They stormed in with fear, desperation, and need in their eyes. She threw her square jaw forward with urgent curiosity and rocked her bloody locks of hair back to release her inner tension. He was, suddenly and inexplicably, thrilled to take in the strange 'vibes' of the room. You could see his body somehow communicating with the unheard screams of the room. It nearly leapt in and out of his skin as if he were a supernatural conduit. They surgically surveyed the room. But it was in vain. Still, his lips trembled with thirst: there was something about this mysterious room, itself, that was stimulating enough.. She rolled her eyes and then dropped her shoulders with frustration. The room wasn't nearly as mesmerizing in her experience. And this was expressed quite plainly over her clear complexion. Without any inhibition, she grumbled as he shamelessly relished in the sight of his peculiar surroundings.
Ugh, he's not here either? This is fucking bullshit. Like I love him and everything but this is getting to be a pain in my friggin' ass. Every few months he just goes MONKEY SHIT and we have to spend a week lookin' for him. ALL. OVER. THE. PLACE. And, when we find him ... It's the most ridiculous place -- and for the most ridiculous --
Relax, babe. (Letting her look of disgust slide off his back:) It becomes me that we're betwixt and between -- coming to blend the two worlds of him together... This is... Something like... His SECRET, EVIL LABORATORY... Or something like that, you-know-what-I'm-getting-at-don't-you?. Where he... practices... Uh, the noble art of ALCHEMY. Or... Maybe like --
Lita gave him a look, placing a sassy hand on one of her curvaceous hips. She gave him a playful middle finger and began looking around. She couldn't hide her frustration with their shitty situation, so she certainly couldn't hide her frustration with her companion failing to realize what's at stake. Even though she couldn't stand spending so many hours out of her free time looking for her beloved friend -- he was still her beloved friend. She smiled, remembering the few times she indulged in his favorite past time with him. Matt smirked, his intuition suddenly recognizing her familiarity with the instruments strewn about her. He could tell that a psychedelic opportunity was right under his nose. Was that, quite possibly, what the room was trying to communicate to him? Or was he merely looking for a way to indulge in sweet fruits of brain-altering chemicals -- because, well, it was ... well, honestly, right there.
I know we look down on poor buddy ol' boy because -- well, it's perfectly out of control at a certain point, now, isn't it? With the drugs. And the disappearing. And the eccentric clothing. And the WHAT-HAVE-YOU. I mean, not to solicit anything too wild... Nothing too OUT-OF-THE-SWAMP or anything. Nothing... Er, on the lines of Bach -- or ... Goethe -- if we want to keep it SQUARE and ... you know, real -- but, maybe something like... Well, I dunno... On the lines of... Uh.. You know: that one fella who sat inside of his room goin' on and on about his little JINGLES about this and that. And, no-no-no-no: not that one fella that's always WINNIN' -- although, gotta be honest, this charlatan is definitely WINNIN' with those ticket and merch sales... Uh... Right. Um. What was I -- NO: it's not Charlie Sheen! It's... It's, uh -- I'd remember wouldn't I? -- It was -- rather --
Okay, give it a rest, "woke" boy. I've seen you naked. I get it. You've looked up some buzz words and now you know how string them together to make your wild, mad rantings and ravings sound like they're music. Well, to me, it sounds like you just wiped your pretentious ass and you're trying to sell it to me like it's nutella. No. You crook. Instead... Why don't you help me... I don't know? Get one of these going... Like, come on -- I'm fuckin' tired. I'm hungry, too, honestly -- do you think we could get delivery sent here? (Off his look:) -- Oh, come on... I'm talking practical here. We can't just go scourin' the whole fucking earth in one night. We're human friggin' beings. Give us a rest. (She gave him a pouty face, nearly flirting but not quite hitting the mark. She cleared her throat, then:) You know, since we grew up and everything it's hard to keep in touch, so... Maybe it isn't so bad that he goes missing every once in a while.
Wow. Did you hit it already? 'Cause talk about a flip. Talk about 360. Talk about a TOTAL ROUNDABOUT. You went from like -- ooooo -- to like -- OHHH -- and, I'm like -- uh... (He let out a sound, disapproving of her move to get the drugs ready. Shaking his head and taking over:) Maybe you should just relax and let papa bear get all this settled. You can, uh, I don't know... (He waved his hands in the air trying to remember how to get things moving from this point in the process.) Get the food comin'. (He thinks about it for a second:) I kinda doubt he'd appreciate us oustin' his lil' spot. Maybe we should send the delivery person to a house nearby and, uh, I dunno -- come out from the backyard or some shit like that so they don't know that we don't live there, haha... Do you think they'll get pissed at us if we do some stupid shit like that?
