I Can Buy Myself Flowers

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I Can Buy Myself Flowers

Post by D.J »

Something had snapped in The Miz. It was this simple idea that somehow, he was no longer viewed as a man that had accomplished so much in his EBWF tenure, but instead a veteran that the game may have passed by. After his victory over Stone Cold Steve Austin to advance to the King of the Ring Quarterfinals- Mauro Ranallo uttered that The Miz' victory was an "upset" - it was something that in the days leading up to his match against Damien Priest that the Miz had latched onto like a parasite. He could not shake those words and the way that they made him feel physically ill to his core. The thought that a way past his prime Stone Cold was expected to beat a man, in Miz, who considered himself to still very much be at the top of his game, ate away at him all week. This motivation, this extra fuel may have been just what the doctor ordered because for only the second time in his EBWF career, Damien Priest was defeated. It was a sweet victory for The Miz, and made a statement that even his next opponent, Chris Jericho, referenced as evidence that perhaps the best version of The Miz was re-emerging after a 10-month hiatus. The Miz and Chris Jericho were two of the companies most revered talents, more than that, the two of them had faced off in numerous matches of the year tilts and had held the EBWF Championship more than any two superstars in the company's history. Now in 2024, they would collide once again in the King of the Ring semi-finals. It was a match that almost felt too epic to be a mere semi-final contest, but the fans were sure to get a hell of a clash- after all it was Jericho vs. Miz- they never deliver anything but classics.

The scene opened up on the floor of a very nice hotel. The Miz was the first one to appear on camera. He was wearing a very expensive gray Armani suit with a brown belt and brown shoes. He had a very fast pace to his walk and a very serious look on his face. Behind him by a few steps was Matt Riddle and Michael Cole- they wore "I'm with Stupid" shirts and both had their hats on sideways. Mickie Mizanin was a few steps behind them, she wore a black short sleeve shirt that read "Mrs. Miz" on the front in pink letters. She had pink shorts on to match the writing on her shirt. Riddle called ahead to Miz.

Riddle: Yo Miz- are we chillin tonight? I want to go back to that carnival and get some cotton candyyyy bro.

Michael Cole: Nachos Bro.

Miz ignored the question and seemed to have found exactly what he was looking for. He stopped and scanned his room key to a hotel room. He entered the room and slammed the door behind him. Cole and Riddle looked at each other. Mickie was able to maneuver her way by the both of them. She stood at the door with her arms crossed, as pissed off women do, after a few beats The Miz clearly remembered he was married, and the door opened and an arm emerged from inside the room to grab Mickie's hand and bring her into the hotel room. Riddle and Cole again seemed bummed by this.

Riddle: I'll take that as a "Get Out- Leave" vibe.

Michael Cole: Jojo bro.

There was a pause.

Riddle: Laser tag?

Michael Cole: Dope.

Riddle put his arm around and Cole and the two friends exited the scene. The camera cut inside the hotel room. Miz was pacing and Mickie was sitting on the King Size bed.

Mickie Mizanin: What's with you babe? If you don't want to hang around with Riddle and Cole anymore you should just tell them.

The Miz stopped and looked at Mickie.

The Miz: I did tell them, I said I have two of the biggest matches that I've had in a VERY long time coming up, and that I needed some time to focus and relax. Do you remember what they said?

Mickie repeated in a monotone voice.

Mickie Mizanin: Relax don't do it.. when you wanna go do it..relax don't do it.. when you wanna come..

Miz raised his eyebrows as if Mickie's memory wasn't complete. Mickie finished the quote, matter of factly.

Mickie Mizanin: Bro.

The Miz: And then Cole said..

Mickie Mizanin: Frankie Goes to Hollywood....

Again The Miz' eyebrows indicated there was more. Mickie rolled her eyes and obliged again.

Mickie Mizanin: Bro.

The Miz nodded.

