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Joined: Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:53 pm


Post by D.J »

]Redemption complete. The Miz was granted a pardon in the EBWF King of the Ring Tournament, and he took advantage by defeating Stone Cold Steve Austin to advance to the Quarterfinals of the tournament. His foe in this round would be a very familiar one in Damien Priest. Priest had defeated Miz back in August of 2023 which before King of the Ring began was the last meaningful match we had seen The Miz in. In the week prior to the match with Austin, The Miz that we saw on camera was one that we had seen from time to time throughout his illustrious career. He seemed focused and hell bent on victory at all costs. He seemed completely locked in on not just getting back into the tournament, but winning it. If this was going to happen though, he would have to get by a man who had been extremely successful during his run in the EBWF. Aside from his loss to CM Punk, Damien Priest had been nothing but dominant- and he too seemed extremely determined to win the EBWF King of the Ring Tournament to earn himself a shot to win the EBWF Championship back. This would be a high profile match-up for this stage in the tournament, one that both men would sure have a lot to say about!

The scene opened up to a shot of a locker room door. As the camera zoomed in we saw a Star on the door that read "The Miz" in cursive on the inside of it. The camera then panned to inside the locker room. The Miz sat in a chair, his hands were on his knees, and he was staring intently at a television screen that was sitting in front of him. The Miz wore a "Your Favorite Wrestler's, Favorite Wrestler" long sleeve shirt and grey skinny jeans. As the camera got closer, we could pick up the audio on the television. After each playing- Miz pointed a remote at the screen to rewind the audio. He played the audio, over and over and over again.

Mauro Ranallo: The Miz pulled off a major upset here tonight, proving once again why he is one of the most cunning competitors in EBWF. It’s incredible to have him back!

As The Miz continued to play the audio on repeat. Matt Riddle, Michael Cole, and Mickie Mizanin walked into the room. Riddle and Cole wore matching "Bro Awesome" hoodies. Mickie wore a white tank top and light blue jeans. They all walked behind Miz and watched the clip that Miz kept playing. They looked at each other trying to figure out why their leader continued to rewind. Riddle finally broke the silence.

Riddle: He called you cunning bro!

Michael Cole: Incredible to have you back bro.

Mickie Mizanin: Yeah babe, what's the problem? Why you keep watching this?

The Miz didn't even move his head to acknowledge their questions. He played the clip twice more, and then shut the TV off abruptly. He stared angrily into space for a couple of beats. His 3 counterparts growing more uneasy by the second. Finally The Miz broke the awkward silence.

The Miz: Did you hear what he said? Did you hear what Mauro Ranallo that bumpling doofus said? "The Miz pulled off a major upset here tonight." A major UPSET?! Me beating 60 year old Stone Cold Steve Austin, a guy who's closer to death than he is to being a factor in the business... THAT guy losing to me is going to be called a "Major UPSET?!" ... I haven't said this in a long time.. but I'm going to say it now........Really?

Riddle: It's not an upset bro.

Michael Cole: I'm upset that he called it an upset bro.

Riddle smirked at Cole. Miz didn't break his serious expression, this caused Riddle to quickly change his face back to serious.

The Miz: Stone Cold Steve Austin- losing to me.. The Miz- Grand Slam Champion- 7 Time World Champion- Future Hall of Famer- is going to be called a freaking upset?! REALLY? That's how far we've come here? It's been less than a year. 10 months to be exact. That I've been away from the business. It was Gateway to Glory 2023 when Damien Priest defeated me to become the new EBWF Champion. After that- I had in large part been away from the ring until now. However, that was the first real significant hiatus I've taken since 2011. I have been the epitome of success in this company. Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year- I have been the standard. I have showed up and I've won. I've carried this company through multiple shifts- multiple peaks and valleys- I've reinvented myself- stayed in the spotlight- and kept myself on top of the mountain time and time again. When I set my mind to setting the bar high- that's exactly what happens to it. I said this last week- I'm back- and I don't mean back to make an appearance in this tournament and then go back to daddy duty. I mean I'm back to WIN this freaking tournament- and I'm back to once again for the 8th time reclaim MY EBWF Championship. Most importantly, I'm planning on being back with the consistency that nobody.. NOBODY.. EVER.. could ever even UTTER the phrase "upset" when it comes to me winning a match. MUCH LESS- a washed up, alcoholic, human piece of shit like Steve Austin. Mauro Ranallo and the rest of the EBWF fans- obviously have forgotten who the hell I am over these last 10 months- which though baffling- isn't the end of the world. Why you ask?

