Warfare Results 10/09/2023

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Warfare Results 10/09/2023

Post by Ashlee »


Pyro went off in the T-Mobile Arena and the crowd was electric for Monday night.

Mauro Ranallo: Get ready folks… it’s time for Warfare! We are just three weeks away from Fanniversary where matches are shaping up and we’re ready to celebrate the fans of EBWF with Fanniversary!

Nigel McGuinness: I, for one, can’t wait, Mauro!

The crowd cheered while the tron lit up and the sound system came alive.

“You Know It’s ALL About the Boom!”

Crowd: Adam Cole Baby!

Adam Cole came to the stage with the Breakout Championship around his waist. He made his way down the ramp.

Nigel McGuinness: Last week, Adam Cole had an impressive outing against The Perfect Ten, Shawn Spears, as he’s been hosting this Breakout Championship Invitational.

Mauro Ranallo: You have to wonder if Adam Cole is regretting his choice to defend this championship against anyone! Spears nearly took him to his limit.

Once Cole was in the ring he turned toward the entrance ramp and awaited his opponent. “It is My Time” by def rebel hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction.

Nigel McGuinness: It’s Dominik Mysterio!

Mauro Ranallo: It’s been quite some time since we’ve seen this young man and he’s offered himself up as Adam Cole’s challenger.

Cole gestured for Dominik to get in the ring, but he took his time before finally getting between the ropes. The bell rang. The match began with a series of lock-ups and exchanges that showcased the technical prowess of both competitors. Dominik Mysterio, the high-flying and agile luchador, used his quickness and agility to gain the upper hand in the early minutes. He executed a beautiful sequence of arm drags and dropkicks, keeping Adam Cole on the defensive.

Mauro Ranallo: Dominik is really showing his talent in this matchup!

Adam Cole began to show why he's known as one of the best in the business. With a devious smile on his face, Cole targeted Mysterio's left leg, softening it up with precision kicks and submission holds. He locked in a figure-four leg lock that had the crowd on the edge of their seats, but Mysterio displayed his resilience and managed to reach the ropes.

Nigel McGuinness: The young man working to outsmart the veteran here.

The action spilled to the outside of the ring. Dominik Mysterio executed a spectacular springboard moonsault onto Adam Cole, leaving the audience in awe of his high-flying abilities. But Cole wasn't going down without a fight. He countered a Mysterio springboard attempt with a superkick to the jaw, staggering the young luchador. They battled back into the ring, and Adam Cole seized the opportunity. He hoisted Dominik Mysterio onto his shoulders and delivered his devastating finisher, the Panama Sunrise, a thunderous flip piledriver that left Mysterio motionless on the canvas.


The arena erupted in cheers as Adam Cole given the championship and he held it above his head.

Nigel McGuinness: Dominik Mysterio gave it his all, but he was unable to capitalize and become champion here tonight!

Mauro Ranallo: Look at the disbelief on the face of that young man.

The crowd began to boo as Dominic began yelling at the official and Warfare went to commercial.


Warfare returned from commercial to find Renee Young backstage in front of an unmarked door.

Renee Young: This time was meant for an interview with Ava Johnson, who made her EBWF debut just last week during Arisa Hoshiki’s match with Allysin Kay which ended in an unfortunate disqualification. Unfortunately, despite this scheduled time, Ava has declined to speak with me. I have tried to encourage her that we wish to welcome her to EBWF and ask her about…

The door behind Renee whipped open and Ava came out, staring down at the interviewer with disapproval.

Ava Johnson: You want to encourage, Ava Johnson? You want to ask Ava Johnson about why she targeted Allysin Kay and Arisa Hoshiki last week?

Renee Young: I think all we saw last week was you making a mistake. Perhaps you meant to…

Ava threw her hand up in Renee’s face and Renee flinched.

Ava Johnson: It Doesn’t Matter what you think, Renee.

Ava kept her hand in Renee’s face, and raised her eyebrow before looking down the lens. Then she dramatically dropped her hand, shrugged, laughed and laid a comforting hand on Renee’s shoulder.

Ava Johnson: Just kidding, Renee. Can you imagine? If I run around here raising my eyebrow and talking in the third person. That’s silly. And if you ask me, it’s always been silly, Renee.

Ava’s face turned serious.

Ava Johnson: You’re not wrong. It was a mistake. I didn’t come to attack Ariska. I’m not interested in Tam, yet.

It was Renee who raised her eyebrow now.

Renee Young: Then what are you interested in, Ava.

Ava Johnson: I’m afraid I can’t divulge that information just yet, Renee. But when I can, I promise you’ll be the first to know.

Renee Young: That’s hardly an answer!

Ava Johnson: And I said I didn’t even want to have this interview, so I guess that’s on you.

Ava rolled her eyes and went back into the locker room, leaving Renee staring after her as a Fanniversary ad began to play.


"Teenage Nosferatu Pussy" by Rob Zombie played and boos rang out as Jamie Hayter made her way to the ring.