The Miz: I just can't with them right now. Neither of them understand what it's actually like to be in my shoes. Cole has been around this business a long time, and he's gained some popularity for the first time in his entire on screen career- and he's liking it a little too much. Whereas Riddle HAS been in the ring, and he's got talent- it's just he never has possessed the drive and motivation to do anything meaningful with that talent. The fact of the matter is simple Mickie, I could either spend the rest of my career making people love those two guys at the expense of my personal success. OR I could do EXACTLY what I am doing, and that is choosing to do the one thing that has made me, me- since the day I laced up a pair of boots- and that is making the active choice of PRIORTIZING ME over anyONE or anyTHING else. That's what this redemption has been about. When I was given the opportunity to re-enter this tournament against Steve Austin- I knew that this was going to be a huge turning point in my career. I was either going to take the ball and run with it- or I was going to fumble- and that would be the last of me that the EBWF fans would see for the foreseeable future. I took a long hard look in the mirror and I made a decision- and that decision was based on the fact that I know, like you know, that there is still NOBODY better than me in this company. So I decided that me standing in the background, me being out of the spotlight, goofing off, carrying on, or worse not being around at all- would be a huge DISSERVICE to not only the loyal Mizfits that watch every time I'm on screen expecting greatness, but it would be an absolute waste of the god-given talent that I possess that exceeds everyone else under contract in this company. So, I beat Steve Austin- then last week- I did what only one other man had ever done in the EBWF, and I beat Damien Priest. My words over the past couple weeks have manifested into statement making actions. I'm through to the semi-finals and just when you even remotely start to think that my opportunities to prove that I'm still the standard around here are over.. my opponent.. my good old friend Chris mother effin Jericho.

Mickie smiled as did Miz.

The Miz: It's almost like this whole thing is lining up for me perfectly Mickie. I'm sorry that I haven't been the nicest guy lately, but Cole and Riddle will get over it. They're probably off playing laser tag or something and have forgotten all about this.

Mickie Mizanin: Yeah probably.

The scene cut away quick to Cole and Riddle playing laser tag having the time of their lives, then quickly cut back to Miz and Mickie.

The Miz: The point is- what's an EBWF accolade if you don't have to go through Chris Jericho to get it? I mean does it even count? Is it even worth it? Like yeah beating Damien Priest was something that I needed to do. He had taken the title off of me during one of my best runs, and many said that I couldn't defeat him. As usual- my detractors were once again proven wrong. In fact- I have made a whole damn career off of proving people wrong. Even recently, the murmors were that maybe I was done for good. The thought was that once we had Alexis and I took some time off, that maybe I'd never be able to come back and be anything but a sideshow comedy act. Anyone who thought that that could even remotely be a fact, is just NOT IN TUNE to what the REALITY of having The Miz in your company really is like. You see- as long as I have a pulse- there's always going to be something that drives me more than anything else that has ever existed. That something is the EBWF Title. You of course can't even say "EBWF Title" without immediately thinking of Chris Jericho. He's held it more than any person living- with me following right behind him. It drives me up a god damn wall- that the title that I have provided so much prestige and honor to is WIDELY considered more sunonymous with another person. That thought gnaws at me like an infection, Mickie. So whatever it is I'm doing on screen, whether it's joking around- whether it's leading a group- or whether it's being deadly serious. The moment you start thinking that my focus is off being this companies champion.. is the moment you're DEAD FUCKING WRONG. I didn't sign up to be in the EBWF to not be the best. I have told everyone time and time again that I am the god damn GOAT and the response I get when I say that is.. well let's just say it's not the unanimous agreement that it should be. In fact, even those who do recognize my legacy in this company and have respect for what I've accomplished- they STILL can't acknowledge that I'm the greatest to ever do it, because one other name is CONSTANTLY brought up before mine.. and that name is Chris Jericho.

The Miz looked perturbed at the words leaving his mouth.

The Miz: We've had countless battles. Countless wars. I respect Chris. I do. I respect what he's been able to do in this company- all the things he's accomplished. His name deserves to be mentioned when the EBWF's best is brought up. I just can't help but resent him though Mickie, and I'm not going to even try and hide it. I do resent him. I resent him- and I'll tell you why. For a long time, Chris Jericho REGARDLESS of what I had done in this business- talked down to me. He acted as though everything that I had done to date was somehow not worthy of his attention or respect. He acted as this holier than thou performer that had never taken a "win at any cost" mentality into a wrestling ring. Even though my resume was building to the same level as the one he had created, he REFUSED time and time again to give me my flowers. He REFUSED to tip his cap to me as someone who was raising the bar in this company. Instead, he acted as though me finding ways to win, finding ways to stay on top, regardless of how vindictive or underhanded they were at times- somehow diminished my stardom when it was compared to his. The one thing that's always been true about me, is that I've never tried to be someone I'm not. I said it today, and I'll say it again. Whether people want to cheer for me or boo me, my one objective, the one reason why I still choose to get up and come to work every day, HASN'T CHANGED in 14 years, my focus is on being the guy holding the belt that CM Punk is currently holding. I didn't care then and I CERTAINLY don't care now how I get to the belt.. I just NEED to have it. I need to have it, I crave it, I obssess over it more than any other superstar that has ever existed- and yes that includes you, Chris.

The Miz was now staring into the camera talking directly to Chris Jericho.

