Tam Nakano: The Real Horror

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Tam Nakano: The Real Horror

Post by Utami »

Creak-creak-creak-creak. Her feet cautiously tread over the rickety, dilapidated floorboards as she walks through a musty darkened hall. Dust particles float through the air and dot what little light seeps in from outside. The eerie silence of the scene is occasionally punctuated by the sound of rolling thunder so loud it shakes the whole structure around her. But still, Tam Nakano advances forward down the hallway with her gaze locked on a sliver of flickering light straight ahead of her.

Every now and then lightning flashes outside, providing occasional strobes of light that reveal greater detail of the corridor. All along the walls are framed pictures of various moments in Tam’s career. Standing alongside her original Oedo Tai teammates in Japan. Winning her EBWF debut. Dethroning Trish Stratus at the Royal Rumble. Losing the belt to Raquel at Wrestlemania. Victory in her return match against Natalya in 2022. Holding the belt again after defeating Britt Baker at Fanniversary that year. Standing together with her current Oedo Tai unit, all of them smiling menacingly.

Finally she arrives at the end of the hall - the sliver of light is revealed to be coming from behind a door. It’s slightly ajar as if someone or something has been here before her. Tam reaches her hand out and grips the doorknob tightly, but she hesitates to open it. Only after taking a deep breath does she pull it outward - revealing a small figure standing before a TV.

Tam Nakano: “What the hell?”

The figure slowly turns around, and we see what looks like Alexa Bliss’ half painted face. Tam shakes her head in the most “NOPE” manner possible and slams the door shut so hard dust falls from the ceiling above. She stands there, glaring at the door for a long moment as if prepared for Alexa to burst through it. When nothing happens, Tam turns around to face the camera; the light is such that we only see the right side of her face.

Tam Nakano:“ “Heh. You think you’re pretty clever, huh Alexa? You think you figured out a solution to your problems that’s going to make everything better? Maybe that’s it, maybe all of this is just your way of trying to regain any of the prestige you used to have here. A few years ago you were on top of the world here, someone who everyone else looked up to as the standard bearer for women’s wrestling. Must have been nice, huh?”

As she speaks she slowly begins to breath at a normal rate after borderline hyperventilating moments before.

Tam Nakano:“ “Then it all came crashing down for you. A dentist knocked you off your pedestal so hard you must’ve hit your head on the pavement when you finally came back down to earth. A fall like that can ruin a woman, shatter her. Maybe all of your constant failures since then have broken you so much that you’ve decided to pretend like you’re some creepy ass monster from a direct-to-streaming movie with a $0 budget. Get a few people unnerved, make them think you’re something new and scary so they’ll finally take you seriously again. Surprise them enough that you can steal three more wins and become Queen of the Ring.”
Tam nods along with her assessment, convincing herself that this is a decent explanation of reality.

Tam Nakano:“ “Or maybe this is exactly what it seems. You and I have fought so many times that I might have a better idea than anyone when you’re faking it. And that moment you laughed in my face last week told me you might actually not be playing around. After everything that’s happened to you in the last couple of years - Queen’s Court making your life hell, your daddy figure Christian stabbing you in the back, and your obsession with getting yourself crippled by Oedo Tai - something snapped. Something inside of you that you’ve kept buried for years has woken up. And she’s hungry for blood - a champion’s blood.”

Her expression grows deadly serious as she speaks.

Tam Nakano:“ “You see, when I first came here as a stupidly idealistic cute idol, I saw that part of you. I saw it in every cruel thing you did to me and P-Chan. All the cuts, scrapes and bruises of that Christmas Eve of Destruction match still haunt me to this day. I remember, Alexa. And so I’m going to do you a favor I haven’t granted you for a VERY long time. I’m taking you seriously. Enjoy it. It’s the only thing you’re getting out of me besides another beating.”

She leans back against the wall, one arm behind her head.

Tam Nakano:“ “You’re more dangerous in this form than your broken down, frequent hospital guest Goddess form. You’ll actually push me hard when we lock up. You’ll hold nothing back and weaponize every sick and twisted thing that monstrous mind can think of. You might even get close to pulling off a miracle. And while this side of you is unnerving, the one who should be scared is you.”

The lighting flashes again and we see all of Tam’s face - a red star shaped logo is painted over her left eye. With a sly grin she pushes the door open to reveal only a flickering TV screen.

Tam Nakano:“ “Because no matter what you actually manage to accomplish in this form, it STILL won’t be enough to put away the Final Boss of EBWF. Even at your most powerful you are nowhere near my level, Alexa. If you think digging up a ghost of my past is going to help you get closer to that crown and the title shot that BY RIGHTS is mine? Well, let me remind you of YOUR past, courtesy of Tam Nakano.”

She steps into the doorway and taps the TV playfully. In quick succession we see Tam driving Alexa through a steel chair with a Tiger Suplex at Christmas Eve of Destruction 2020. Tam standing over Alexa’s prone form with the EBWF Women’s Championship held high. Alexa being carted off on a stretcher after one of Oedo Tai’s attacks.

Tam Nakano:“ “You can make yourself a monster, but even you have nightmares. When you toss and turn at night, YOU SEE ME. And you should be afraid, Alexa. Because you bringing out this part of yourself just makes me want to hurt you even more. I still remember all of those indignities you put me through. I remember the pain. And now that I get to look THAT Alexa Bliss in the eyes, I’m going to pay it back in full.”

Tam taps the TV again and it shows her at two different points in her career: holding the EBWF Women’s Championship belt at Royal Rumble 2021 and standing tall at Gateway to Glory 2023 with Oedo Tai at her side and the belt around her waist.

Tam Nakano:““Bring your very worst, little demon goddess. I’ve got a one way ticket to hell with your name on it, and on Monday night I’m going to make sure you arrive at your destination. And as you’re laying in a hospital bed AGAIN, with no friends at your side because the only ones left are disgusted with what your desperation turned you into, I want you to take comfort in the fact that you’ve been the biggest help to me of anyone in EBWF. You’re the one who’s been the stepping stone to my success here. It’s been beating you that launched me to the main event scene, and keeping you down that cemented my status as the most dominant woman in EBWF today.”

She hefts that barbed wire bat onto her shoulder and smiles a tiny bit.

Tam Nakano:“ “What a great legacy to leave behind! The only thing people will remember you for is how often you ended up in the hospital when you got in Tam’s way. Well - that and the fact that you could have stopped my ascendance back to the top in 2024 but failed. Everyone’s going to blame you when I’m back at the top where I belong, holding that beautiful championship until the day I retire!”

Tam laughs a little as she imagines the moment of triumph. Just then the Alexa in the room ops up again - and we can see it’s just a cardboard cutout.

Tam Nakano: “But hey, don’t listen to that spoiler. Believe that you can do this. Believe that that monster inside of you gives you the edge and you don’t have to worry about Oedo Tai. Believe that you’re going to wear that crown. After all, lying to yourself is what you do better than anyone. Just don’t be surprised when -”

Tam spins around and takes the cutout’s head off with her barbed wire bat. With a malevolent grin on her face she kneels down and stomps on the remains of the cutout with her foot.

Tam Nakano:““I do everyone a favor and cut the head off of the snake before she can menace anyone. No matter how much more ruthless and uninhibited you make yourself, no matter how vicious and unhinged you get in the ring?”

The grin becomes a mockingly cute smile.

Tam Nakano:“ “You will NEVER be better than me. I’m the Final Boss. And this is the end of your Queen of the Ring story.”