During the entire month of June EBWF's annual Queen Of The Ring tournament has been taking place with eight women looking to win it all and become the number one contender for the Women's Championship in August.
Alexa Bliss has had a great run in the tournament defeating long-time rival Trish Stratus in the First round and then defeating Jade Cargill in the Semi-finals, Now the only person standing between Alexa and the crown was Allysin Kay. A month ago Alexa and Allysin had an intense confrontation on A Moment Of Bliss that ended in a brawl, since then the two have traded insults on Twitter but at Total Supremacy, the entire world would find out who is better and who would be Queen Of The Ring.
-Scene 1-
The scene opened and Alexa woke up to find herself in an arena. She looked around and it was clear that this was an episode of Warfare she continued to look around first at the crowd who strangely didn't appear to notice her then she looked into the ring and saw herself in the ring with Lana. It was clear that this was their Semi-final match in the Queen Of The Ring tournament last year. The Alexa in the ring went to the top rope and went for Twisted Bliss..only to crash and burn when Lana moved out of the way and hit Alexa with a Sit-Out Facebuster before going for the pin.
Alexa Bliss:Come on
Alexa Bliss:Please!!
Present Alexa pleaded with her past self.
Alexa Bliss:Kick Out!!
After the 3 Alexa closed her eyes and shook her head in sadness at having to relieve this failure. Soon after Alexa heard the sound of her own voice.
Dark Alexa Bliss:Sad?
Alexa turned around to see her Dark self with a smirk on her face.
Alexa Bliss:Why are you making me relive this?
Dark Alexa chuckled.
Dark Alexa Bliss:To motivate you for your match with Allysin Kay. You see, your loss to Lana last year was a mistake, a mistake you can't let happen again. You need to win this tournament and get your title shot.
Alexa looked bewildered by Dark Alexa's answer.
Alexa Bliss:You did this just to tell me that?
Dark Alexa shrugged.
Dark Alexa Bliss:Yeah.
Alexa glared at her Dark self for a moment before she spoke again.
Alexa Bliss:Look I know what you're trying to do and it's not going to work. I've spent too much time trying to make up for my past behavior to let you take over my body on a full-time basis.
Dark Alexa let out an evil laugh.
Dark Alexa Bliss:Lexi when will you realize that I am trying to help you?
This time normal Alexa laughed.
Alexa Bliss:Are you serious, Your "help" has done nothing but cause me more trouble. You're just out to hurt people and I don't need you to beat Allysin Kay at Total Supremacy now get me out of here NOW.
Dark Alexa sighed and snapped her fingers and Alexa woke up in her bed at the hotel.
-Scene 2-
The scene opened backstage an hour before Total Supremacy and Michael Cole was standing by with Alexa Bliss who was dressed in a pink version of her ring gear.
Michael Cole:Alexa tonight at Total Supremacy you will compete in the Finals of the Queen Of The Ring tournament against Allysin Kay. My first question is, are you feeling any pressure going into this match?
Alexa chuckled at Cole's question.
Alexa Bliss:Of course, I'm feeling pressure, Cole. This is the Finals of one of EBWF's biggest tournaments with the winner becoming the number one contender for the EBWF Women's Championship, the top female prize in all of professional wrestling. Allysin Kay might be tough and I'm sure she is but I am more driven, I am more focused, and I have more heart than her.
Michael Cole:A month ago on A Moment Of Bliss you and Allysin had a pretty heated exchange that led to a wild brawl. Do you think that your animosity towards Allysin could hinder you during this match?
Alexa smirked.
Alexa Bliss:No Michael I don't because the animosity I have for her will do nothing but motivate me. Allysin wanted to go on A Moment Of Bliss to talk about my looks and say that I only got to where I am because of that basically discrediting all of my hard work throughout my life. Michael have you ever heard people say "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me"?
Michael nodded.
Michael Cole:Yes
Alexa Bliss:Well that's not completely true because words do hurt, they just hurt differently than getting hit with an object. Allysin's words hurt me Michael but I'm not gonna let that discourage me from winning, I'm gonna let it motivate me to beat her and take the crown and the title shot leaving her with nothing but a bruised ego. Allysin might be bigger and stronger than me but it won't be enough to stop me from getting my rematch with Britt Baker for the Women's Championship, and to borrow a phrase from a certain Canadian friend of mine, BECAUSE THAT'S…how I roll.
Alexa walked away from Cole with confidence as the scene faded to black.
Words hurt but...
Words hurt but...

"If you don't pay attention to me,I'm going to make you pay attention to me. I've always been that way."
- Alexa Bliss
"Watch Me"
-Liv Morgan