A Plea for Purging

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A Plea for Purging

Post by Jon »

Lana: The World is a cold dark place they say... I guess that statement holds some merit when you have people like Rosemary walking around in a meat suit pretending to be a demon.. I don't know what her issue is maybe she never grew up or she is having a plea for purging of all the demons that are actually haunting her who knows. But on Warfare none of that is going to matter when the Blonde Bombshells of EBWF arrive on the scene and stomp them into the grown

Mandy Rose: Let's not forget her partner who also looks like someone who escaped from San Diego Comic Con and is cosplaying as a Viking Warrior. Taya thinks she is intimidating going around in Viking garb. I promise one thing though I will not be a victim of the Red Wedding. Every Rose has her thorns and she is going to get pricked by this thorn.

Lana: Please No Dad Jokes, Mandy. I want us to be 100% focused when we go into this match. Things as you know haven't gone our way but that's going to chance when we send these two freak shows back to the circus.

Mandy Rose: Look Here, I hope you both hear these words and heed them don't think of us as some push overs you are going to get an easy win against.. It doesn't work that way Me and Lana are going to make you work your ass off to beat us and even then it's not going to be an easy feat to do. We been in the gym training hard and getting prepared for this moment. We are both looking to find ourselves and prove ourselves

Lana: And Prove ourselves we are. You two are a joke and the laugh is on you for even thinking you can compete with us at the level we are at. Rosemary you used to prance around going Delete or Decay. Well when we are done with you on Warfare your career is just going to decay. That you can bank on sistah.. See You Soon!!