Warfare Results - 05/27/2024

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Warfare Results - 05/27/2024

Post by Ashlee »


The sold out crowd at the Fiserv Forum erupted with cheers as the pyrotechnics went off, signaling the start of another exciting episode of EBWF Warfare.

Mauro Ranallo: Get ready, folks... it's time for Warfare! We are live from Milwaukee, Wisconsin! Tonight, we continue the King and Queen of the Ring tournaments, and what a match we have to start with - Alexa Bliss of the Rebellious Angels versus Oedo Tai's Rhea Ripley!

"Immortal" by Adema hit the speakers, and the crowd cheered as Alexa Bliss headed down to the ring.

Mauro Ranallo: Here comes Alexa Bliss! After the shenanigans a couple of weeks ago that cost her an opportunity at the EBWF Women's Championship, she will be hoping to return to winning ways here tonight.

Nigel McGuinness: Alexa Bliss has a lot of heart, Mauro, and this Milwaukee crowd are certainly behind her, but she's up against the powerhouse Rhea Ripley. This is going to be a clash of styles!

Mauro Ranallo: I just hope she doesn't get screwed again, Nigel... it's bad enough that Christian and his coalition, Team Cage, seem determined to make Alexa's life a living hell, but when you add in the chaos of Oedo Tai, it truly does seem like the odds are stacked against Little Miss Bliss.

As Bliss reached the ring, "Demon in Your Dreams" by Motionless in White hit, and the atmosphere shifted. The fans booed as Ripley made her way to the ring with a menacing glare.

Mauro Ranallo: And here comes Rhea Ripley, looking as intimidating as ever. She's not here to play games, Nigel.

Nigel McGuinness: Ripley is one of the most dominant forces in the women's division. Bliss will have to use all her speed and agility to overcome Ripley's power.

The bell rang, getting the match underway. Bliss and Ripley circled the ring, then Ripley lunged forward to grab Bliss, but Bliss dodged it, using her speed and agility to stay out of Ripley's grasp. Bliss then went for a running dropkick, hitting Ripley in the chest and staggering her.

Mauro Ranallo: Alexa Bliss with a running dropkick! She's trying to keep Ripley off balance.

As Ripley stumbled backwards, Bliss followed up with a series of punches and kicks, trying to knock Ripley down to the mat. As Bliss went for a forearm smash, Ripley grabbed her arm, blocking it, then pulled Bliss in for a devastating headbutt!

Nigel McGuinness: What a headbutt from Ripley! Bliss is in trouble here!

Ripley lifted Bliss for a deadlift belly to back facebuster, slamming her hard into the mat. She went for the cover, but Bliss kicked out at two. Ripley continued her assault, stomping on Bliss several times before dragging her to her feet and whipping her against the ropes. As Bliss ran back towards her, Ripley delivered a powerful big boot that sent Bliss crashing to the mat. Bliss then stumbled to her feet and Ripley lifted her up for a delayed vertical suplex, showing off her strength before slamming Bliss down.

Mauro Ranallo: Rhea Ripley is dominating right now. Alex Bliss needs to find a way to turn this around.

Ripley lifted Bliss onto her shoulders, setting her up for an electric chair facebuster, but Bliss countered with a reverse hurricanrana! As Ripley hit the mat, Bliss climbed the turnbuckles, signaling for the Twisted Bliss. Bliss leapt from the top rope... but Ripley got her knees up!

Nigel McGuinness: What a quick reaction from Rhea Ripley! She just won't let Alexa Bliss get any momentum!

Ripley set Bliss up for the Bennett Bomb, but Bliss wriggled free and hit Ripley with a hard slap, followed by a quick snap DDT. She hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... Ripley kicked out! As Bliss got to her feet, the camera cut to the stage. Jamie Hayter was running down to the ring... but before she could get involved in the match, Liv Morgan attacked her! The crowd was on their feet as Bliss hit Ripley with an STO, then climbed the ropes again. Bliss launched herself off the top rope, executing a picture-perfect Twisted Bliss... and this time, Ripley was unable to block it. Bliss hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3! The bell rang, and the crowd erupted in cheers as Bliss' hand was raised in victory.

Mauro Ranallo: Alexa Bliss wins! What a match to kick off Warfare!

Nigel McGuinness: An incredible performance by Alexa Bliss. She overcame the odds and took down the powerhouse Rhea Ripley. We'll find out later on tonight whether she will face Shaul Guerrero or the leader of Oedo Tai, Tam Nakano, in the quarter finals!

