Best man for the job (Chris Jericho RP)

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Ben M
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Best man for the job (Chris Jericho RP)

Post by Ben M »

OOC: Good luck, DJ! Always a pleasure going up against you.

"I swear to you, I didn't intend to put myself back in the World Title picture... but someone needed to be Miz's first challenger, and I was the best man for the job."

Having been in the wrestling business for over 31 years, Chris Jericho had made a lot of friends. So it really meant a lot to him that one of his best friends was the man he wrestled his first match against... Lance Storm. It had been close to six years since Lance Storm's last match – the last time he had appeared in an EBWF ring was in the 2016 men's Royal Rumble match – and although he still ran his wrestling academy, Storm was, as he put it, "very happily retired". Lance had become something of a recluse; even more so than usual. His beard had grown so long it resembled Forrest Gump, although bizarrely his hair was still the same style it had been since 1999. However, he still kept up to date with EBWF, and after seeing the announcement that Chris Jericho was challenging for the World Title, Lance Storm had FaceTimed his old friend... mainly to mock him, rather than congratulate him. Lance had just accused Chris of "politicking" to get himself back in the main event, and although Lance had a stern expression on his face, Chris was sure he was trying his hardest not to laugh.

Lance Storm: Oh sure, Christopher. You had to book yourself because no one else wanted the match, is that right? How valiant of you.

Chris Jericho: I mean Randy didn't want the match. He literally forwent his rematch so he could defend the Tag Titles instead.

Lance Storm: Two things. First of all, you can't just keep making up words to try and sound smart. Forwent isn't a word! Secondly, are you seriously telling me Rated RKO are STILL the Tag Team Champions? Come on. Am I going to have to come out of retirement to take those titles off them?

Chris Jericho: I mean I'd love that... but no. They'll drop them when the right team steps up. Dominik Mysterio is teaming with Rey to challenge them at Christmas Eve of Destruction, so maybe they'll make history as the first father and son duo to win the EBWF Tag Team Championships.

Lance Storm: Wait what? Dominik can't wrestle, isn't he like 12? Next you're going to tell me Blaine Ikeda is wrestling.

Once again, Chris couldn't tell if Lance was joking or being serious. He did watch the programme, didn't he? Although Chris wouldn't be surprised if Lance didn't pay attention.

Chris Jericho: It's 2021, Lance. We're old. We're both in our 50s now... depressing, isn't it?

Lance Storm: It's depressing that you're still putting yourself in the main event, Christopher. You should be retired like me! You have the record of most World Titles, you don't want to set a new record for the oldest ever EBWF Champion.

Jericho winced at the thought of being the oldest anything. Lance seemed to notice. His expression softened.

Lance Storm: All joking aside, Chris, I know you're desperate for one of those younger guys to seize the opportunity. But they have to earn it, right?

Jericho grinned.

Chris Jericho: Absolutely! If they want me spot, they have to take it! I keep trying to step back, but I keep getting pulled back in. When I step into that ring, it still feels as good as it did 30 years ago... at least until the next day. The morning after, my body aches. But I've got more than enough left to compete, especially at Christmas Eve of Destruction. That's the pay-per-view I invented! Besides, there's a lot of history with me and Mike. I'm looking forward to going up against him again.

Lance Storm: Well if you want me to be in your corner, I'd be happy to. You know I'd love to superkick Paul Heyman's face off!

Jericho laughed.

Chris Jericho: I'll have Paul London pick you up in his time machine.

Lance Storm: Oh please. I need to superkick him too, knock some sense into him! But if I can be serious for a minute...

Both men smirked at Lance using his old catchphrase.

Lance Storm: Good luck at the pay-per-view, Chris. I'll be watching, and I have no doubt that you'll remind everyone why you're still one of EBWF's top guys. Anyway, I need to send my latest rewritten Star Wars sequel to Disney... if they thought a restraining order would stop me, they were wrong! I will fix the travesty that was the new trilogy. Bye!

