Dreams Are A Wish Your Heart Makes..

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Joined: Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:53 pm

Dreams Are A Wish Your Heart Makes..

Post by D.J »

The Miz had done it. At the 20th Anniversary of the EBWF, he had defeated the seemingly incomporable Randy Orton to become the EBWF Champion for a fifth time. The win did not lack in controversy however, as Paul Heyman's hired gun "The Fiend" played a major role in the weakening of the now former champion, before The Miz capitalized to earn the victory. Many wondered if Miz was simply just taking advantage of the situation or if he was truly "A Heyman Guy" now. Those questions were answered quickly when the lasting image of the biggest PPV in company history went off the air to a shot of The Miz and his knew advocate raising each others arms in triumph. Miz throughout the course of his career was never above doing WHATEVER it took to become the EBWF Champion, and this latest example was no different. The 15th of November on Warfare would be Miz' first TV appearance since recapturing the gold. His opponent would be a newcomer to EBWF Programming in Cameron Grimes.

The scene opened to the EBWF Logo- but quickly an animated knife came on the screen and sliced the logo in half, replacing it with a Red "MIZ" logo. We faded in to a runway of an airport. There was a huge private jet sitting in the center of the shot, and a long white limosine about 20 yards behind it. The camera panned closer to the limo, and after a few beats the door opened. Out first came Paul Heyman. He wore a black suit, and his bald head sported his signature small pony tail with the hair he had remaining. He had a sinister grin on his face as he reached his hand into the limo to escort an extravagantly dressed Mickie Mizanin out of the limo next. She wore a stunning red cock tail dress and had her hair done up. Paul kissed her hand as she stepped out of the limo, she had an arrogant almost evil look on her face. Several beats went by as Heyman and Mickie both peered into the limo. Heyman rubbed his hands together as one does when they are excited about something. After what seemed like a full minute. The Miz stepped out of the limo. He was in black dress pants, a white blazer, with a white dress shirt underneath and a black tie. His hair was slicked all around, and he had the EBWF World Championship over his shoulder. He wore no emotion on his face, as his dark black sunglasses covered up anyones ability to really pick up the expression he was wearing. He looked cold, unforgiving, and well downright egotistical as he barely acknowledged Paul or his wife. Paul clapped his hands like a crazed fan, as did Mickie, Miz had no reaction, no expression, he just stood there seemingly taking in their adoration. Heyman spoke first.

Paul Heyman: What a sight! What a sight indeed. For the first time on EBWF Programming in seemingly AGES- That belt.. that VERY belt that is over your shoulder.. ONCE AGAIN has some meaning.. it ONCE AGAIN.. has someone wearing it.. who TRULY deserves it. ONCE AGAIN.. The EBWF Championship.. is something that people can look at it's possesser and realize that they JUST AREN'T UP TO SNUFF. For too long, Randy Orton has tainted that title.. he has made a mockery of this company.. but as of Fanniversary when the Fiend had his FINGERS so DEEP DOWN THE THROAT of that PARASITE.. only to have it be followed up.. by a VICIOUS Skull Crushing Finale.. ORDER.. was restored.. GREATNESS.. has returned... HONOR and PRESTIGE.. have made it's way back to that belt.. LADIES and GENTLEMEN.. Boys and GIRLS... Ikeda's and ORTONS alike.. I present to you.. the NEWWWWWWWWWWWWW EBWF World Champion.. the CHAMPION of CHAMPIONS.. your FAVORITE WRESTLER'S FAVORITE WRESTLER.. The GREATEST of the GREAT.. CREAM OF THE CROP.. SUPEREST OF SUPERSTARS... I GIVE YOU.. THE MOTHER FUCKING... MIZ!

Mickie Mizanin: WOO!

Mickie clapped once more like when a girl requests shots at a bachelorette party.

The Miz stood in silence. He adjusted the title on his shoulder. When he finally spoke it was a voice that started off with little to no emotion, but built slowly as he went.