Bliss and Morgan celebrated together as Warfare went to a commercial break.


As Warfare returned from the commercial break, Richard Holliday was standing in the ring ready for the next match.

Mauro Ranallo: Welcome back! Still to come, we’ve got Shaul Guerrero versus Tam Nakano, and Johnny Gargano goes one on one with former EBWF World Champion Randy Orton. Up next though, we’ve got Richard Holliday taking on Orton’s tag team partner, another former EBWF World Champion, Edge!

Holliday was turned toward the entrance way when the Milwaukee crowd came unglued.

“Oh My Here We Go…”

“Sound of Madness” hit and the Chairman of EBWF came from behind the curtain.

Mauro Ranallo: Wes Ikeda is here, Nigel!

Nigel McGuinness: And he doesn’t look too happy.

Wes Ikeda: Cut my music! Just… turn it off.

The music faded.

Wes Ikeda: Rich, on behalf of EBWF management please let me apologize for the disrespect being shown to you tonight. However, Edge isn’t here.

The crowd booed.

Wes Ikeda: And that’s exactly what you should do. You should boo Edge. You should boo Randy Orton, because he isn’t here yet either. They apparently think they run this show. So, let me tell you something, Rich. If Edge isn’t out here by the count of 10, you advance in the King of the Ring tournament. Ring the damn bell.

Wes threw the mic down and the referee rang the bell. He began his count.


The boos picked up in intensity.


Mauro Ranallo: Richard Holliday is going to move on in the King of the Ring tournament because Edge hasn’t arrived to the arena!


The crowd booed.


The referee rang the bell.

Christy Hemme: Here is your winner… Richard Holliday!

Nigel McGuinness: That’s one of the most bizarre EBWF victories I’ve ever seen.

Holliday exited the ring.


After the match, the camera cut back to Mauro Ranallo and Nigel McGuinness at ringside.

Mauro Ranallo: Well that wasn’t what I was expecting, Nigel… but I don’t think Richard Holliday will be complaining! He just got a free pass to the King of the Ring quarter finals! We now turn our attention back to the Queen of the Ring tournament, and what a match this promises to be… the leader of Oedo Tai enters Queen of the Ring for the first time as she takes on a former Women’s Champion and Last Survivor winner, Shaul Guerrero!

“Joy” by Santana and Chris Stapleton hit, and the crowd cheered as Shaul Guerrero made her way to the ring.

Nigel McGuinness: Shaul Guerrero has carved quite the legacy in EBWF, but she's facing Tam Nakano, the Final Boss, tonight... and Tam is as dangerous as they come. This won't be easy.

The arena lights dimmed as "Senbonzakura" by Wagakki Band began to play. Tam Nakano exuded a sinister aura as she stepped out onto the stage. The crowd booed loudly, but Nakano seemed unfazed, her focus solely on the ring. When Nakano was in the ring, the referee called for the bell and the two women locked up. Shaul put Tam in a headlock, but Tam fought out of it and whipped Shaul against the ropes. As Shaul ran back towards her, Tam went for a clothesline, but Shaul ducked underneath it, then spun around and hit Tam with a forearm smash. The two women exchanged punches back and forth, but Tam gained the upper hand and caught Shaul with a spinning heel kick, sending her to the mat.

Nigel McGuinness: What a spinning heel kick from Nakano! She has Shaul Guerrero down!

Tam followed up with an Argentine backbreaker rack, showcasing her strength before dropping Shaul. She went for a quick cover, but Shaul kicked out at two. As Shaul got to her feet, Tam hit her with a running bicycle kick, followed by a cutter. Tam then went for an Indian deathlock, but Shaul kicked her away and got back to her feet, before hitting Tam with a snap suplex!

Mauro Ranallo: Shaul Guerrero with the snap suplex! She's not out of this yet.

Shaul climbed to the top rope and went for a frog splash, but Tam rolled out of the way at the last second, causing Shaul to crash hard into the mat. Tam seized the advantage, whipping Shaul into the corner before hitting her with a handspring back elbow. As Shaul stumbled out of the corner, Tam dragged her down to the mat and went for the Indian deathlock once more. This time, she was able to lock it in. Shaul cried out in pain but managed to reach the ropes, forcing Tam to break the hold. The referee ordered Tam to take a step back, allowing Shaul time to get to her feet. Tam did so, but as soon as Shaul was on her feet, Tam hit her with a roundhouse kick, followed by a fisherman suplex! She hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... Shaul kicked out!