Riddle: Why Bro?

Michael Cole: Tell us bro.

The Miz: Because in the Quarterfinal round- I get to go head to head with the VERY guy who defeated me 10 months ago. I get to go head to head with a guy who has absolutely dominated for pretty much his entire stay in this company. I'm talking of course about Damien Priest.

Riddle: You're going to face a priest? Like you have do confessions?

Michael Cole: Usher bro.

The Miz wasn't in the mood for the schtick today.

The Miz: I'm the not in the mood for this today.


The Miz: We all know who I'm referring to. Not an actual Priest- Damien Priest- 6'5 tats everywhere. Paul Heyman as his big fat shadow. A guy that beside me is perhaps the most hell bent on winning this tournament and getting a chance at regaining the EBWF Title. Damien, I don't have respect for many in this business, but what you've been able to do here in a short time has been impressive. However, unfortunately for you, you're just in the wrong place at the wrong time. You see Damien, I'm used to being looked at a certain way. I'm used to being viewed with a certain level of esteem and prestige. Whether I held the EBWF Championship or not- I am used to everyone looking at me as one of the main players in this company. A simple sentence from Mauro Ranallo showed me that it's possible that for the first time, I'm not packing the same kind of punch. For the first time, maybe my absence has led to me losing my spot, or losing my respect in a company that I helped build just as much as any man living. Even Riddle and Cole had no idea why I was upset at the clip from earlier, even my FREAKING WIFE, had no idea what I was so upset about. You see Damien, there was a time that I could beat ANYONE.. ANYONE in this company and nobody would bat an eye. They expected it. Now I beat a senior citizen with two bad knees and people are surprised? No. I can't accept that. I just can't. So I'm going to say something Priest that nobody has said since you've gotten here. I'm glad I'm facing you this week. I'm glad you are the next hurdle that I have to jump, stair that I have to climb, I'm glad YOU are the one standing in my way. Because WHEN I beat you on Monday and advance to the Semi Finals of the this tournament, people's memories will be triggered, their worlds will snap back into focus, EVERYONE from that idiot Ranallo to every one of my Mizfits will be reminded that The Miz winning matches is something that has happened with MAJOR REGULARITY for the last 13 freaking years and one hiatus doesn't change the fact that I'm still THE VERY BEST that this business has EVER HAD TO OFFER! You are the perfect one to make that statement against Damien. You have everything that you need to be successful. You have size, athleticism, an advocate who is committed to your success. While that's true, you also have everything that I need you to have to gain my well-earned reputation back. This match is going to guarantee that the only people who are "UPSET" are the people that wanted to see a Damien Priest and CM Punk rematch. Oops sorry- Miz is back- and I'm the tire iron to the knee that's going to stop this Damien Priest "run" for good.

Michael Cole: Tonya Harding bro.

Miz nodded- he was a fan of that reference.

The Miz: I do want to thank you though, Damien. Thanks for keeping this company going during my time off. Thanks for giving all of the fans a new person to look to as the go-to guy. I've been in your shoes, Damien. I've been the guy who had Paul Heyman by my side. I've been the guy who didn't give one shred of a shit what anyone thought of me. I've been the guy consumed by the EBWF Championship. I've... you know what.. I'm not going that route.. I'm not going to sit here and pretend to be someone I'm not. Truth be told Damien, I'm still consumed by it. Every month that I was away from this company, every match I watched you win, every time you retained your title, every time I saw your face on TV- I wanted to punch a hole in my screen. I DETESTED every second that I had to watch you, with my BELT, with my SPOT, with my LIFE. Aside from having to hang out with Paul Heyman, you have been living in the world that until this past year was RESERVED FOR ME- and now It's June of the following year Damien, and your freaking time is up. I'm BACK to take BACK my WORLD- my REPUTATION- my TITLE- and I still don't give a shred of a shit what anyone thinks of me, I'm going to do LITERALLY whatever it takes to make sure that these words become reality, I'm NOT LEAVING WARFARE without a victory over you Damien- I'm NOT.