The Miz: You know Paul. Hearing what you just said. Feeling the passion behind your words. Understanding how much truth.. how much validity.. was soaked in all of those words.. I can't feel anything but relieved. I'm relieved.. because I love this company. I love the EBWF. The EBWF has made me who I am today. EVERYTHING.. that I have in this world.. is because of this company. So you can imagine the worry, the anxiety, the stress.. that it gave me to see it represented by a lack a daisacal- go with the flow- jackwagon.. who you barely can tell if he even cares to be here. To have this company represented by the PERSONIFICATION of a BLACK EYE to the business.. was something that was extremely difficult to stomach. So I did what someone does who loves something.. I PROTECTED it. I protected the EBWF.. I saved the EBWF from another minute.. hell.. another SECOND of the laughing stock it was becoming with Randy Orton as it's champion. I TOOK that title off his over priveleged, over rated, waist.. and I am NOT planning on relinquishing it.. ANYTIME soon.. because I CAN NOT- sit and watch anyone.. ANYONE.. but me.. hold this title.. it's not what's best for the EBWF.. because I AM WHAT IS BEST FOR THE EBWF. I have held this title.. five times.. FIVE.. times.. and each one of my reigns I was at a different point in my life.. my career. This time.. THIS time I am seeing things as clear as I ever have before. This time.. I have come to the realization.. that it's not even that I WANT to be the EBWF Champion.. though I of course do... it's that I NEED to be the EBWF Champion. I need to be the EBWF Champion.. because the EBWF Champion is the man in this business that is TRULY the best. So me not holding this belt.. is a lie.. it's not right.. it's fake.. its dishonest. I am the standard of this company.. I am the CONSTANT.. in this company.. I am the GREATEST wrestler.. in the HISTORY.. of this company.. and the disparity between my greatness and everyone else's mediocrity is SO staggering.. that this BELT.. is the only thing that makes ANYTHING make sense. When people look at me they see..the DEFINITION of ELITE.. when they look at me.. they see a wrestler a performer.. that seems as though GOD HIMSELF hand made to be the EBWF World Champion. So WHENEVER.. I am not the champion.. it gives the entire company a very weird and OFF feeling. Well fear not.. Mizfits and Miztakes.. because your hero.. your CHAMPION.. your GOD.. is back on the top of the mountain.. and I'm going to TAKE GREAT PLEASURE.. in squashing all of the little ants in this company.. that try and climb up to meet me on mount friggin olympus to make a name for themselves over these next several months.

Paul smiled menacingly as did Mickie. Miz put his arm around his wife and the trio walked towards the private jet. A flight of stairs dropped upon the arrival of The Mizanin's and Heyman. The three boarded the jet greeted by two extremely attractive flight attendants. Heyman oogled at both of them as he walked onto the jet. Miz barely looked at either of them, and Mickie smiled and waved to both as they were greeted. The camera followed the group into the jet and they all took their seats on the plush leather chairs that occupied by the jet. Heyman once again broke the silence.

Paul Heyman: Speaking of ants trying to climb on Olympus. Cameron Grimes is the man who Wes Ikeda.. in his INFINITE wisdom has decided is WORTHY to be your first opponent since becoming champion. A bearded, hairy chested, weird accent having.. absolute nobody, absolute scrub, is the first man.. that has been afforded the right to be pulverized by the GOAT, THROTTLED by the Champion of Champions. As many days are.. this is TRULY.. a HORRIBLE day to be Cameron Grimes.

Miz smirked.

The Miz: Cameron Grimes huh?....

The Miz for the first time smiled showing his teeth.

The Miz: Really?

Heyman and Mickie both laughed as the word left his lips. Miz quickly went back to serious.

The Miz: REALLY?! Cameron Grimes is the first man that is going to STEP UP to the PLATE against someone who he has in NO WAY- NO SHAPE- or NO FORM EVEN CLOSE to the bat speed to hang with. Cameron Grimes is being sacrificed- he's been made served up.. he's been delivered to me.. FOR MY OWN AMUSEMENT. Cameron Grimes is going to get in the ring.. he's going to be intense.. he's going to be fired up.. he's going to look at this match as the chance of the lifetime! I'm going to look at this match as the chance to put the rest of the company ON NOTICE.. NEWSFLASH.. if you haven't been watching.. I'm the guy again. ME! The guy it always should have been- THE GUY it FINALLY will FOREVER BE. Cameron Grimes is a vegetable walking into a blender. He's a piece of paper about to enter a shredder. Cameron Grimes is a man.. who is going to be in the MAIN EVENT of Warfare.. a man who's going to go ONE on ONE with the CZAR OF SPECTACULAR- a man who's going to have EVERY set of EYE BALLS in the WORLD looking at him.. for the first time in his pathetic life as a hideous looking human being with NO talent. One may hear all of that and think.. wow.. that guys really lucky. That guy made it.. I should be JEALOUS of that guy!..

The Miz paused.. Heyman furiously shook his head no. Mickie smiled sadistically as she watched her husband build momentum in this conversation.