Nigel McGuinness: Another near fall! Tam Nakano is in complete control here!

Tam Nakano signaled for the end, setting up Shaul Guerrero for the Violet Screwdriver... but Shaul wriggled free and got behind Tam, hitting her with a release German suplex! As Tam got back to her feet, Shaul hit a swinging neckbreaker, then hooked the leg. The referee counted - 1... 2... Tam kicked out! Guerrero tried to capitalize, setting Tam up for the Gory Bomb, but Tam countered with a tiger suplex. She bridged into a pin, and the referee counted - 1... 2... Shaul kicked out at the last moment!

Mauro Ranallo: Incredible resilience from Shaul Guerrero!

Tam appeared to be getting frustrated, and as Shaul sat up, Tam hit her with a knee strike, before punching her against the ring mat several times. She then lifted Shaul Guerrero up for the Violet Screwdriver... and this time, she landed it perfectly, driving Shaul into the mat! She hooked the leg tightly as the referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Nigel McGuinness: It's over! You can talk about Shaul's resilience all you want, Mauro, but that was a dominant performance from Tam Nakano!

The bell rang, and Tam Nakano's hand was raised in victory. The crowd booed, but Tam stood tall, a menacing smile on her face.

Mauro Ranallo: No doubt about it, Nigel. Shaul Guerrero gave it her all, but Tam Nakano proved why she's called the Final Boss. She's moving on to the next round with a statement victory.

Tam Nakano continued to celebrate as Warfare cut to a video package promoting Total Supremacy.


When the promo package ended “Celtic Invasion” by CFO$ hit the PA System and the lighting changed to shades of green and orange as the crowd instantly began to cheer. The entrance curtain opened and the cheering from the crowd intensified as the EBWF Women’s Champion, Becky Lynch, walked out onto the stage with the Women’s Championship belt fastened around her waist. She stopped on the stage and unfastened the Women’s Championship belt from around her waist and held it up, much to the delight of the crowd. While she held the Women’s Championship belt up, Becky started walking down the entrance ramp.

Christy Hemme: Ladies and gentlemen… Please welcome the EBWF Women’s Champion… The Man, BECKY LYNCH!!!

Mauro Ranallo: A few weeks ago on Monday Night Warfare, Becky Lynch celebrated the biggest win of her wrestling career in a ceremony.

Nigel McGuinness: She brought up how she would love to defend the title against Alexa Bliss and Liv Morgan. That’s what prompted Christian Cage and Nikki Cross to interrupt.

Mauro Ranallo: The Rebellious Angels then made the match between Alexa, Liv, and Nikki that was set for two weeks ago.

Nigel McGuinness: The match ended up being a farce due to both Christian and Nikki.

Becky made it to ringside and climbed up onto the apron before she entered the ring. Right when she entered the ring, Becky approached Christy. Christy gave her microphone to Becky before she left the ring. Becky raised her microphone up to her lips as her theme faded out.

Becky Lynch: A few weeks ago on Monday Night Warfare, I celebrated the greatest high that one could ever celebrate as a professional wrestler. I celebrated a win that I never thought possible. I celebrated with my two best friends, Alexa Bliss and Liv Morgan. I also celebrated with the love of me life, Winter.

The crowd cheered.

Becky Lynch: Our celebration was cut short by Nikki Cross and Captain Arse-cream, or “Edge’s Bitch” as I used to call him when they used to be a tag team.

The crowd booed.

Becky Lynch: Me and my best friends made that triple threat match the week after. Maybe we underestimated how low Christian and Nikki would stoop to put her in a prime position to face me fer the title, but ya know what? I’m a man of me word. I will defend my belt against Nikki Cross, but if she thinks that I don’t know how to handle chaos or to control chaos, then she’s got another thing comin’.

The crowd cheered as Becky continued.

Becky Lynch: It doesn’t matter who ya put in front of me, I will fight until my last breath so I can come away with the victory, and I will emerge victorious. Now, as fer the stipulations, there are only two. The first is…

Before Becky could say another word, she was interrupted by Christian Cage's music. The crowd booed as The Instant Classic came out and stood at the stage with a microphone in hand.

Christian Cage: Becky, Becky, Becky. As I expected, here you are crying about what happened two weeks ago. You see, you should know by now that I always have a plan and I wasn't gonna let Nikki enter what was essentially gonna be a Handicap match.

The crowd began chanting “Christian sucks” and Cage gave them a dirty look before continuing.