Christy Hemme: The following contest is a Handicap match. Introducing first, representing Oedo Tai, from Southampton, England, Jamie Hayter.

Mauro Ranallo: Soon after last week's show Jamie Hayter went to management and demanded this Handicap match tonight against Liv N Bliss.

Nigel McGuinness: It's certainly an unusual thing to do but it shows how confident she is in her abilities.

Jamie entered the ring and leaned against a corner with a confident smile on her face. "Shitlist" by L7 hit and the crowd cheered loudly as Alexa Bliss and Liv Morgan walked out. They made it to ringside when they were jumped.

Mauro Ranallo: Oh, what the hell?! It's Tam Nakano and AZM.

Nigel McGuinness: This looks like a set up.

The Oedo Tai members threw Alexa and Liv in the ring and went to attack but the two blondes fought back. Alexa and AZM went at it while Liv and Tam went at it. Alexa got the upper hand on AZM and delivered several punches in the corner until…


Jamie Hayter hit Alexa in the back with the Oedo Tai sign and Bliss crumpled to the mat.

Mauro Ranallo: They must've had the sign under the ring.

Liv had Tam down to a knee and went to hit the 201 facebreaker but when she ran back to Tam, she was sprayed in the face with blue mist.

Nigel McGuinness: MIST!!!

Liv immediately started rubbing her eyes trying to get the mist out and blindly turned into a Hayterade from Jamie. With both Alexa and Liv down, AZM reached into her pocket and pulled out a pair of handcuffs.

Nigel McGuinness: This isn't gonna be good.

AZM walked over to Alexa and placed one cuff on her wrist and the other on the middle rope. Alexa came to and realized she was handcuffed and tried to get out but to no avail. The three Oedo Tai members taunted Alexa who simply motioned for them to bring it. Jamie shook her head slowly and she, Tam ,and AZM turned around and started beating down Liv.

Mauro Ranallo: Now all three of them are going after Liv, and Alexa is being forced to watch.

Nigel McGuinness: And with Becky Lynch still on the shelf there's no one to help Liv N Bliss.

Alexa continued to jerk on the cuffs to try and break free. Liv staggered to her feet and AZM hit her with the sign causing her to turn into a Violet Shoot from Tam. Jamie dragged Liv over to Alexa who reached out to try and get Liv away and Jamie taunted her by holding Liv's hand out. AZM went outside and pulled out a glass table from under the ring.

Mauro Ranallo: Oh god someone stop this.

AZM slid the table into the ring and Alexa's eyes widened and she shook her head. Jamie and AZM set up the table and then Jamie climbed up and sat on the top rope as Alexa was yelling at her.

Alexa Bliss: I swear to god Jamie if you do this I'll kill you.

Jamie smirked and told her teammates to put Liv on her shoulders which they did.

Nigel McGuinness: Please no!

Jamie stood up and then gave Liv a superbomb through the glass table.

Mauro Ranallo: MAMA MIA!

The crowd gasped and fell into a stunned silence as EMTs rushed the ring. Oedo Tai left the ring and the camera caught an angry Alexa saying "You're dead". The camera briefly cut to the ramp where Jamie laughed at her heinous deed. AZM taunted LIv N Bliss with mock crying, and Tam leaned forward to the camera, posing in a sarcastically cute ‘woops!’ manner. Officials came out with bolt cutters and freed Alexa and she crawled over to where the EMTs were with Liv who was grimacing in pain. The EMTs and Alexa turned Liv over slightly and pressed towels against her back to stop the bleeding.The camera picked up Alexa saying "I'm sorry Liv".

Mauro Ranallo: Guys can we please go to commercial?

Warfare went to commercial as the EMTs were still tending to Liv.


When EBWF returned from commercial Trent? was already in the ring, and “Phenomenal” hit the PA as AJ Styles did his usual entrance. He got into the ring, and the bell rang.

Mauro Ranallo: This crowd is electric!

Trent used his brute strength and power, and he wasted no time in displaying it. He took control early with a series of powerful slams and suplexes, showcasing his technical prowess. The crowd cheered as Trent dominated the early moments, using his strength to his advantage. However, AJ Styles began to turn the tide. With lightning-quick strikes and impressive agility, Styles dodged Trent's power moves and started to work on his opponent's legs. He executed a vicious calf crusher that had Trent writhing in pain, but the resilient powerhouse managed to reach the ropes.

Nigel McGuinness: AJ styles couldn’t overcome the power of Trent!

The back-and-forth action continued as Trent unleashed a barrage of heavy blows, while Styles responded with an array of aerial maneuvers. Styles hit his signature Pele Kick, followed by a breathtaking springboard 450 splash.

Mauro Ranallo: This crowd surely appreciates the technical prowess of AJ Styles!

In the climax of the match, Styles managed to hoist Trent onto his shoulders and executed the Styles Clash. The crowd erupted as Styles made the cover, and the referee counted to three, declaring AJ Styles the winner of the match.