Okay, thanks for dropping the whole "I'm Rick Sanchez with BPD" act; but, next thing we need to 'axe' is you asking whether or not you think it's a bad idea to ... and I'm quoting you verbatim here, Matt ... literally do something that you, yourself, would call 'stupid.' And, NO... Daddy. This GIRL can do it perfectly fine herself, thank you. Actually, I'm pretty sure the... uh... frequency with which he brought me down to get TOASTED before -- well... You know -- was WAY higher than the amount of times you guys had your little innocent 'bro' times --
Okay, little miss "I'm a Disney Princess for American Idiot fans" -- (They both take a hit and laugh, elbowing each other at the lame lick.) No, but seriously -- yeah, he and I came down to the garage a lot to share over the years. And, I guess, maybe I do miss him sometimes. But, things are always busy, so I can't really make the time to come all the way out to see him and, I don't know, plan an activity, and then see it through tot he end -- it's just -- and... Wow. You've got me sounding like you. You bitch. (Both of their shoulders relax as they indulge in the residential stash.) You don't think he'll be mad that we're totally stiffin' him right now, right? I mean, I know we're like his SEARCH CREW, basically, but -- I mean, I've gotta be honest, I do it for free... (He smirked, his eyes and complexion showing the pleasurable psychoactive effects on his mind.) And, to be honest, I had to chase after that fuckin' wild animal in high school, too. He's the fuckin' worst -- always just running off and trying to cause some trouble. So, yeah, I did exactly what we're doing now -- on purpose. I wouldn't worry about it too much, sweetie.
She refrained herself from slapping him and consumed more of the 'good stuff.' They both smiled big Cheshire the Cat smiles, took in more psychoactivity, and hugged. A kiss seemed imminent until they both thought about the missing comrade. Their eyes sank to the ground and they both took a seat. The high suddenly made these violent, abandoned emotions more vibrant and cutting. Tears nearly leaked from both of their disbelieving eyes. Matt still smirked, though, always having faith that he would see him again. Although Matt knew that his absent friend was a bit of a live wire. A bit of a loose cannon. A little bit of a mess. A little bit of someone that's too difficult to get a handle on... He knew that he was still not crazy. He wouldn't do anything that would put himself at too much of a risk. He knew he could trust him. He knew he could rely upon him. He knew he would always come back. He always did.
-- It was always so unbelievable to me how he could get me into such a better mood with a coupla words. It always felt like whenever he spoke to you about -- I don't know... Living in the moment... And... Going for what you want... And, like... Uh... (Sharing a look at him to conjure it together, but blurting it out alone:) BEING YOURSELF -- you know ... All that shit that sounds corny when they cut it together ... And play your music... And you know somebody's coming out after... (She looked at him for a second with a dazed look, but he shot her daggers of 'duh' to pay her back for earlier. She smirked, realizing he was in the business, too.) Yeah -- you know what I'm talking about... (She giggled a bit more.) Duh. Yeah, it always sounded like this inspirational CLAPTRAP whenever they put it together in those little promotional videos or whenever they have you do it -- your BIG, WHOPPING emotional speech about, like, your thoughts -- before, you know, THE WILDEST STAGE OF THEM ALL; but, we both know, deep down that --
I mean, that was his lifestyle. (A tear grew in his eye.) He didn't fuckin' PREACH it when we were younger, but that mother fucker definitely LIVED by it. Sneaking out whenever the fuck he wanted. Just to go explore the world by himself. Fuckin' weirdo, man. You think my like WIIIIIIIIIIILD professor mode is weird? Talk about this fuckin' guy. There isn't even a friggin' cult to follow him and he's completely out of his MIND -- (They both snickered, knowing they all enjoy self-depreciating jokes.) OH SHIT -- did you hear that he's like... I don't know, getting back into the game or whatever? Someone told me -- Jesus Christ, these people know more about our lives than WE do -- that he's trying to...
