Well, Is He?

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Joined: Sun Apr 22, 2018 11:15 am

Well, Is He?

Post by Billy »

The scene opened on Luchasaurus stomping about the insides of a non-copyright infringing time traveling box, complete with an extremely original center console. He flipped some switches on a panel and huffed. Suddenly a screen popped out of the ceiling with static on it. An image of Paul London attempted to materialize but the static kept fighting its way back. Luchasaurus slapped the side of the screen repeatedly, rocking it back and forth in the process. Paul's image reacted to this almost as if he himself were inside the screen being tossed around.

-=Paul London=-
Woah! Big guy, slo... *ckt* ...issues persist... *ckt* ...Jungl... *ckt*

Paul shook his head and held up a finger. He left the screen.

Paul? I need your help! I can't find anyone. Where am I supposed to be?

London returned to the screen wielding a hammer over his head. He slammed it against the side of the screen, causing it to shake. He struck the bottom of the screen and the screen fell a few more inches. This caused Paul to have to catch his balance but suddenly the screen was clear of any static. Paul looked at the hammer.

-=Paul London=-
I'll never understand why anyone would use a screwdriver when a hammer is the perfect tool. Any how! That's what I was trying to tell you, I don't know where Jungle Boy is. He said he needed to use the restroom after the Wargames and I haven't seen him since.

Suddenly the sound of a toilet flushing echoed in the large chamber. Luchasaurus looked over his shoulder as Jungle Boy entered the frame. He slapped Luchasaurus on the back as he stepped up next to him.

-=Jungle Boy=-
Sorry, dealing with those idiots for a month really had my system backed up. What did I miss?

We're in a tournament for a shot at the tag team titles!

-=Jungle Boy=-
Oh snap! We get to face Edge and Randy Orton? That's going to be fun! Wait, who else is in the tournament?

Well first we have to take on Coalition members, Kane and Maven.

Paul London was getting visibly annoyed on the screen.

-=Jungle Boy=-
That sounds like a headline fight if I've ever heard one! The up and comers take on the seasoned veterans. Yeah! That's going to be a fun match! You know what I want to find out?

-=Paul London=-

They both snapped to attention.

-=Paul London=-
If you no longer need me, I should get back to my monster hunting. Remember, pick me up as soon as your match is over. I'll be waiting in what will one day be Mexico City. I'll tell you all about this goat sucking beast!

The screen receded into the ceiling rapidly. A puff of fog signaled the closing of the trap door that had let it in.

-=Jungle Boy=-
Woah, Chupacabra? Talk about a cool mission! Sometimes I wish we got those missions instead of this constant wrestling. Oh yeah! So you know what I want to find out when we wrestle Maven?

You want to know if he'll sign that Hardcore Icons poster you have hanging up? Or, maybe you want to see if he can give you stock advice? Or, you want to know if he can get you a guest spot on the Home Shopping Network. I bet you could move hair product a little better than he could.

-=Jungle Boy=-
Those are some good options. Well, decent. No! None of those are the right answer. What I want to find out about Maven is if he can hold on in the snare trap! I want to know if can handle my most devastating submission. I really really really want to find out whether or not he is TOUGH ENOUGH!!!

Luchasaurus held his head in his hands and sighed. The screen faded to black as Jungle Boy doubled over in laughter.
Shaul Guerrero
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Aiden English
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