The arena reverberated with applause as Styles celebrated his hard-fought victory.

Nigel McGuinness: AJ Styles is back in EBWF and he has another win under his belt!

Mauro Ranallo: Trent put up a hard fight, but AJ was the victor tonight.

AJ stood on the turnbuckle as the fans cheered, and an EBWF Shop ad began to play.


When Warfare returned from its final commercial break there was a buzz in the crowd, as it had been rumored all night that the show would finish with a surprise segment. There was that palpable beat as the crowd waited to hear who's music would hit. After several seconds of anticipation- the crowd exploded when they heard a very familiar cadence.




"I Came To Play" by Downstait bellowed through the arena, as Michael Cole sauntered out wearing a Bro Awesome Football Jersey (Available on EBWF Shop) and his hat on sideways. After a couple of beats Riddle came out on his scooter rocking the same jersey and his hat on backwards. There was a long dramatic wait, as both Riddle and Cole did their patented in unison head tilt to the entrance way. Coming out first was AJ Styles, he had a Bro Awesome T-Shirt on himself and gave fist bumps to both Riddle and Cole. Now all 3 man did an in unison look to the entrance way, and the crowds cheers grew when The Miz came through the curtain. He wore the same T-Shirt as AJ Styles, as he walked by all 3 men without giving them fist bumps. The men looked at each other and shrugged as they followed a very focused and serious looking Miz down the ramp. Miz skipped his normal fun entrance and made a B-Line to the time keeper who granted him a microphone. He didn't bother to get one for the other members of BA. A 'Miz is Awesome' chant broke out but Miz immediately held his hand up.

The Miz: I appreciate it, but tonight isn't the night for that. It's not the night for comedy, it's not the night for hijinx, it's not the night to goof around. Why I'm out here is simple. It is well documented that I can be fun. I can be the life of any party, and there's many superstars including my guys in this ring right now, that can attest to that. However, right now- I'm not feeling like much fun at all. I'm not feeling like partying. What I AM feeling like, is coming out to tell all of you, my loyal Mizfits and fans of 'Bro Awesome' exactly where I stand on the current state of this company. Damien Priest is our new world champion, he dethroned me just a couple of months away from my becoming the longest reigning EBWF Champion in this company's proud history. This is not sitting well with me, in fact, it shouldn't be sitting well with anyone. I'm not out here to even talk down about Damien Priest. He's a great talent, and he's got a great future in this business.. however.. the future is NOT the present.. and when it comes to the PRESENT- I am still the guy who should be holding this company's richest prize.

There was a cheer from the crowd who backed Miz' statement. The members of Bro Awesome also nodded in agreement.

The Miz: Now I know in the past, I may have come out here and made excuses for losing. I may have even come out here and just told everyone that I simply got overconfident, or that I overlooked Priest. The truth is, I don't have any excuses, and I certainly did not overlook Damien Priest going into this match. The fact is- I showed up and he showed up- and he beat me. He was the better man, and he took the one thing that aside from my wife and daughter means the most to me in this world. He showed up and beat me, and took the EBWF World Championship right off my waist. He certainly won that battle.. but the war.. the war is FAR.. FAR from over.

The crowd popped once more and Miz began to pace.

The Miz: So last time we saw Damien Priest speak to all of you, he admonished Paul Heyman and mentioned that he didn't want to be a cowardly champion that wins with the help of the likes of Paul Heyman. He mentioned that if I wanted a rematch that he would be up for that to happen. A lot of people speculated how I would react, how I would respond, would I be up for this rematch? Well that is why I came out tonight. There's no bit.. there's no comedy.. there's no ha ha's.. there's just me.. this microphone.. and an answer to that. My answer when it comes to Damien Priest vs. The Miz part 2.. is.. well..

The crowd started a "Yes" Chant.

The Miz: Yes.

Explosion from the crowd, Miz flashed his first smile of the segment.

The Miz: I look forward to making sure that Damien Priest knows that though his day in the sun may come to fruition someday.. Someday.. is NOT today. TODAY is still the day of The Miz.. TODAY is still the day of 'Bro Awesome' and though I admire his willingness to go out and do things on his own, and be a fighting champion, I'm here to tell you.. NAY.. to promise you.. that he'll only be a fighting champion.. just this once.. because after this fight ends.. he quite simply.. will NO LONGER... BE. CHAMPION.

The crowd popped as Miz took it home.




The Miz flipped the mic to the mat confidently, as 'Bro Awesome' surrounded Miz and patted him on the back for his direct message to the EBWF Champion Damien Priest. "I Came To Play" hit once more and the group made their exit up the ramp to cheers as the show went off the air to the group playing to the fans on top of the ramp. We had our answer Miz vs. Priest rematch would be happening. Only time would tell what Priest's answer would be to Miz accepting his challenge. Miz hyped the crowd and cheered as Warfare went off the air.
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