She gave him a look of disbelief and scorn. He shot her back one of snarky disbelief. They, then, both shot up to their feet and began to mock his opponent, strutting around like him, posing like him, and mocking his slogans, sayings, and mannerisms. They would then collapse into laughter, take a few more hits, and then realize the stakes of the situation: what if they didn't find him and he lost this great gig? I mean, it was great to let him have his freedoms every once in a while, but they knew that this would be a great situation for him. Another chance for him to reconnect with the fans. Another chance for him to inspire the misfits and the weirdo's out there. Another chance for him to be himself. And not this card board cut-out, half-assed version of himself. The patted each other on the back thinking of the person they've lost given the situation. COVID-19, politics, and existentialism seems to have put their beloved friend adrift at sea. Still, they couldn't help but pump each other up about his upcoming match. They were being extremely optimistic: they could see it in their minds eye. They would find him. He would be okay. Everything would be fine. They took out their phones and Matt turned on "The Rising" by Def Rebel. They both stood up to their feet with glee, mocking him with even more exuberance.
Oooo, look at me: I'm the "REVOLUTIONARY" -- boooo, I fucking HATED U.S. History. Like, thanks for the freedom -- but can we also be free from your BORING ASS LIFE STORIES? Like, if someone can't get off their fat ass and put your dumb ass story in a biopic, then it obviously isn't worth seeing... You know what I mean? But, YEAH -- sorry, I'm a fuckin' VISIONARY -- or whatever the fuck -- because... I don't know... I SAID SO. I swear, there are some people I just want to slap in the fuckin' face some times. Like, I'm just going to throw this word on myself and then parade around the world because I decided to call myself something. Um, hello, DIMWIT, don't you realize we can all do that? What's making you so superior other than how far you can shove your head up your own fuckin' fat ass? It's like --
Yeah, it's like -- what the heck have YOU gone through, kid? Like, growing up around here -- NOT fun. I guess maybe we can get some assistance from the Great and Powerful Messiah -- fuckin' MOSES, for Christ's sake -- over here... Maybe HE can help guide us to the promise land -- you know, with his ALL-SEEING VISION -- by saying something dumb like... Hmmm, lemme see: like -- uh -- (In a high pitched voice:) I went to wrestling school! It was hard knocks! (They both take a hit:) Yeah, I bet! And, did you do that in your free time? After paying the tuition without another thought? From your perfect mommy and daddy's little pocketbook? I mean, I know it sounds like I'm being resentful -- but, come on... To go through all of the shit that he's gone through... (The both paused to consider the 'lost' status of their absent friend.) -- I ASK YOU, GOD ALMIGHTY: (He looks around for his lost friend one more time:) WHERE THE FUCK ART THOU, YOU RAMBUNCTIOUS, YOU CANTANKEROUS. YOU M.I.A. --
I'd love to hear which of the adjectives you've recently looked up piques your interest this time around, but... (She places an instrument down after finishing her hit. She accidentally knocks it over, though, sparking harsh gasps from both of them in a cacophonic unison. They can’t believe their eyes…) Oh shit, we’re on to him, Matt! We’re onto him! That’s definitely HIS cellphone and wallet. He’s been here recently! (Hushed:) Oh my god, what if he’s like asleep in some other part of this – HOLY SHIT, where the fuck even are we, high off of our fucking minds?! Are we going to be able to find him this fucking HIGH OFF OF OUR TITS?! … Jesus Christ. we didn’t think this through. We didn't think this through at all.
They both look at the loot with widened eyes. Was it the leftovers of a dead man? Were they so loose in relationship with the man that they could just steal his belongings and walk away just fine? Maybe even get away with some of this wonderful hallucinogenic? The wild possibilities fluttered and frolicked before their eyes. The instruments looked more shiny. The dropped stuff nearly faded into nonexistence. A tear dropped from their eyes, though. They could tell that they were thinking about the wrong thing. Their minds flooded with warm memories of the absent one. Their hearts beat faster and faster as they delved deeper and deeper into their subconscious – surveying random clips of memories shared with him. They knew they had to do something. And they knew they had to do something FAST. Matt quickly unleashed his cellphone from his pocket.
