross who had not been seen much on EBWF programming as of late, sat down in one of two chairs that inhabited a small but fancy looking room. Jim put the microphone on his shirt and looked at someone who was speaking to him behind the camera. The words were too low that they could not be picked up, but Jim's nodding indicated that he understood what was being said to him. A couple of random EBWF workers were in the background of the scene fixing up a couple of odds and ends. Finally the door behind the chairs opened and in walked Rey Mysterio Jr. He wore a blue and white 619 shirt and his masked matched the baby blue color on his t-shirt. He shook hands emphatically with Jim as he took the other seat. Rey looked behind the camera as well, and nodded very quickly a couple of times. The camera zoomed in to indicate that the promo was now live.
Jim Ross: Good Evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the inaugural edition of EBWF.NET's "Inside and Out" which is a new show exclusive to EBWF.NET in which we talk to EBWF Superstars about their experiences in the company both inside and outside of the ring. Today's guest on the first ever episode of the show, is a man who has a rich history in the business of professional wrestling. He is one of the most famous luchador performers to ever grace a wrestling ring, one of the more recognizable faces in our industry.. but I'm sure admittingly has not been a huge success since joining the EBWF back in 2018- ladies and gentlemen please welcome Rey Mysterio Jr.
Rey looked troubled- as he half heartedly nodded.
Rey Mysterio Jr. : Thank you JR, I appreciate you giving me the chance to be the first guest on this show. I certainly have a lot on my mind that I want to get off my chest.
Jim Ross: So Rey, let's just get right into it. In the 90's and into the early 2000's, you were perhaps one of the most dynamic and entertaining wrestlers in the entire business. You broke down barriers for men who competed at your stature, and inspired 100's of "cruiserweights" if you will to take this business by storm. Now even in this very company we have had many World Champions who would not fit that quote un quote big guy look. What are your thoughts on the fact that though this is unequivocally true.. your current run in the EBWF has been looked at and viewed by many.. with all do a comedy act.. or even a joke at times.
Rey Mysterio Jr. : You know JR, I understand that you have to ask the tough questions, and you are a straight shooter. I've always liked that about you. However, what you said IS true.. I am one of the most influential wrestlers in the history of this business. Without me, there are so many guys that may never have existed.. that may never have gotten the notoriety that they've received. This show is called inside and out.. so I'm just going to be honest with you. My experience in the EBWF has been a nightmare to this point. One word promos where I basically parody myself. Losing matches to guys I've never even heard of. It's like this company signed me to run my name through the mud, and to say it's confusing would be a huge understatement. JR, I have come close to leaving this company more than once since I've been back.. my role here HAS been a joke.. and I'm not laughing. I'm not laughing Jim, because I am a proud man. I am a talented man.. and I'M BETTER than the way I've been used and treated since signing with the EBWF. Rey Mysterio Jr. Is not a cartoon character.. I'm not a parody.. I'm not a joke.. I am a MAN. I am a MAN.. that is absolutely fed up with how things are going.. a man SICK of doing the same old thing and being portrayed as a washed up hack.. when nothing.. NOTHING.. could be further from the truth. You said it yourself.. I've inspired countless superstars.. I was the trailblazer.. and it's only FITTING that one of those such guys.. is the man that I will DEFEAT.. as I begin a new phase in my current EBWF life. AJ Styles, is a high flyer, a man who's received countless chances and blown most of them.. but most importantly he is a man who's "STYLE" for lack of a better word is a complete knock off of my own.
Jim looked confused.
Jim Ross: How do you mean?
Rey Mysterio Jr. : I mean for every move that he executes that gets an "OHHH.. or an AWW" from the crowd.. I've probably done a better version of it JR. So it begs the question why is AJ Styles a multi time former champion and I am floating around at LESS than mediocrity. AJ Styles has gotten to where he is.. by knocking off my stuff INSIDE the ring.. and being a complete whiny little BITCH outside of it.. until he is giving chances time after time after time.. that he so clearly does not deserve. The guy puts on all black.. and acts like a fake tough guy.. and he's celebrated.. he's rewarded. What do I get? I get a T-Shirt that matches my mask.. and get to go out and be the carnival side show.. for little kids to clap for, as I get beat by somebody who will be working at Walgreens in 4 months. Well you know what Jim? Forget it! No more.
Rey ducked his head down.. Jim looked completely unprepared for what was about to take place. Rey took his mask off and threw it on the ground.
