King Woods was coming off another victory. It was like clockwork at this point. He struggled to keep himself busy wondering who was going to be the guy and finally take him down. The roster did not seem like a challenge to him which he hated. He was competitive and wanted to be driven which is what makes this week so great. King Xavier finally had an opportunity to compete against a former world champion that claims to be awesome. It was none other than The Miz. There was only one place to go in order to figure out how to beat the A-Lister the beautiful Hollywood Hills. This time however the king did not arrive in LAX alone. He was with a good friend of his wanting to do a ride-along. King Xavier knew how sneaky The Miz could be and back-up is always needed. Once outside LAX, a rental car pulls up and Xavier slides into the driver's side as both guys start the hour trip toward their destination.

Kofi Kingston: Hey man! It's been a while. I am glad to see your career finally turning into something serious. I remember years ago we always joked that you'd be champion and dominate that division. It's not a joke any longer it's reality. How does it feel to be the Breakout Champion knowing you are better than most of the talent?
King Xavier: Honestly, Kofi it's second nature to me. You know better than anyone I've always strived to be successful in everything I do. I was nervous joining EBWF because the history alone is enough to humble me. It took me a while to change that perspective. I made a decision to no longer be intimidated by the history but instead make my own name here and become part of that history. I want people decades from now to see King Woods as the G.O.A.T. Breakout Champion is just the beginning and you already know. The division isn't weak by any means I just have to find a way to bring out the best in everyone because that's what a great person does. Let's be honest though we are not here to discuss my Breakout championship. We’re here to talk about The Miz and figure out if his claims of being awesome are legit.
They hit the freeway and King Woods hits the gas. They always loved the open road the breeze on their face something they haven't done in a long time.
Kofi Kingston: You're right. So, rumor is he has been in the company for a while. He is the current heavyweight champion of EBWF. Sounds like you are in for a real challenge and who knows maybe beating The Miz will propel you to a world title opportunity.
King Xavier: I'm not sure about that one Kofi. Truthfully man I want to earn the shot because I am that good not because I can beat the current World Champion. Yes, it helps but lately, The Miz has not been himself and that worries me. The stories about this guy are legendary and the fact I might only get The Miz as a shell of his former self is disappointing. You're right though he is a challenge. It would be disrespectful to say anything other than that. He clearly has what it takes to beat any man in EBWF. He has a weakness though just like any father and husband. His wife is the one who gives him purpose to be competitive. The weakness though is not living up to her expectations not wanting to let her down. It is my opportunity when he makes a rare mistake to capitalize on it.
Kofi Kingston: Yeah man being a husband and father in this business is hard work and kudos to him. However, you need to step into that ring with purpose as well. It is your job to show him why you're the future of EBWF and that his time in the spotlight has ended. It's not our fault that his Hollywood career never took off and that he is suddenly afraid to compete. This match is a matter of who wants it more. If The Miz beats you not only, does he get attention again but you've lost that precious unbeaten streak.
Kofi and Xavier watch the cars fly by as they see the huge Hollywood sign getting closer as they start the final few turns into; they reach their destination and begin the search for The Miz home.
King Xavier: That's true Kofi I do have my streak. It is not that big of a deal though if I'm honest. It's nice to talk about but it just puts a big target on me which is okay with me. The Miz wants to talk about being the best, being A-W-E-S-O-M-E but what makes him these things? Is it his looks? Nope! Is it his ability to win big matches? Nope considering he lost his world title. Maybe it's just him talking a good game because after all, he is in the entertainment business.
Kofi Kingston: That's true man and keeping it 100 Hollywood is all about who has the bigger car, house, and role in a movie. He looks at his career in EBWF as a movie. He wants to live out his life every week proving he can do what he wants at any given time. We already know how that is going to end as we've lived that life. The public persona of you Xavier is far different than what it could have been. I've seen you hit rock bottom just to work your way up to what you are now. I am proud of you and I know the fans love you. I hear the love every time they hear your name. It is time to hit the ground running with The Miz and put an end to his movie on a sour note. He doesn't like you and probably thinks you are not on his level.