Christian Cage: So, after the match was made, I came up with a plan and that was take one blonde out of the equation before focusing on the other. Trust me when I say that it didn't take long to figure out who would be attacked.

Christian laughed.

Christian Cage: So, as you saw the plan was a success and Becky, I must admit that Alexa put up quite a fight backstage. You should've seen her fighting with everything she had even as blood poured down her face.

The crowd booed while Becky glared a hole through Christian.

Mauro Ranallo: If looks could kill right now, Christian would have been incinerated on sight.

Nigel McGuinness: Nobody would blame her for it.

Becky Lynch: As I expected, there’s Captain Arse-cream or as Stone Cold used to call ya, the Creepy Little Bastard. Ya know somethin’, “Edge’s Bitch”? Fer too long, ya stuck yer nose in the Rebellious Angels’ business. I thought ya woulda learned yer lesson the last time, but ya know what? I’m glad ya didn’t learn, because I’ve been wantin’ to get my hands on ya ever since the first time ya attacked Alexa. So, that brings me to the first stipulation. When I beat Nikki Cross, I get five minutes alone in this ring with ya to do whatever I damn well please.

The crowd began cheering.

Becky Lynch: When I get done with ya, yer gonna need a lot more than arse cream!

Becky said with anger in her voice as the crowd cheered. Christian pretended to be scared.

Christian Cage: Oh, no. Whatever will I do? I don't care about that stipulation since it won't even get to that point. Now, what's the next one?

Becky Lynch: The second stipulation is the match type. The match type I choose is the Barbed Wire match!

The fans cheered.

Mauro Ranallo: Mamma mia! A barbed wire match?!

Nigel McGuinness: We’ve had a Taipei Deathmatch before, so this doesn’t come as a shock.

Christian Cage: Fine. That's just fine with me. I'll enjoy seeing you get carved up like a Thanksgiving Turkey. At the end of the day, when all is said and done, you will no longer be EBWF Women’s Champion after Total Supremacy…That is if you even make it there.

Suddenly, Becky was jumped from behind by Nikki Cross.

Mauro Ranallo: What the hell?

The crowd booed as Nikki began to rain down blows on a grounded Lynch. Cross grabbed the Women’s Championship and waited for Becky to get to her feet. When she did, Nikki tried to hit her with the belt, but Becky beat her to the punch with Forearm to the jaw. Becky hit a few more Forearm shots before she attempted a Manhandle Slam. Nikki slipped out and hit Becky in the face with the title belt. On the outside, Christian looked under the ring and pulled out a Barbed Wire baseball bat.

Nigel McGuinness: This is not good at all for Becky.

Christian entered the ring and gave the bat to Cross. With a sick smile, Nikki stalked Becky as she tried to get up before pushing the Barbed Wire bat into Becky’s forehead. Becky screamed and blood began to pour down her face.

Mauro Ranallo: Someone needs to stop this.

As if on cue, Alexa Bliss ran down to the ring with a normal baseball bat in her hand. Christian immediately saw Alexa and bailed out of the ring, but Nikki didn't. Alexa slid in the ring and hit Nikki across the back with her bat. Cross rolled out of the ring and left the Barbed Wire bat behind. Alexa picked up the bat and looked at it, an unnerving grin formed on her face as she seemed to be admiring it. Eventually Alexa threw the bat at Christian and Nikki who dodged it. Bliss went over and helped Becky to her feet before grabbing a microphone.

Alexa Bliss: Tick Tock. Tick Tock. Tick Tock. The time has come for the game to begin. It’s a game that will end in Team Cage's destruction.

Alexa let out an unnerving giggle which creeped Christian out as Alexa had seemingly lost her mind…again.

Alexa Bliss: The game has begun, and the next level will be Nikki's body getting completely shredded with Barbed Wire courtesy of my friend here. Oh, it's gonna be so much fun!!

Alexa let out a psychotic laugh as she handed the microphone to Becky. Becky raised the microphone and began to speak.

Becky Lynch: I hope ya had fun gettin’ the drop on me, because Total Supremacy will be a different story. The both of ya are goin’ down. After I get through with Nikki, I’m goin’ to send ya straight to hell, Christian. When I die in forty years, I hope I can go to hell so I can make ya relive all of the pain and sufferin’ that yer gonna go through at Total Supremacy.

Becky dropped the mic and “Celtic Invasion” hit again as EBWF went to commercial.