Rey Mysterio Jr. : A lot of people in my culture and my heritage probably just threw up on themselves JR, but before they judge me.. before they want to crucify me, let me explain why I just revealed my face to the world once more. I am SICK of being labeled as the JOKE in the mask. The man who is NEVER appreciated for what he's done.. and WHAT HE CAN STILL DO. I am done singing for my supper JR.. I am going to START TAKING.. what I want.. and WHAT I DESERVE. AJ Styles, is the first victim of the new, maskless, Rey Mysterio Jr. AJ Styles is the first victim of the Rey Mysterio Jr.. that could care less if your kid enjoys our product.. or has a good time at our show. I don't care about anything from this point forward Jim, except being able to showcase WHO I REALLY AM.. being able to showcase.. what I REALLY CAN DO.. and who I really am.. JR.. is a man who's BETTER than the likes of AJ Styles... I have just been better than him at accepting whatever has been asked of me to this point. I have been better at playing ball.. because I have so much respect for this business. Expecting, sitting, waiting for an eventual opportunity to be the man in that ring that I know I am.. but did that ever come? Was it ever going to? No. I was told.. ok Rey.. go out there in a dark alley.. yell Boo-ya-Kah.. and then we're going to cut it so that we can make room for another AJ Styles graveyard promo.. where he digs up a dead body and like punches it or something. It's CRAP JR.. so yeah.. the mask.. the Rey Mysterio everyone once knew.. THAT PERSONA.. is the only thing that is truly dying here today. Go yell Boo-Ya-Kah in a 3 second promo in an alley.. nah.. I'm good.. I'm going to speak my mind.. tell you how I feel.. until they fire me.. because JR.. if AJ Styles is still here after all the crap he's pulled on and off screen.. THAT is obviously what gets people ahead around here.. so WHO I AM.. is a man that finally realized that.. WHAT I CAN DO.. JR.. is I can still wrestle circles around EVERY guy in the back that has spent the last two years laughing at me, and talking about me behind my back. AJ Styles is absolutely NO exception. He claims to be the best wrestler in the galaxy.. and to be the man. But JR.. the best wrestler in the galaxy for the last 30 plus years.. has been Rey Mysterio Jr. Nobody has made a bigger mark on this business.. and I refused to get shunned by it anymore.. especially for someone like AJ Styles to reap the benefits. So as King of the Ring gets underway, and I saw that I was matched up with AJ Styles.. I thought to myself.. perfect.. I can't think of a better person to face.
Jim Ross nodded as Rey paused. When it was clear Rey wasn't going to elaborate. Jim forced the issue.
Jim Ross: Why is AJ so perfect for this moment in time in your career, Rey?
Rey Mysterio Jr. : He's perfect because NOBODY.. especially not him.. thinks that I am capable of being victorious. Nobody thinks I'm capable of anything. I heard a rumor that as names were drawn for this tournament, that people snickered at the thought that nobody would put less effort in, maybe in the whole tournament, than AJ and myself would. Which is CRAP JR, I have so much effort here to give. So much still left in the tank.. I've just been sitting on my hands waiting for an opportunity to actually do that. AJ is a complacent douchebag, who will LOSE this match to me to start the King of the Ring tournament, and will likely be so mad.. that he'll disappear again for months, years on end.. only to return to.. I don't know to form a stable with The Miz to try and ride his coattails to relevance for the 985th time.. or maybe fire off a couple of angry tweets at Wes.. but as usual it won't be anything of substance. That's the difference JR.. I have been HUNGRY for my chance to shine.. and have been HELD DOWN.. while AJ has been giving countless opportunities to be successful, and he's taking his tights down WEEKLY and shitting all over them. So excuse the somewhat disgusting pun, but JR.. I'm going to be the one doing the shitting, in the first round of this tournament. I am going to SHIT on this notion that I am a joke.. SHIT on this idea that I can't beat someone like AJ Styles.. SHIT on this rumor that I am somehow LAZY.. when all I have been in all actuality is DISRESPECTED. JR.. I may literally take a SHIT in the ring too.. I really don't know.. but what I do know.. is that Rey Mysterio JR.. is moving on in this tournament.. and if AJ Styles doesn't like it.. well.. pardon the pun.. but I really.. REALLY.. don't give a shit.
Jim Ross looked stunned.. baffled even.. by where this interview had gone. He shuffled through a couple of papers. Rey sensed that he had thrown JR off his game entirerly.
Rey Mysterio Jr. : You know what JR? Don't hurt yourself. I'm done here.
Rey got up to leave. He stopped at the door and turned to the camera to deliver his last line which was SOAKED in sarcasm.
Rey Mysterio Jr. : Oh right....
Rey kicked over his chair which startled JR. Rey exited promptly slamming the door behind him. The camera zoomed into Rey's mask that had been left on the floor. Jim Ross shrugged to the people behind the camera and the scene faded to static.
Oh Right..
Oh Right..
EBWF World Champion (x7- Current) EBWF Intercontinental Champion (x3) EBWF Tag Team Champion (x2) EBWF PTG Champion (x2 ) EBWF Gateway Champion (1x)
EBWF World Champion (x7- Current) EBWF Intercontinental Champion (x3) EBWF Tag Team Champion (x2) EBWF PTG Champion (x2 ) EBWF Gateway Champion (1x)