Okay, I’m calling 911. – If I can remember how to do that… (Lita smirks and Matt doesn’t catch on until he blinks at the keypad. They share a laugh and a hit.) Yeah, we were just looking for – well, someone was lost ma’am… Oh my – okay, you know what, fuck – well, yes, I did say that someone… Honestly, we can just do it our – Okay, fine! If you would just fuckin’ LISTEN to what I’m – okay, ma’am, do you think you could transfer – (taking the phone away from his face with disgust:) wow… This fucking bitch has NO manners. (Lita’s cheeks are red as she holds her laughter in, not paying too much attention to the fact that their friend is gone at this point.) Okay, yes… Well, she was KIND OF being a bit of a – so – Well, YES if that fuckin’ – well, yes, I’m sorry, I – it’s just – if she would’ve let me FINISH THE FIRST TIME. (He huffs and puffs as they moderate the situation professionally on the other line. He mocks them with Lita as she giggles and mocks him. He flips her off.) Yeah, well, my brother… We’ve been looking for him. Oh, yeah: HE’S LOST… As I’ve been TRYING TO TELL YOU THIS WHOLE FUCKIN’ –
Lita suddenly snatched his cellphone out of his grasp and immediately hung up the phone call. She looked at him in the face with seriousness as he glared back at her with confusion. She couldn't even let it out. She was shocked. She was mortified. They knew they had to leave this area as quickly as possible. They couldn't risk the cops tracking the phone, finding the drugs, finding them high off the drugs, knowing that another drug-user was on the loose, and end up with them all in prison. They quickly packed up the drugs and grabbed their belongings, whipping out of the location with ease. They giggled a bit on their way out, realizing they were in a horror movie of their own making for a bit. But, they knew that technology and vehicles couldn't beat them. They were so high off of their balls that they didn't realize the cops could easily just call them back.
They rushed out of the mysterious location. They had faith in their hearts that they'd find their friend instead of the police. They loved him so much. They could feel his presence. They knew he had not passed. They knew he would show up for his match. They knew they could count on him. They knew that they'd see him on TV this week. And they knew that even though the cops couldn't understand his lifestyle, the foibles of human beings, and our need to stand out instead of fit in... They knew they did. They felt better having saved their friend. They felt good affirming that they 'had his back.' They didn't think too much about it, but they shouldered a feeling of nobility for saving him from the possible threat of cops on his tail... Little did they know, the cops merely thought it was a prank phone call. Luckily for the absent friend, they left behind his cell phone and wallet. He'd certainly need to get his hands on that quickly -- or atleast quickly enough for him to make his arrangements to the Honda Center by the date of his show. The Search Party left quickly. Hopefully. Uselessly. All they managed to do was consume, prank call, and steal. But, despite all of the rumors, he didn't exactly NEED drugs to get through his day. Those screaming fans... Those blaring lights... His rock-n'-roll music... The make up. The high-flying moves. That's all he needed. All he ever could ask for.
Ugh, he's not here either? This is fucking bullshit. Like I love him and everything but this is getting to be a pain in my friggin' ass. Every few months he just goes MONKEY SHIT and we have to spend a week lookin' for him. ALL. OVER. THE. PLACE. And, when we find him ... It's the most ridiculous place -- and for the most ridiculous --
Relax, babe. (Letting her look of disgust slide off his back:) It becomes me that we're betwixt and between -- coming to blend the two worlds of him together... This is... Something like... His SECRET, EVIL LABORATORY... Or something like that, you-know-what-I'm-getting-at-don't-you?. Where he... practices... Uh, the noble art of ALCHEMY. Or... Maybe like --
Lita gave him a look, placing a sassy hand on one of her curvaceous hips. She gave him a playful middle finger and began looking around. She couldn't hide her frustration with their shitty situation, so she certainly couldn't hide her frustration with her companion failing to realize what's at stake. Even though she couldn't stand spending so many hours out of her free time looking for her beloved friend -- he was still her beloved friend. She smiled, remembering the few times she indulged in his favorite past time with him. Matt smirked, his intuition suddenly recognizing her familiarity with the instruments strewn about her. He could tell that a psychedelic opportunity was right under his nose. Was that, quite possibly, what the room was trying to communicate to him? Or was he merely looking for a way to indulge in sweet fruits of brain-altering chemicals -- because, well, it was ... well, honestly, right there.