When EBWF returned from commercial, Rated RKO were shown backstage. They looked as though they had just arrived, pacing in the hallway. Edge ripped off his sunglasses and looked down the lens.

Edge: Congratulations on your hard earned victory, Richard Holliday! Like most of the untalented hacks around here, in order to win all you have to do is show up!

Randy Orton: Rated RKO is handing out victories tonight, boys! And Johnny Gargano, you’re next. Ya see, I don’t know if Wes Ikeda is blind or just stupid…

Edge: Probably both.

Randy Orton: Likely both. But Rated RKO is on strike. We ain’t working.

Edge: We don’t even know where we put the Tag Team Titles.

Randy Orton: That’s unrelated.

Edge shrugged.

Randy Orton: We told you, Wes, that if you didn’t figure out what happened to Trish two months ago when she was taken out of here in an ambulance, that we would, and since then you’ve been silent.

Edge: And you book us here tonight, thinking we’ll just be your good little soldiers and show up?

Randy Orton: Well, we’re here.

Edge: And we’ll collect those paychecks for the trip.

Randy Orton: But the best damn wrestlers alive today don’t step foot in a ring, until you fix this mess.

Edge: Now, don’t get us wrong, we don’t want to insult the good people of wherever the fuck this is…

Randy Orton: Jesus, what’d Milwaukee do to you?

Edge huffed, glaring at Randy. Randy put his hands up in surrender.

Randy Orton: The point is, we don’t go back on our word. Fix it, Wes. We can do this all day.

Edge glared above the camera and addressed the cameraman.

Edge: Now, get the hell out of my face,

He stomped past, and the camera followed their backs before Rated RKO ducked into a locker room and slammed the door. The camera focused on their logo before the scene returned to Mauro and Nigel at ringside.


Mauro Ranallo: Well, it’s time for the main event and after what we heard from Edge and Randy Orton, you have to assume Orton won’t be showing up.

Nigel McGuinness: If he doesn’t, Mauro, he should be fined and suspended! Edge and Randy Orton’s conduct is unprofessional… they are depriving these Milwaukee fans, and the millions watching around the world, by boycotting Warfare tonight.

“Rebel Heart” by CFO$ hit and the crowd cheered as Johnny Gargano made his way to the ring. Upon entering the ring, Gargano began to pace back and forth, waiting to see if his opponent would show up. The referee looked to be at a loss when Orton’s music didn’t hit. He talked it over with Gargano for a moment and rang the bell.


Mauro Ranallo: This is ridiculous!


Nigel McGuinness: Orton and Edge are delegitimizing this entire tournament!


The referee rang the bell. The camera cut back to Johnny Gargano, who was holding a microphone.

Johnny Gargano: With all due respect, Orton, you probably made a smart call not showing up tonight… because I’ve looked at the tournament brackets, and unless Al Snow pulls off the upset of the century, I’ll be facing Christian Cage in the next round. And I wasn’t going to miss a chance to get my hands on that bastard again, so there was no way I was going to let Randy Orton beat me tonight. Having said that, I came to Milwaukee to wrestle, and I’ll be damned if I’m depriving these fans of a main event. So I am issuing an open challenge to anyone in the back who wants to fight me!

Gargano dropped the microphone and began pacing back and forth once more. A few moments later, “Psycho Killer” by Talking Heads hit, and the fans inside the arena erupted as Tommaso Ciampa stepped out onto the stage.

Mauro Ranallo: Mamma Mia! It’s Tommaso Ciampa! We haven’t seen him in EBWF for over two years!

Nigel McGuinness: There is a LOT of history between Ciampa and Gargano, Mauro… I bet Johnny Wrestling had no idea that his former tag team partner and longtime rival was in the building tonight. If he did, I’m not sure he would have issued that open challenge. Be careful what you wish for, Johnny!

Ciampa walked slowly down the ramp, and upon entering the ring, he locked eyes with Johnny Gargano. The two men stared one another down for several seconds… then Ciampa extended his arm, offering to shake Gargano’s hand! Gargano appeared unsure whether to trust Ciampa, but accepted the handshake warily. Smirking, Ciampa shook Gargano’s hand, then stepped back as the referee called for the bell.

As the bell rang, the two men traded punches until Gargano took control. After knocking Ciampa back against the ropes, Gargano clotheslined Ciampa over the top rope before diving through the ropes with a topé suicida.

Mauro Ranallo: Gargano is on fire! He's taking the fight to Ciampa!