The Miz put the TV back on and hit play again.

Mauro Ranallo: The Miz pulled off a major upset here tonight, proving once again why he is one of the most cunning competitors in EBWF. It’s incredible to have him back!

The Miz threw the remote control right through the TV Screen causing the screen to break and short circut. The Miz kicked the TV off of the stand causing a large crash. Michael, Riddle, and Mickie all had to grab him to keep him from assaulting the television. The Miz looked deranged in this moment.

The Miz: I'm here Damien... I'm still FREAKING HERE. I know you wish I had gone and stayed away, but you can't always get what you want. You seem really concerned with Phil freaking Brooks, REALLY concerned with getting back in the ring with Punk as soon as you possibly can.. but Damien.. you better start getting that big stupid brain of yours back on this freaking face you're looking at right now. HOW DARE YOU LOOK PAST ME?! You think I'm an afterthought Damien? HUH!? Do you?! You agree with Ranallo? You agree that me beating FREAKING STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN- was a SHOCK? A Stunner?

Riddle: A Stone Cold Stunner br..

The Miz: SHUT UP!

Riddle was startled as was Cole and Mickie.

The Miz: JUST SHUT UP MATT! You don't get it do you? You really don't. You don't know what it's like to be the pinnacle of this business, blink your eyes and then all of a sudden people look at you like you're just some regular guy. I'm NOT A REGULAR GUY! I'm THE GUY! I was THEN- I AM NOW- and I WILL CONTINUE TO BE TOMORROW!

Riddle had a pained look of concern on his face now.

Riddle: I know bro.. I know..

The Miz: NO YOU DON'T KNOW! I'll tell you something though Matt.. SOON DAMIEN PRIEST is going to know. Damien, you can wipe CM Punk from your freaking brain. You can wash those thoughts of a rematch right out of your god damn mind, because you're NOT going to get that chance to face him again for the EBWF Championship.. and the reason is.. because that match is going to go to me. ME! You HEAR ME!? THE MOTHERFUCKING MIZ- The greatest of the great- CREAM OF THE CROP- BEST OF THE BEST- YOUR FAVORITE FUCKING WRESTLER'S- FAVORITE FUCKING WRESTLER. You are going to have to watch Damien- you're going to have to watch from the freaking BACK of the LINE, the BOTTOM of the LADDER - you are going to have to SETTLE for the fact that your victory over me last August- is the LAST ONE, you will EVER GET. The last time you held the title, will be the LAST TIME YOU'LL EVER HOLD THE TITLE. The feeling you had, the self confidence you gained, the satisfaction you got from being on top of the hill while I was away, it's gone DAMIEN.. it's GOING TO BE GONE FOR THE REST OF YOUR PATHETIC CAREER. You may be looking past me right now, but I'm not looking past you. I'm focused BEYOND BELIEF on making an EXAMPLE out of you- a STATEMENT- a GUARANTEE that The Miz- would never- and WILL NEVER be overlooked EVER AGAIN. EVER! YOU HEAR ME?! That's a mistake Damien- and unfortunately for you- if I have my way- it'll be the LAST FUCKING ONE you ever make in this company.


And trust me on this Damien...YOU SON OF A BITCH.

I'm STILL...

FUCKING. Awesome.

The Miz shook with intensity staring a hole into the camera. He blew past Cole, Riddle, and Mickie. Without another word. All 3 of them shared looks of concern with each other as the scene faded to black.

EBWF World Champion (x7- Current) EBWF Intercontinental Champion (x3) EBWF Tag Team Champion (x2) EBWF PTG Champion (x2 ) EBWF Gateway Champion (1x)