The Sunday Evening before Warfare, EBWF was live from the Rupp Arena in Lexington, Kentucky. The house show was showcasing some of EBWF’s top talent and broadcasting the highlights on YouTube. Late into the show the crowd was gearing up for the main event when “You Think You Know Me!” blared from the sound system. The crowd went wild as Edge came onto the stage, wearing the EBWF Gateway Championship around his waist and the tag title over his shoulder. He got into the ring through the middle rope and accepted a microphone from the time keeper. He paced the ring for a moment, soaking the appreciation from the crowd before raising the microphone to his lips.
Edge: We are just one week away from crowning the EBWF King of the Ring at Total Supremacy and as is customary I find myself in the Quarter Finals. Across the bracket from EBWF mainstays like Randy Orton and Christian Cage. Competing against newcomers to the tournament this years from the Dynasty and the Bullet Club. Then there is of course my opponent tomorrow night, the only thing standing between me and the semi-finals, Matt Riddle.
The crowd gave a mixed reaction at the mention of Riddle’s name.
Edge: I get it. He’s the new guy. You haven’t quite figured him out yet. I know. Let me be the first to say that he’s a hell of a talent. A great competitor. The guy can wrestle his ass off, but the problem with that is he’s not getting in there tomorrow night with just anybody. I’ve beat innumerable pure wrestlers in my career. The key to beating me is to outsmart me, and considering that Riddle is kind of an idiot I don’t see that happening at Warfare.
Edge shrugged.
Edge: I mean if you needed any more evidence that he’s stupid, he can most likely be found hanging out with the most rejected jobber in EBWF history, Alex Riley. What point is that trying to prove? Riddle is supposed to be cool and he hangs around with the least cool guy on the roster since Braden Walker.
Edge chuckled.
Edge: There’s a little throwback for the OG fans. Riddle, I know you want to be King of the Ring, but the truth of the matter is that you aren’t even King of the Dispensary. After I beat you tomorrow night and advance in the tournament you’re going to be just another name in my long match history. And this time next year, no one will even remember you were here. There’s something to be said for insurance , Riddle. And I may have the Gateway Championship, but being a double #1 contender is destined to be EBWF World Champion, and you’re just a riddle that’s very easily solved.
“Metalingus” hit again, and Edge left the ring, slapping hands with fans in the front row before heading back up the ramp and disappearing to the back.
Easy Riddles
Easy Riddles
Writers aren't exactly people. They're a whole bunch of people. Trying to be one person.
The only living, breathing, Queen of Efeds in captivity
"You can't blame a writer for what the characters say." - Truman Capote