As Lance ended the call, Chris sat back, thinking about what Lance had said. Whether he meant to or not, Lance had got inside Jericho's head. In 2020, Jericho had won the Royal Rumble, main evented Wrestlemania and become an 11-time World Champion, extending his own record of most World Titles. In 2021, he had managed to get the BCW Arena on an EBWF pay-per-view, and competed in the first ever EBWF "Warfare Games" match. Jericho was still breaking new ground, and enjoying himself in the process... but did he still have something to prove? And if so, would becoming a 12-time EBWF World Champion be the way to prove that? After thinking about this for a while, Chris came to the conclusion that it wasn't about proving anything; he was still wrestling because he loved it, and he was still competing in the main event because he was still one of the best. And if anyone needed a reminder of that, he would give them it at Christmas Eve of Destruction.


It was December 24th, and Chris Jericho was backstage at the T-Mobile Center. He had an interview scheduled with EBWF's newest interviewer, Alex Marvez. As Alex approached him, Jericho shook his hand.

Chris Jericho: How are you doing, Alex? Good to have you on board.

Marvez thanked him, then as the camera started rolling he turned to face it and began to speak.

Alex Marvez: Chris, tonight you will be competing in the main event, where you will be challenging The Miz for the EBWF World Championship. If you win, you will become the first ever 12-time World Champion. Does the thought of making yet more history in EBWF – breaking your own record for most World Championships – give you added motivation going into this match?

Chris Jericho: Of course it does, Alex. There are a lot of things that motivate me going into this match. I might have been the EBWF World Champion 11 times before, but that title is the biggest prize in all of professional wrestling. So I'm just as hungry to win it now as I was in 2004, when I won my first EBWF World Championship. But honestly, the biggest motivation I have right now is the motivation to kick Miz's ass!

Alex Marvez: Speaking of history, there's a lot of it between you and The Miz. Does the history between the two of you make it easier or harder when you step into the ring with him?

Chris Jericho: Honestly Alex, it's a bit of both. It's easier because we know each other well, but of course that makes it harder for one of us to get the upper hand. It’s been a long time since Miz and I went one on one though... I'd have to check the records to be sure, but I think this is the first time we've faced each other in a singles match since I beat him at Fallout in February 2016. I defeated him for the World Title one month prior, at the Royal Rumble, then won again when he got his rematch. So at least recent history is on my side! But a lot has happened since then. We even teamed up at Christmas Eve of Destruction a couple of years ago. Here's the thing with Mike... we've been friends, we've been rivals. I haven't always liked him but the truth is, I always respected him. And then he became a Paul Heyman guy...

Jericho grimaced.

Chris Jericho: I mean it makes a change from Miz aligning himself with AJ Styles and Ted DiBiase Jr for the millionth time, so at least it's fresh. And honestly, I don't even care about him getting help from Paul Heyman and The Fiend to take the World Title from Randy Orton. Miz has always been a guy who will do anything to win, and let's be honest, there's several times when I've done things I shouldn't to get the win. I'm not going to bullshit you and pretend I'm holier than thou, Alex. But Paul Heyman is like a haemorrhoid... he serves no purpose other than to be a pain in the ass. He's been trying to get into Orton's head for months, saying he wants to recruit him, but Randy is far too intelligent to associate himself with Heyman. So Paul looked for revenge by recruiting Miz instead... and Mike just, went along with that? He knows The Fiend got him the win at Fanniversary, and he's made it clear that he doesn't care what anyone thinks about that. But why is he keeping Heyman around? Miz doesn't need a mouthpiece, he's the biggest loudmouth we've got... or at least he was until MJF signed a contract. Nor does he need an "Advocate", whatever that means. Miz isn't benefitting from his association with Paul Heyman one bit. Heyman is happy because he gets to be on TV, and pretend he's important even though the only thing he's accomplished in professional wrestling is running ECW into the ground. I thought Miz was smarter than that Alex, really I did. I thought once he'd got what he wanted – the EBWF World Championship – he'd drop Heyman. So the fact he's keeping Heyman around makes me wonder... is he scared of The Fiend? Or is he scared that he won't be able to keep that World Title without Heyman being able to call on The Fiend to help him? Either way, he's playing with fire, because Heyman is not someone to be trusted. He will use The Fiend to destroy Miz when the time is right, or if Brock Lesnar decides he wants another run in EBWF, Paul will probably betray both Miz and Bray Wyatt. He's a snake, and I swear to God that if Paul Heyman comes anywhere near me tonight, I'm putting that piece of shit in the Walls of Jericho. Or hitting him with the Judas Effect, whichever move I feel like hitting at the time.