The Miz: JEALOUSY.. is reserved for people who are in good positions. People who have talent. People who have desirable characteristics. Being jealous of Cameron Grimes.. is something NOBODY has ever been.. and even though all of those things I said before are facts.. NOT ONE PERSON should ENVY Cameron Grimes. Everyone.. in reality.. should be EXTREMELY HORRIFIED for this guy. Terrified.. that a man is going to walk into a wrestling match in one piece.. and after it's over.. MAY NOT BE ABLE TO WALK AT ALL. Cameron.. you have been in this business awhile. You've paid your dues.. you've sacrificed.. and now you're in the EBWF.. kudos.. welcome.. what you haven't done though.. Cam... can I call you Cam... of course I can.. I'm The Miz.. I'll call you whatever I want.. I could call you bobo the bitchboy.. if I wanted to.. because honestly what the fuck are you gonna do about it?

Heyman sneered.

Paul Heyman: Absolutely. FUCKING. NOTHING.

The Miz: So Bobo the Bitchboy.. what you haven't done.. what you will NEVER do again.. is get into the ring with someone like me. Why? I'm glad you asked Bobo.. the answer is simple.. you haven't faced me.. and THERE IS NOBODY ELSE ON PLANET EARTH.. that is LIKE ME in that RING! You see this?! You see this Bobo?!

The Miz slammed the EBWF Championship into the camera as it zoomed in on him.

The Miz: This is the EBWF CHAMPIONSHIP! The EBWF CHAMPIONSHIP.. it means that I have no EQUAL. It means that though I'm SO OFTEN IMITATED- I am NEVER..and WILL NEVER.. be DUPLICATED. It means that for every guy you may have beaten along your journey. For every victory you may have racked up in sweaty gymnasiums in front of 4 homeless guys who are literally pissing themselves while they slump in and out of consciousness.. I have been gaining victories too. TONS of them.. on the BIGGEST STAGE in the BIGGEST company on earth. I have been winning titles, headlining EVERY event, living the life.. that has only been a fantasy for freaks like you Bobo. I have been LIVING a life that WILL STAY, NOTHING BUT A FANTASY FOR YOU. On Warfare Grimes... you are going to get a taste of the big time. You are going to get a SLIVER of a sample size of what it's like to be big time. WHAT it's LIKE to MATTER. You are going to get the TINIEST experience of relevancy.. only to have it be beaten into your dumb friggin head.. why you DON'T DESERVE any of it. You are going to be taught a valuable..albeit PAINFUL lesson.. that WINNING.. is for WINNERS. MATTERING is for people that SHOULD MATTER.. RELEVANCY.. is for people who are worthy of being RELEVANT.. and ASS KICKINGS.. LYING IN A POOL OF THEIR OWN BLOOD.. HUMILIATION.. is for people like you.. who get too eager to be something that they can just never be.. against people that they can just never be.

The Flight Attendants came over and poured 3 glasses of champagne. Paul and Mickie both acknowledged this effort. Miz remained distant. Almost sadistic. He sat and looked forward. He grabbed his glass without looking at it and took a sip. Heyman and Mickie, a little more present, took their sips as well.

Paul Heyman: You see Miz, that's the problem with this business. The problem with this business.. is there's TOO MANY guys that just don't accept their place. People could live in harmony in a wrestling company.. if AMBITION didn't get the best of them. In the EBWF much like in life.. their are HAVES and HAVE NOTS. What you are Miz.. is the BIGGEST HAVE.. in the history of this business. You HAVE.. everything that EVERYONE.. would want. You HAVE talent, you HAVE good looks, you HAVE a beautiful wife, you HAVE a precious baby girl, you HAVE the ability to captivate, you HAVE charisma, most importantly... YOU HAVE THE EBWF CHAMPIONSHIP. What Cameron Grimes is.. is a HAVE NOT.. who is about to recklessly enter the ring.. enter a slaughter.. being perhaps the companies BIGGEST have not.. trying to prove.. that he is a HAVE. So Miz.. you shouldn't feel bad.. when you HAVE.... to do... what you HAVE... to do.

The Miz smirked at Heyman's word play. Heyman slumped back in his chair smiling at himself as he took another sip of his champagne.

The Miz: I'm all for dreams. Trust me. I get it. I'm living mine.. but Paul.. you nailed it as usual. Dreams are MUCH more effective when they have some expectations.. and some realistic nature to them. For me.. I can DREAM of literally anything.. and because of who I am- and what I am capable of- the possibilities know LITERALLY no bounds. If I wanted to be President.. I would be president. If I wanted to beat up a polar bear.. I would go ahead and kick the shit out of that polar bear. The world is my oyster.. I can do WHATEVER I set my mind to. So for me.. my dream was to become the greatest professional wrestler in the history of the business.. and feast your eyes on it.. because that DREAM.. has been accomplished. The mistake people make with dreams.. is that they see someone like me.. literally a guy who admittingly had humble beginnings.. a guy who had to work to prove who he was.. and what he could do.. and they think.. "yeah... maybe I could be like that.. maybe that could happen for me too."

