This is ridiculous! You guys can't just sit back and dissect this like it's something that was premeditated! Like it was some kind of planned -- intention -- or something like that. It's kind of like Will Smith just randomly SLAPPING THE SHIT out of Chris Rock. I mean, what we're talking about are PEOPLE here, people! We're not talking about robots! And, Jeff Hardy isn't a robot. He isn't a computer. You can't just pick him up when you're ready for him and then just throw him down as if he's a toy. He's not your WWE figurine for whenever you're ready for a great high-flying match -- rather, Jeff Hardy... like every other wrestler, is a PERSON. And, tonight, Jeff Hardy did something that ALOT of people do! So, I think that maybe you guys should just take a quick breath and find it within your hearts to realize that lots of people do things that they regret! And, to be honest, it's not like he did anything particularly wrong. This wasn't some like 'oh, this guy was the devil' and 'this guy was the angel' kind of thing. This was like -- I mean, you've seen all the videos... You've seen all of the posts online of people claiming to eyewitnesses... It just isn't as simple as the media outlets are making it. jeff Hardy certainly isn't an angel, everyone. That's not what I'm saying. But, hear me out: he's DEFINITELY not a devil.
There was much malarkey and chaos in the chat. Nobody seemed to understand how to make sense of what she was talking about. Well, maybe some did. Some were following the news outlets. Some were all over the internet searching up this strange occurrence. In fact, some people were even there. I mean, it's hard to speak of it like this... As if it were s0ome kind of crime scene. But, it certainly WAS an "incident." So to speak. Something that would be stained in the memories of anyone who was there that night. And anybody who knew about it occurring. Or anybody who was a fan of Jeff Hardy's. The chat was alive with several claims. Some people voiced their lack of knowledge. Other's tried to calm others down with what they claimed to be the truth. Some were wildly off -- completely bewitched by the lies told on the other internet. While others were maybe a bit more 'warm' in a game of 'hot and cold,' so to speak. So warm that they were basically spot on. But, still, most were misinformed. And this was because of trolls. Elizabeth wouldn't let the lies of the misinformants stand in the way of her expressing her truth. She wouldn't let their misunderstanding their lack of knowledge, or their failure to acknowledge the seriousness of the situation drain her. she would pile through to the end at all costs. She wouldn't be another causality to the curse of fame.
Okay, okay! I get that -- I'm seeing that ... Well, yes -- everyone CALM THE FUCK DOWN! Okay, I get it! Not everyone is aware of what's going on... Not everyone is on the same page... And not everyone is -- not everyone is trying to help out here. And, I get that. I'm not even going to... I'm not going to let that get to me. I'm not going to be frustrated by the fact that some people are acting disingenuous. I'm just going to keep going. Going to keep being authentic and able to see the truth myself. And, I'm not going to let you intimidate me into not seeing what's there. And here's what happened. Jeff Hardy was paid to talk at a college. This was GREAT news for us. Jeff Hardy is a leader. He is someone who is undoubtedly inspiring and who can spring other struggling people -- especially kids who were in his unfortunate early situation -- into action. Into doing things that will be good for their future selves. People who will FIGHT for what's right. So, anyway -- he's out there gettin' paid to speak these people into their own glory... Getting a few dollars to share his shine... To make sure that everyone can see the light. And let the sunshine in... And let go of all of the bullshit that -- well, that stands in the way of them being able to live in the moment. So, anyway, he says all that -- and, obviously, everyone goes home SUPER inspired. Like, I'm not sure if you know everything that I'm SUPER upset about at this point, but I'm sure that you're able to like -- I don't know -- remind yourself of all of the RIDICULOUS amounts of posts about Jeff Hardy talking at this super prestigious college that -- look... I'm not here to brag. Especially since -- look, after the talk... Jeff... As he i wont to do.. Decided to go out afterwards. Now, obviously -- not everyone agrees with Jeff's way of living. And, so -- one of the PUNK KIDS... Well, let me be ... One of the kids in the audience was at the bar that night.. And, you know, Jeff got... Well, into a fight with this guy. I WANT TO BE OBJECTIVE... But, I just CAN'T SEE Jeff being the aggressor here! He's on a trip to -- and the guy admits that he's -- and he's just trying to show that the 'speaker' isn't all that ... And, to be honest, Jeff REALLY likes to goto town with the alcohol... And he very well may've came to the party hopped up on ... Okay, okay -- I'm ... Jeff went to rehab. He's in constant contact with his advisor. He's -- we check in with him every day. We go on a schedule. It's like roulette. It seemed like baby sitting at first, but... We love him. And he loves us. It's a way to check in. To let everyone know that this is important. This is a journey that matters to ALL of us. So, anyway, I'm just glad that everyone's okay... Jeff Hardy and -- whatever his name is... The frat guy that he scrapped with.
The chat is suddenly filled with more understanding and amore cohesion with the circumstances. Some of the trolls felt bad for their misappropriation of the situation and others took it as a challenge to see how far they could take it. Surprisingly enough, some people took part in this spontaneous conspiracy theory and continued to be utterly off-base regarding the truth of the situation. But, Elizabeth didn't have time for that. She needed to get more out. She need to express how she felt. Jeff Hardy got a little beat up that night. He certainly got a few of his own licks in, but there was a lot of damage done to Jeff Hardy's body on that fateful night. He wasn't simply some rag doll, but he also didn't get away without some significant damage. This wasn't good for his reputation: he shouldn't be getting into bar fights during college talks or as a professional wrestler himself. But, she knew that his addiction to unstable social situations, hallucinogenic drugs, and tasty alcohol was the true fuel here. He was no hot head. She could tell. And whenever she could tell, she was right. She shrugged a bit, looking at the comments. She got out of her car and we found her in the stairwell before she began speaking again. The overwhelming weight of her situation was not fun. This was quite a dip in Jeff Hardy's situation and may have very well eclipsed what's going on in his wrestling career at EBWF. This was not good news. This was not something to brag about. This was nothing to go on Facebook Live and talk about. This was, clearly, something to go online and clear up. Something to make as transparent as the events of the public during the daylight. We could see the blank white walls of the stair well and hear her belabored steps onto the steel steps of the hallway stairs. We could har her breath get a little bit darker and deeper as she took each step, and although we could not see it, she elevated quite a bit in the building with each audibly-clear step.