King Xavier: We will see about that.
Suddenly Xavier takes a sharp turn pulling into the Hollywood library. Parking the car, he looks at Kofi and smiles.
Kofi Kingston: What are we doing here this has nothing to do with The Miz.
King Xavier: Yes, it does just wait and see.
Both men walk inside the crowded library as King Xavier walks toward the back. It was the only place they had public records of the who's who in Hollywood. The true A-list if you will. Kofi pulls the list out as they look one by one.
Kofi Kingston: What do you know Xavier The Miz did not make the list. It makes you wonder if he was ever on the list to begin with. Maybe it was some mirage in his head deceiving himself and the entire world.
King Xavier: Yeah, if he is willing to lie about this then who knows how far he will go. I doubt he even lives in the area which kind of annoys me because I am wasting my time. However, since were here it's time to finish off the investigation and finally expose him to the world.
Kofi Kingston: Now we're talking. I like the fact you are taking an assertive role for once. You might not be royal like most expect but never stop being a leader.
Xavier makes a copy of the list and slides it into his back pocket. It was leverage in his mind as they get back in and finish the short drive to the mansions of Hollywood Hills. They continue to look for something that The Miz would buy and finally they arrive at the last known address of the "A-Lister."

Kofi Kingston: Ha! look at that living the high life wouldn't you say?
King Xavier: Yeah, looks like it. I think they need to remodel or upgrade though, especially with that expanding family of his. Maybe this explains his ego since everything else in his life is small and useless.
Kofi Kingston: Hey man-size matters and he definitely lacks in that department but in all seriousness, this is going to be a nightmare situation for you possibly.
King Xavier: How so?
Kofi Kingston: Well, if he beats you then it opens the door to him taking that title. I know damn well you don't want that happening to you right? So, while we're here it's important to figure out the perfect game plan. I know how intelligent you are and you've been very quiet in regards to The Miz. It's time to break the silence and tell The Miz exactly what's on your mind and what is going to happen on Wednesday night.
Xavier takes a long pause before breathing in and speaking.
King Xavier: Miz if that's even your real name. The gig is up and you've been exposed as a fraud. No one likes a fake at least be true to yourself which generally works for most people. Not you though Miz. You make it a point to always run your mouth and every now and then it gets you in trouble. I am not a violent man by any means and I generally have compassion for those who suffer at my hand. However, with you, it's going to be different. I can tell my loyal subjects are growing tired of you. They demand change and answers wanting to know how someone like you still exists in the company. Being a loyal employee is going to get you nowhere fast with me. The people outside the sold-out crowd know what they want to see. They want to see King Xavier not only beat the current EBWF world champion but continue his dominance extending his unbeaten streak.
Kofi Kingston: That sounds like a great way to please your loyal subjects. Although I must admit I want you to do something you've never done. Do you have something for The Miz that will wow everyone?
King Xavier: You know I do Kofi. I have never been one to reveal my plans until the moment calls for it. I will say this though this is the first time I've faced a world champion of any kind so it does call for special. I will dig deep into my arsenal and give Mr. World Champion a taste of his own medicine. He needs a big dose of karma and who better than the king to deliver it.
Kofi Kingston: I could not agree more my faithful king. You have confidence in your voice and it will continue to flow throughout the match. We should probably get going though before he finds out we were here.
King Xavier: Bro, I am not worried about him in the slightest. Let him find out I paid his home a visit there is no law against it and besides I am king. My word is law and he needs to know what it's like to be respectful when royalty is around.
King Xavier gets out of the car takes off his crown and leaves it by the front door. He knocks really quickly before running to the car and driving off.
King Xavier: The Miz will see my crown and know I've found out the truth. He understands that I can ruin his career if I chose to. Most importantly though when I beat him in the middle of the ring, he will realize that if I wanted, I'd take his world title. In fact, that sounds like a great idea.
Kofi Kingston: Business is about to pick up your majesty and The Miz is going to be sorry.
King Xavier just smirks as the guys go enjoy the rest of the day in Hollywood doing all types of activities. EBWF main event was quickly approaching and the king was relaxed ready for war!