Alex Marvez: You mentioned The Fiend there... are you worried he will get involved in your match, just like he got involved at Fanniversary?

Chris Jericho: Worried is the wrong word. Like I said before, I know Miz will do anything and everything to win. So if he can call upon The Fiend to defeat me, he will. But I don’t think Miz has any control over Bray Wyatt's alter ego, and even if he did, remember that The Fiend isn't the only supernatural being in EBWF... there's an intrepid traveler who's got my back!

Alex Marvez: Are you saying that Paul London will be in your corner, in case The Fiend gets involved?

Jericho shook his head.

Chris Jericho: Absolutely not. I know Paul London helped me out when I had my unsanctioned match with Aiden English, and I'm grateful for that... but I didn't ask him to be in my corner then, and I certainly won't be asking him or anyone else to be in my corner tonight. That's not how I operate. I'd rather go it alone, face Miz mano a mano, and see who's the better man. Like I said before, I don't think Miz can really call upon The Fiend... The Fiend's focus seems to be on Randy Orton. I just hope The Miz has the balls to try and beat me without getting someone else to help him out. If he does that, maybe he'll earn my respect again.

Alex Marvez: There have been a lot of firsts in the 20 plus years you have been part of EBWF. There will be another first tonight. You told Miz you would let him pick the stipulation if he agreed to defend the World Title against you, and he proposed the first ever "Rock Around the Christmas Tree" match. We understand this match will be fought under hardcore rules, with all the weapons being musical instruments. You seemed impressed by the idea at the time... would it be fair to say you're excited about this stipulation?

Chris Jericho: Let me just clarify one thing. I wasn't so much impressed by the idea, more by the fact that Miz actually had enough intelligence to come up with a new concept. The guy has been trading off the persona he invented for himself in The Real World 20 years ago, so it's been a while since he had an original idea. But hell yeah I'm excited! I've even brought some of my own instruments to have at ringside. Like I said before, I'm hungry for that World Title, but the biggest prize for me is beating up Miz. And doing it with some of the instruments that have brought me global success as a rockstar will make it even sweeter.

Alex Marvez: Thank you Chris, I just have one more question... is there anything else you'd like to say to The Miz ahead of your match?

Jericho nodded, then turned to face the camera, as if to address Miz directly.

Chris Jericho: I know you, Miz. There have been a lot of new faces in EBWF recently, but you and I... we've been here a long time. So you can't fool me. You can claim I don't "deserve" this World Title match, but the real reason you're trying to avoid getting into the ring with me is because you're scared. Underneath that cocky act of yours, you're still nothing more than a college dropout who is desperate to be famous. You got the fame you've been craving since you were a teenager, you got to pursue your goal of becoming a professional wrestler, and you've even had some success too! More success than you ever would have dreamed possible. You're the EBWF World Champion – you hold the biggest prize on offer in all of professional wrestling – and you're not even a one hit wonder! You're a five-time EBWF Champion. And I know what you'll say, you'll say it's because you're The Miz and you're awesome. But there's a reason you have to keep telling everyone you're awesome Miz... I know the truth. You're trying to convince yourself it's true. You think that if you say it enough times, it will become a fact. But the fact of the matter is, the only reason you've ever been successful as a pro wrestler is because you've had help along the way. It used to be AJ Styles and Ted DiBiase, but now you've finally burned your bridges with them, you've made a deal with the devil. You knew it was the only way you could beat Randy Orton, and you must be thanking your lucky stars that Randy decided he wasn't interested in a rematch. Because you know that if you had to face Randy at Christmas Eve of Destruction, he'd Punt you so hard you'd think you were a Marine, or off Dancing with the Stars. You probably aren't as scared of me as you are of Randy, but don’t you dare underestimate me, because I am just of capable of hurting you. The last time you were EBWF World Champion, you held onto that title for eight months. Your reign was finally ended by Aiden English, but you're looking at the guy who has beaten Aiden English over and over again. So what chance do you have against me, Miz? Take a look in the mirror, Mike. Tell yourself whatever lies you need to. But tonight, when you step into the ring with me, you will be forced to come to terms with the truth... that no matter how many times you claim to be "awesome", you'll never be as good as me.

Having said everything he wanted to say, Jericho walked away and headed back to his locker room. The more he thought about that World Title, the more he wanted it... becoming the champ would be the greatest Christmas gift he could wish for.