I know we look down on poor buddy ol' boy because -- well, it's perfectly out of control at a certain point, now, isn't it? With the drugs. And the disappearing. And the eccentric clothing. And the WHAT-HAVE-YOU. I mean, not to solicit anything too wild... Nothing too OUT-OF-THE-SWAMP or anything. Nothing... Er, on the lines of Bach -- or ... Goethe -- if we want to keep it SQUARE and ... you know, real -- but, maybe something like... Well, I dunno... On the lines of... Uh.. You know: that one fella who sat inside of his room goin' on and on about his little JINGLES about this and that. And, no-no-no-no: not that one fella that's always WINNIN' -- although, gotta be honest, this charlatan is definitely WINNIN' with those ticket and merch sales... Uh... Right. Um. What was I -- NO: it's not Charlie Sheen! It's... It's, uh -- I'd remember wouldn't I? -- It was -- rather --
Okay, give it a rest, "woke" boy. I've seen you naked. I get it. You've looked up some buzz words and now you know how string them together to make your wild, mad rantings and ravings sound like they're music. Well, to me, it sounds like you just wiped your pretentious ass and you're trying to sell it to me like it's nutella. No. You crook. Instead... Why don't you help me... I don't know? Get one of these going... Like, come on -- I'm fuckin' tired. I'm hungry, too, honestly -- do you think we could get delivery sent here? (Off his look:) -- Oh, come on... I'm talking practical here. We can't just go scourin' the whole fucking earth in one night. We're human friggin' beings. Give us a rest. (She gave him a pouty face, nearly flirting but not quite hitting the mark. She cleared her throat, then:) You know, since we grew up and everything it's hard to keep in touch, so... Maybe it isn't so bad that he goes missing every once in a while.
Wow. Did you hit it already? 'Cause talk about a flip. Talk about 360. Talk about a TOTAL ROUNDABOUT. You went from like -- ooooo -- to like -- OHHH -- and, I'm like -- uh... (He let out a sound, disapproving of her move to get the drugs ready. Shaking his head and taking over:) Maybe you should just relax and let papa bear get all this settled. You can, uh, I don't know... (He waved his hands in the air trying to remember how to get things moving from this point in the process.) Get the food comin'. (He thinks about it for a second:) I kinda doubt he'd appreciate us oustin' his lil' spot. Maybe we should send the delivery person to a house nearby and, uh, I dunno -- come out from the backyard or some shit like that so they don't know that we don't live there, haha... Do you think they'll get pissed at us if we do some stupid shit like that?
Okay, thanks for dropping the whole "I'm Rick Sanchez with BPD" act; but, next thing we need to 'axe' is you asking whether or not you think it's a bad idea to ... and I'm quoting you verbatim here, Matt ... literally do something that you, yourself, would call 'stupid.' And, NO... Daddy. This GIRL can do it perfectly fine herself, thank you. Actually, I'm pretty sure the... uh... frequency with which he brought me down to get TOASTED before -- well... You know -- was WAY higher than the amount of times you guys had your little innocent 'bro' times --
Okay, little miss "I'm a Disney Princess for American Idiot fans" -- (They both take a hit and laugh, elbowing each other at the lame lick.) No, but seriously -- yeah, he and I came down to the garage a lot to share over the years. And, I guess, maybe I do miss him sometimes. But, things are always busy, so I can't really make the time to come all the way out to see him and, I don't know, plan an activity, and then see it through tot he end -- it's just -- and... Wow. You've got me sounding like you. You bitch. (Both of their shoulders relax as they indulge in the residential stash.) You don't think he'll be mad that we're totally stiffin' him right now, right? I mean, I know we're like his SEARCH CREW, basically, but -- I mean, I've gotta be honest, I do it for free... (He smirked, his eyes and complexion showing the pleasurable psychoactive effects on his mind.) And, to be honest, I had to chase after that fuckin' wild animal in high school, too. He's the fuckin' worst -- always just running off and trying to cause some trouble. So, yeah, I did exactly what we're doing now -- on purpose. I wouldn't worry about it too much, sweetie.
She refrained herself from slapping him and consumed more of the 'good stuff.' They both smiled big Cheshire the Cat smiles, took in more psychoactivity, and hugged. A kiss seemed imminent until they both thought about the missing comrade. Their eyes sank to the ground and they both took a seat. The high suddenly made these violent, abandoned emotions more vibrant and cutting. Tears nearly leaked from both of their disbelieving eyes. Matt still smirked, though, always having faith that he would see him again. Although Matt knew that his absent friend was a bit of a live wire. A bit of a loose cannon. A little bit of a mess. A little bit of someone that's too difficult to get a handle on... He knew that he was still not crazy. He wouldn't do anything that would put himself at too much of a risk. He knew he could trust him. He knew he could rely upon him. He knew he would always come back. He always did.
