Goddess vs Jailbird

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Goddess vs Jailbird

Post by A.J »

The video opens with an intro with the words Coalition Productions then it transitions to a scene
Where we see Alexa Bliss standing in front of a building.

Alexa Bliss:This Monday night I will go one on one with Becky Lynch,Now we all know that Becky has had quite the interesting journey in EBWF but lately it has gotten even more interesting.

Alexa smirked.

Alexa Bliss:As you can see i am standing in front of the Arizona department of corrections,The exact same place Becky ended up at after she destroyed Leva Bates' car. I am here today to talk to some of the people to get their opinions on Mrs.Lynch.
Are you ready Maven?

The camera nodded confirming Maven as the camera man and confirming that he was ready.

Alexa Bliss:Good.

Alexa walked toward the building and we cut to inside where we see Alexa standing in front of a cell talking to a prisoner.

Alexa Bliss:So I heard that you and Becky got into an altercation?

Prisoner:Yeah, she broke my nose.

Alexa winced.

Alexa Bliss:Sorry to hear that.

We then cut to another scene where we see Alexa standing with an officer.

Alexa Bliss:So how would you describe Becky?

Officer:Simple she's a nut no matter how many times we hit her with our nightsticks she wouldn't stop laughing.

Alexa chuckled.

Alexa Bliss:Yeah she's definitely crazy.

We then cut to outside the building again where Alexa is standing in front of the building.

Alexa Bliss:Becky today I've learned that your fellow jail birds and officers think the same thing that I have thought for a long time,You are fucking crazy but don't worry this Monday night I will beat some sense into you because that is just how generous I am.

"If you don't pay attention to me,I'm going to make you pay attention to me. I've always been that way."
- Alexa Bliss

"Watch Me"
-Liv Morgan