But, you know what? This whole ordeal -- this whole... Blip in the universe. This one fucking... This one little glitch in the matrix... Is NOT the entirety Jeff Hardy. This is NOT who he is. This is NOT what he stands for. This is NOT who you cheer for. This is just one -- this is just... People, he's a human being just like you. The person he was in a fight with -- I mean, he was like a typical frat kid. This kid probably -- I mean, who knows what these hot-headed jerks are made of? They start going off at the mouth... They start believing their little lies. They start thinking they can do whatever they want to do. They start thinking that their DICK HEAD is some how -- some way -- in some manner... In CONTROL here... It's always great to watch their reaction when you show them that they're ... Fuck... See! Jeff was always so good at like -- it was like tough love. He would always help you figure out what your problem was... And he'd try to help you fix it! What if that's what happened? I mean, honestly... He was there to do a JOB -- and this kid... This snot-nosed... I mean, he's got his acceptance letter... He's got his emblems... He's got his symbols. He knows he's SET for life... So, all of a sudden he thinks that just because the speaker at his... I mean, I don't even know what they call those fucking entrance ceremonies where... I'm sure Jeff would -- LOOK, the point is... He made it through his hazing. He's won his little game. He's apart of the club. That's enough for him. Now he's GOD. Now he's HOT SHIT. How he can call out JEFF HARDY. He doesn't know that Jeff Hardy doesn't need to get into the ring... Doesn't have to use his fists... Doesn't have to HATE you... Doesn't have to SNEAKILY ATTACK you... He can face you HEAD ON -- as A FRIEND, and he'll still KICK YOUR ASS, buddy! So, that's what happened! And, you know what? Congratulations on your SUCKER PUNCH! There -- I said it! We all saw the videos! We can all act like because this kid was younger... Because they're doing drug tests on my boyfriend... Because this boy's frat club is full of rich and powerful alumni... Because the little letters on his progress report in High School were high enough for him to get into that college... We think that HE'S just automatically credible... We KNOW that he's the hero. He's the victim. He's the kid. We should sympathize with him. Who cares about the rehab-returning, perfectly fine wrestling Jeff Hardy? I mean, aren't those wrestler guys famous for like -- I don't know... Completely murdering their entire families? Yeah... Wait... WHAT?! NO! People! ... no. NO! ... So, how about we take a step back and consider what's really going on here? This is JEFF HARDY here everyone. Talking to some aggressive, drunk kid after hours! But, again -- I ... I'm just happy that everyone is safe. And, to be honest, the frat parties are always the best... It's just best that... Maybe if you didn't agree with what my boyfriend had to say... You just kept all of your opposition to yourself.
As she got to through more stairs, her steps got more and more spaced out. We could see her start to take off her coat and we could hear her words start to become more and more difficult to be said. You could feel sorry for not only her pain but also her labor to get up those stairs. It was strange, it was like the amount of physical pain she was experiencing after a hard day was being poured into an already emotionally vulnerable situation. A tear welled in the eyes of even the trolls. Many emojis in the chat expressed this sentiment.
Riddle is just like that. Keep all of your aggressive, immature manchild energy to yourself. We don't need any keg stand lessons. The party is over. It's time to get serious. There's work to do. There's underprivileged people to inspire. Weirdos to free from their social imprisons. People to bring together -- by helping them transcend all of the bullshit that was built to separate them from each other. To well -- you know, call these jerks out. To make sure that we KNOW who the jerk is who thinks that he's HOT FUCKING SHIT -- but we know he's just a goddamn FUCK BOY when everything boils down to it... He's not anything worth writing home about. Maybe -- just MAYBE he should sign up for Jackass to put his douchebaggery to good use, but... At the end of the day, you just want to get rid of the frat boy, right? He' just.. Annoying. Jeff Hardy, on the other hand, he'll hold your hand the entire way. He just wants the best for you... But, he's not going to back down. And, I respect that the most out of my boyfriend. Even if that kind, but powerful heart, gets him into these embarrassing situations -- well, at least when you're famous... But -- and, I'll say this to myself every day that I wake up -- I made this choice when I decided to start going out with him. I knew what I was getting into. And that frat boy obviously didn't know what he was getting into when he decided to take Jeff Hardy on with an argument... And, I guess he couldn't take any other route of getting rid of his anger than to attack Hardy... Doesn't matter if you take him on regarding his philosophy of life, his way of seeing this beautiful place we call home, or his notion of his fellow man -- OR if you want to throw hands... Hardy will hand it to you. And, I can't wait to see him do it again next week. We he takes on another one of those fuck boys who needs to get their mouths glued together and their balls alienated from fertile vaginas. Sorry -- that's -- okay... Not sure if Jeff endorses that. But, you get my drift. You better enjoy the party tonight, frat boy. It's always good to have a few drinks before you walk into an exam you know you're going to FAIL, right? Good luck, buddy... But, I doubt you'll be able to make any damage with your silly hijinks against the CHARISMATIC ENIGMA!