-- It was always so unbelievable to me how he could get me into such a better mood with a coupla words. It always felt like whenever he spoke to you about -- I don't know... Living in the moment... And... Going for what you want... And, like... Uh... (Sharing a look at him to conjure it together, but blurting it out alone:) BEING YOURSELF -- you know ... All that shit that sounds corny when they cut it together ... And play your music... And you know somebody's coming out after... (She looked at him for a second with a dazed look, but he shot her daggers of 'duh' to pay her back for earlier. She smirked, realizing he was in the business, too.) Yeah -- you know what I'm talking about... (She giggled a bit more.) Duh. Yeah, it always sounded like this inspirational CLAPTRAP whenever they put it together in those little promotional videos or whenever they have you do it -- your BIG, WHOPPING emotional speech about, like, your thoughts -- before, you know, THE WILDEST STAGE OF THEM ALL; but, we both know, deep down that --
I mean, that was his lifestyle. (A tear grew in his eye.) He didn't fuckin' PREACH it when we were younger, but that mother fucker definitely LIVED by it. Sneaking out whenever the fuck he wanted. Just to go explore the world by himself. Fuckin' weirdo, man. You think my like WIIIIIIIIIIILD professor mode is weird? Talk about this fuckin' guy. There isn't even a friggin' cult to follow him and he's completely out of his MIND -- (They both snickered, knowing they all enjoy self-depreciating jokes.) OH SHIT -- did you hear that he's like... I don't know, getting back into the game or whatever? Someone told me -- Jesus Christ, these people know more about our lives than WE do -- that he's trying to...
She gave him a look of disbelief and scorn. He shot her back one of snarky disbelief. They, then, both shot up to their feet and began to mock his opponent, strutting around like him, posing like him, and mocking his slogans, sayings, and mannerisms. They would then collapse into laughter, take a few more hits, and then realize the stakes of the situation: what if they didn't find him and he lost this great gig? I mean, it was great to let him have his freedoms every once in a while, but they knew that this would be a great situation for him. Another chance for him to reconnect with the fans. Another chance for him to inspire the misfits and the weirdo's out there. Another chance for him to be himself. And not this card board cut-out, half-assed version of himself. The patted each other on the back thinking of the person they've lost given the situation. COVID-19, politics, and existentialism seems to have put their beloved friend adrift at sea. Still, they couldn't help but pump each other up about his upcoming match. They were being extremely optimistic: they could see it in their minds eye. They would find him. He would be okay. Everything would be fine. They took out their phones and Matt turned on "The Rising" by Def Rebel. They both stood up to their feet with glee, mocking him with even more exuberance.
Oooo, look at me: I'm the "REVOLUTIONARY" -- boooo, I fucking HATED U.S. History. Like, thanks for the freedom -- but can we also be free from your BORING ASS LIFE STORIES? Like, if someone can't get off their fat ass and put your dumb ass story in a biopic, then it obviously isn't worth seeing... You know what I mean? But, YEAH -- sorry, I'm a fuckin' VISIONARY -- or whatever the fuck -- because... I don't know... I SAID SO. I swear, there are some people I just want to slap in the fuckin' face some times. Like, I'm just going to throw this word on myself and then parade around the world because I decided to call myself something. Um, hello, DIMWIT, don't you realize we can all do that? What's making you so superior other than how far you can shove your head up your own fuckin' fat ass? It's like --
Yeah, it's like -- what the heck have YOU gone through, kid? Like, growing up around here -- NOT fun. I guess maybe we can get some assistance from the Great and Powerful Messiah -- fuckin' MOSES, for Christ's sake -- over here... Maybe HE can help guide us to the promise land -- you know, with his ALL-SEEING VISION -- by saying something dumb like... Hmmm, lemme see: like -- uh -- (In a high pitched voice:) I went to wrestling school! It was hard knocks! (They both take a hit:) Yeah, I bet! And, did you do that in your free time? After paying the tuition without another thought? From your perfect mommy and daddy's little pocketbook? I mean, I know it sounds like I'm being resentful -- but, come on... To go through all of the shit that he's gone through... (The both paused to consider the 'lost' status of their absent friend.) -- I ASK YOU, GOD ALMIGHTY: (He looks around for his lost friend one more time:) WHERE THE FUCK ART THOU, YOU RAMBUNCTIOUS, YOU CANTANKEROUS. YOU M.I.A. --
I'd love to hear which of the adjectives you've recently looked up piques your interest this time around, but... (She places an instrument down after finishing her hit. She accidentally knocks it over, though, sparking harsh gasps from both of them in a cacophonic unison. They can’t believe their eyes…) Oh shit, we’re on to him, Matt! We’re onto him! That’s definitely HIS cellphone and wallet. He’s been here recently! (Hushed:) Oh my god, what if he’s like asleep in some other part of this – HOLY SHIT, where the fuck even are we, high off of our fucking minds?! Are we going to be able to find him this fucking HIGH OFF OF OUR TITS?! … Jesus Christ. we didn’t think this through. We didn't think this through at all.