The Miz shook his head.

The Miz: Well I'm here to tell you.. it can't. It won't. I'm sorry to be so.. actually I'm not sorry.. I'm NEVER going to apologize for standing in the way of guys like you, Grimes. I'm never going to be sorry that I AM THE REASON- why you will NEVER be who you want to be here. I'm not even going to be sorry.. if I'm the reason that our match on Monday is your very LAST one EVER. Cameron, you can have dreams, you can have goals, but my man.. for god sakes.. take a look around.. look at what you're seeing in front of you right now.. SET THE BAR LOWER. You're not going to beat me. You'll be lucky to SURVIVE me. You're not going to ever be a World Champion.. because I AM THE WORLD CHAMPION. You're never going to be a legend here.. because I'm SO GOD DAMN LEGENDARY that I will beat you out of this business the second you gain a SLIVER of momentum here. You could have been anything, Grimes.. anything.. anything that is reserved for normal, every day, average folks. You could have been an incredible checker at a grocery store. An incredible bar tender. A FANTASTIC janitor.. but no.. right Cam.. right Bobo the Bitchboy.. you wanted more.. you want limelight.. fame.. fortune.. but there's one problem.

Paul Heyman: Tell him the problem Miz..

The Miz: ALL of the Limelight.. ALL of the FAME.. ALL of the FORTUNE.. ALL OF IT.. is MINE. I do a lot of things well.. trust me.. A LOT of things.

Mickie took a sip of her champagne.

Mickie Mizanin: Amen.

The Miz almost broke character with a quick smile.

The Miz: But unfortunately for you Grimes.. SHARING any of the those things is PERHAPS the only thing I'm not good at. The reason I'm not good at sharing those things, Grimes.. is because I don't want to be good at it. I'm not apologizing for reaching the level that I'm at.. I don't FEEL BAD.. because I have all of things I have.. you know why? It's because I deserve them. I've EARNED them. So you may be looking at me right now.. and your 4 brain cells might be rattling around in your moron head.. and it may come up with the thought "why is Miz so MAD to be facing me.. he doesn't even know me." I hear you.. you're not wrong.. you're actually right. I don't know you.. I don't know you.. I don't know who you are.. and THAT is why I'm SO MAD to be facing you. That is why I'm going to beat you to within an inch of your life that I know nothing about. YOU DON'T DESERVE to face me Cameron. You don't DESERVE to see your name opposite mine ON ANY CARD. You haven't EARNED it.. and you NEVER will be WORTHY of this match that is about to take place. You've been given a death sentence, that's disguised as a hand out.. because though there's SO many guys in this company that may play ball, and say "hey man- welcome aboard- looking forward to competing with you" I'm just not one of those guys. I think back to EVERYTHING that I've been through to become widely recognized as the GOAT- I think back to everything I endured.. and I look at you.. I look at this match.. and it pisses me off. So what I'm going to do Bobo- is destroy you.. so that you can NEVER get this false sense of opportunity that you think you have in this very moment. You need to be reminded of who you are.. where you stand.. and what the future holds for you. You see this.

The Miz motioned to his current surroundings and company- he capped that off by tapping his championship.

The Miz: This AINT it for you. This is my WORLD.. this is my REALITY.. this is my UNIVERSE.. and it's one that I've created through hard work, determination, and some superior gifts from God. Gifts you don't have. Gifts you won't ever have. So though being on a main event.. though facing the EBWF Champion.. though being able to say you once went head to head with the GREATEST is something you THINK right now that you'll always remember. Though you may think.. this is the beginning of a real future for you in this company. I am hell bent.. on making sure.. that you simply put.. HAVE NO FUTURE in this COMPANY.

Because I'm THE MIZ.....

and I'm


The Miz took off his sunglasses on his last word. He stared daggers into the camera. Upon the conclusion of his tag line. He put his glasses back on slowly. Sat back even slower. And slowly, emotionless, sipped his champage. Heyman smiled- thinking to himself that this version of Miz could be one of his best clients to date. Mickie also stared at her husband, loving the life they were currently enjoying. The scene faded to that same Miz logo.

EBWF World Champion (x7- Current) EBWF Intercontinental Champion (x3) EBWF Tag Team Champion (x2) EBWF PTG Champion (x2 ) EBWF Gateway Champion (1x)