Time Heals All Wounds

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Joined: Sun Apr 22, 2018 11:15 am

Time Heals All Wounds

Post by Billy »

Jungle Boy was sitting cross legged in a sterile white room with a tiled floor. He traced the lines of the tiles with his finger mindlessly passing the time. He had been sitting here for a number of hours that he could no longer track. When Paul left him here he said he would return quickly but Jungle Boy was losing confidence in his creator. He glanced around again, hoping to find something he had missed all the other times he looked over the room. He didn't. He was growing tired of the solid white paper lining the walls. He hated the stark white grout filling the spaces between the glossy tiles. He searched his feet, legs, and arms in search for a speck of dust to ruin the purity of this doorless prison. London's sterilization process had robbed him of even that small escape. He searched his memory for a fault, for something he did wrong. He couldn't find a moment that would have turned his friend into a captor. But, there had to be something because he was here.

Jungle Boy

His voice echoed rhythmically as it bounced off the walls. Without a feature in the room to absorb it the sound lingered. It made Jungle Boy even more aware of how alone he was. It reminded him that he was just as stuck in this place as the sounds he made. He may never escape.

Jungle Boy
Paul? Can you hear me?

No one could hear him. No one was watching. This wasn't one of Paul's tests. This wasn't an experiment. This was a mistake. Paul London had other things on his mind. Specifically he was concerned with the 2021 King of the Ring tournament. He didn't abandon Jungle Boy, he had simply forgotten about him. The hours turned into days. The days blended into weeks. At some point Jungle Boy lost his will to talk. He reverted into something more feral. Something that was more fitting of his title. He was disheveled but he had no need to eat because this was all fake. Wrestling wasn't real and you shouldn't think too much about it. Jungle boy had thrown himself at the walls. He had clawed at the paper and peeled it free only to reveal deeper layers of pure white. First it was the glue used to affix it to the wall. Below the glue was white paint. White paper that held the drywall together. White powder that made up the bulk of the wall. It all repeated on the other side until he had broke through. The whole wasn't an escape but an entrance for a white beam of light to flow into the room. He hated it. He hated Paul London. He hated time travel. He was furious. A wooshing sound echoed in the room. The sound wouldn't break any copyright laws but it wasn't different enough to not evoke the feeling of a blue box, a Doctor, and a little red headed girl. Let's be honest, that was the last good companion anyway. Jungle Boy recoiled into the corner and covered his face. His movements were that of an animal. In a tragic irony the sound escaped the room in the whole Jungle Boy had made. The one that offered him no respite. But, there was no box. There was no dashing Englishman or Englishwoman, as it might be, instead there was a seven foot tall dinosaur. It didn't matter, the green of his mask was enough to break through the monotony of the white. Jungle Boy peered at him over his hands. His lip snarled.

I have been sent to retrieve you. Paul busy. Said, he sorry forget Boy. But, Boy have match. Must eat Bad Luck Fale.

Jungle Boy walked forward without standing up. This only exaggerated the height difference between the two men. Luchasaurus held a hand down toward him. Jungle Boy sniffed at the dinosaur's hand and recoiled. He let out a growl.

I am late? You gone insane? You think you a dog? Jungle Boy is human primate. But, Luchasaurus happy call you dinosaur. You can be raptor. Small. Angry. Spitty.

Jungle Boy continued to growl but took ahold of Luchasaurus's hand. The wooshing sound returned to the room as the two men slowly faded out.
Shaul Guerrero
*EBWF Women's Champion (x2)*
*2019 & 2021 Women's Royal Rumble Winner*
Aiden English
*EBWF World Champion (x3), Gateway Champion, Breakout Champion (x2)*
*2019 King of the Ring and Royal Rumble Winner*