Gargano continued to pummel Ciampa at ringside, but Ciampa fought back by throwing Gargano into the ringside barrier. Ciampa then suplexed Gargano onto the barricade, before hammering Gargano's back with forearms. After throwing Gargano back into the ring, Ciampa continued to target the back, hitting a backbreaker before hooking the leg. The referee counted - 1... 2... Gargano kicked out! As Ciampa got to his feet, he set Gargano up for a piledriver, but Gargano countered with a back body drop, then hit Ciampa with a superkick, sending Ciampa out of the ring once more. Gargano climbed to the top rope and went to hit Ciampa with a diving crossbody on the outside... but Ciampa caught Gargano and powerslammed him onto the announce table!

Nigel McGuinness: This is getting out of hand, Mauro! Both men are throwing caution to the wind!

As Gargano rolled off the announce table, Ciampa grabbed him, lifting him up and hitting a back suplex onto the ring apron. Ciampa then rolled Gargano back into the ring and climbed to the top rope, hitting an elbow drop. He hooked the leg once more - 1... 2... again Gargano kicked out! Ciampa got to his feet and stomped on Gargano several times, then went for a Texas Cloverleaf, but Gargano kicked him away and got to his feet before landing several punches. Gargano followed up with an enzuigiri, then climbed onto the ring apron and hit a slingshot DDT. He hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... Ciampa kicked out! Gargano then pulled Ciampa to his feet and lifted him up, hitting a buckle bomb!

Mauro Ranallo: A powerbomb into the turnbuckles! That’s gotta hurt!

Nigel McGuinness: These men are putting it all on the line, Mauro! This is incredible!

Gargano pulled Ciampa away from the ropes and hooked the leg once more, but again Ciampa kicked out at 2. Gargano climbed onto the ring apron and went for a slingshot spear, but Ciampa countered with a knee strike to Gargano’s face, then hit a spinning rack bomb. He hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... Gargano kicked out! Ciampa pulled Gargano to his feet and lifted him up for a powerbomb, but Gargano countered with a hurricanrana, then applied the Garga-No Escape submission hold! Ciampa was able to get to the ropes, and the referee ordered Gargano to break the hold.

Mauro Ranallo: These two are throwing everything they have at each other!

As both men got to their feet, they began exchanging right hands back and forth. Ciampa gained the upper hand, and he went for a discus punch, but Gargano ducked underneath it and hit a superkick, followed by a rebound lariat. He hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... Ciampa kicked out! Gargano went to the top rope, but Ciampa climbed up after him, then set him up for an Avalanche Air Raid Crash... but Gargano was able to counter with a sunset flip powerbomb! He hooked both legs and the referee counted - 1... 2... Ciampa kicked out just before the 3! Looking frustrated, Gargano stomped on Ciampa several times, then dragged him to the center of the ring and locked in the Garga-No Escape once again! Realizing the ropes were out of reach, Ciampa tapped out and the referee called for the bell.

Nigel McGuinness: Johnny Gargano wins! What a match! What a performance!

Mauro Ranallo: Gargano showed tremendous resilience and heart, especially considering he didn't even know he would be facing Tommaso Ciampa tonight. What an incredible victory!

Gargano stood tall in the ring as the crowd erupted in cheers... but his celebration was short-lived as Christian Cage and Seth Rollins rushed to the ring to attack him! After beating Gargano down, Christian instructed Rollins to grab a couple of chairs. Rollins did so, and as he brought them back into the ring, Tommaso Ciampa got to his feet. Christian placed one of the chairs under Gargano's head, then handed the other chair to Ciampa, who was holding out his arms to request it. Smiling sadistically, Ciampa lifted the chair up... then spun around and cracked Rollins over the head with it! Christian looked stunned, and Ciampa drilled him in the ribs with the chair, then helped Gargano to his feet. Ciampa grabbed Rollins and hit the Fairytale Ending onto one of the chairs, while at the same time, Gargano hit Christian with the Hurts Donut onto the other chair!

Mauro Ranallo: Ciampa and Gargano have just gone to war with each other, but when it was all said and done, Ciampa was still willing to come to Gargano's aid. What a unique bond these two men have, Nigel.

Nigel McGuinness: Are you kidding me, Mauro? Tommaso Ciampa isn't even under an EBWF contract... Christian Cage and Seth Rollins should press criminal charges for what he's just done to them!

Ciampa hugged Gargano, then raised his arm in victory as Warfare went off the air.
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The only living, breathing, Queen of Efeds in captivity
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