They both look at the loot with widened eyes. Was it the leftovers of a dead man? Were they so loose in relationship with the man that they could just steal his belongings and walk away just fine? Maybe even get away with some of this wonderful hallucinogenic? The wild possibilities fluttered and frolicked before their eyes. The instruments looked more shiny. The dropped stuff nearly faded into nonexistence. A tear dropped from their eyes, though. They could tell that they were thinking about the wrong thing. Their minds flooded with warm memories of the absent one. Their hearts beat faster and faster as they delved deeper and deeper into their subconscious – surveying random clips of memories shared with him. They knew they had to do something. And they knew they had to do something FAST. Matt quickly unleashed his cellphone from his pocket.
Okay, I’m calling 911. – If I can remember how to do that… (Lita smirks and Matt doesn’t catch on until he blinks at the keypad. They share a laugh and a hit.) Yeah, we were just looking for – well, someone was lost ma’am… Oh my – okay, you know what, fuck – well, yes, I did say that someone… Honestly, we can just do it our – Okay, fine! If you would just fuckin’ LISTEN to what I’m – okay, ma’am, do you think you could transfer – (taking the phone away from his face with disgust:) wow… This fucking bitch has NO manners. (Lita’s cheeks are red as she holds her laughter in, not paying too much attention to the fact that their friend is gone at this point.) Okay, yes… Well, she was KIND OF being a bit of a – so – Well, YES if that fuckin’ – well, yes, I’m sorry, I – it’s just – if she would’ve let me FINISH THE FIRST TIME. (He huffs and puffs as they moderate the situation professionally on the other line. He mocks them with Lita as she giggles and mocks him. He flips her off.) Yeah, well, my brother… We’ve been looking for him. Oh, yeah: HE’S LOST… As I’ve been TRYING TO TELL YOU THIS WHOLE FUCKIN’ –
Lita suddenly snatched his cellphone out of his grasp and immediately hung up the phone call. She looked at him in the face with seriousness as he glared back at her with confusion. She couldn't even let it out. She was shocked. She was mortified. They knew they had to leave this area as quickly as possible. They couldn't risk the cops tracking the phone, finding the drugs, finding them high off the drugs, knowing that another drug-user was on the loose, and end up with them all in prison. They quickly packed up the drugs and grabbed their belongings, whipping out of the location with ease. They giggled a bit on their way out, realizing they were in a horror movie of their own making for a bit. But, they knew that technology and vehicles couldn't beat them. They were so high off of their balls that they didn't realize the cops could easily just call them back.
They rushed out of the mysterious location. They had faith in their hearts that they'd find their friend instead of the police. They loved him so much. They could feel his presence. They knew he had not passed. They knew he would show up for his match. They knew they could count on him. They knew that they'd see him on TV this week. And they knew that even though the cops couldn't understand his lifestyle, the foibles of human beings, and our need to stand out instead of fit in... They knew they did. They felt better having saved their friend. They felt good affirming that they 'had his back.' They didn't think too much about it, but they shouldered a feeling of nobility for saving him from the possible threat of cops on his tail... Little did they know, the cops merely thought it was a prank phone call. Luckily for the absent friend, they left behind his cell phone and wallet. He'd certainly need to get his hands on that quickly -- or atleast quickly enough for him to make his arrangements to the Honda Center by the date of his show. The Search Party left quickly. Hopefully. Uselessly. All they managed to do was consume, prank call, and steal. But, despite all of the rumors, he didn't exactly NEED drugs to get through his day. Those screaming fans... Those blaring lights... His rock-n'-roll music... The make up. The high-flying moves. That's all he needed. All he ever could ask for.