The Miz: You may have won this title more than anyone else, but you don't desire it more. That's why I've beaten you for it in the past- and that's why I'm going to BEAT you for the right to fight for it again at Total Supremacy. I have never forgotten the way you looked at me Chris for all of those years, never forgotten the way you talked down to me, the way you diminished all of the accolades I had accrued, and so now you come out here and want to play all buddy buddy nice guy, you want to come out here and tip your cap now? You want to give me my respect now? After all we've been through- THAT is what is going to cause you to come out and say some of the first genuine sounding compliments you've ever given me. That's what's going to cause you to mention my name in a way that doesn't ring to me like you're scoffing your way through your words. Well Chris for as much as I respect you and I always have because of what you're capable of in the ring, I want you to hear me when I tell you that you can take the flowers you're finally giving me, and you can shove them right up your fucking ass. The audacity for you for so long to look at me the way you have, even though I've made it crystal clear from day one that I was going to be on a crash course to compete with you to be the face of this company. The way you've never viewed me as a threat- the way you've dismissed me- day after day- week after week- month after month- year after year- you can take this new found respect and you can sit on it and spin, Chris. I don't want it- and I sure as hell don't need it. You say you respect me now? That's great. Same here

The Miz paused.

The Miz: The fact is though, there's still a big part of you that thinks any kind word from Chris Jericho should be an honor to me. Like I'm supposed to get choked up and happy booger cry, because the great Chris Jericho thinks I'm worthy of facing him. Really? I'm supposed to be humbled because you are no longer as condescending as you used to be? Really? Chris- here's the reality. I've always been better than you. Every condescending action or word that has come my way out of your mouth- has done nothing but fuel that resentment, fuel that hatred, but more importantly fuel that drive to continue to KICK your ASS every time that I get the chance to, and continue to be a HUMAN ROAD BLOCK in your quest to continue to add things to your list of accomplishments. I'm glad you're back Chris, I'm glad you're back and wanting to compete for the EBWF Championship again. I love it- I want you to REALLY fall in love with the idea of you being back on top of this business- because that's only going to make it sweeter- when you realize that I'm ALWAYS GOING TO BE IN THE WAY every time you get cozy with that notion. Every time you start to get those little butterflies in your stomach when you think about holding that title again, the title you've held more than anyone, I want to continue to be the one to take a blow torch and murder those butterflies, I want to be the one to murder the idea that you could ever be champion again. The truth is Chris, you can't be champion again, because I'm going to win this tournament, and when I do, I'm going to beat CM Punk RECLAIM MY title- and see to it that you can never get your dirty hands on it ever AGAYNE.

Mickie thought as she digested her husbands words.

Mickie Mizanin: I can see why you've been acting the way you have.

The Miz nodded and put his arm around her, she sank into his shoulder.

The Miz: I haven't meant to take it out on you, or anyone else. There's just been something inside of me that has been reawakened in this tournament. Something that has always been there, but it gets triggered when I get opportunities to step in the ring with the Damien Priests and the Chris Jericho's of the world. NOTHING- triggers me more Mickie, than when there is this universal idea that someone may be considered better than I am. Ok Damien Priest is this dominant unstopabble force... OK destroyed him. Oh Chris Jericho is the greatest of all time- there's no way Miz can get by him to get to the final? OK well we'll just have to see about that too now won't we? I am 100 percent beyond obsessed with making people EAT THEIR NEGATIVE words when it comes to me. I THRIVE off of people that tell me that I can't do something. I wasn't even supposed to be a wrestler. I was laughed out of arenas- out of dressing rooms- ostracized when I first decided I wanted to be a wrestler. Now I'm a sure fire first ballot hall of famer- and I'm NOT EVEN CLOSE TO BEING SATISFIED. I'm NOT EVEN CLOSE to being done. At Total Supremacy- I am going to defeat Chris Jericho when the Stakes are HIGH- and then I'm going to make him watch- as I run the hell over Hook- or "Johnny Wrestling" and become King of the Ring. ME, MICKIE- NOT CHRIS- ME- THE REAL GOAT- THE MIZ. That's who's going to be crowned King of the Ring. It'll feel good Mickie, I'll smile, and I'll enjoy it for approximately two minutes- because my focus will then turn utterly and completely to CM Punk. Another guy who has talked down to me over the years. Another guy who will be FORCED PHYSICALLY to put some respect on my name.

Mickie Mizanin: All this talk about Chris, I actually forgot there was another semi final ha ha!

The Miz nodded.

The Miz: The truth is, obviously the first match with Chris is the most important match, because without a W there, there is no second match. However, the history doesn't lie babe. When I'm this laser focused- I rarely get beat. When I'm this hell bent, dead set, on accomplishing what I set my mind to- the wins are the inevitable result. So not IF I beat Chris, but WHEN I beat Chris, I will then have the opportunity to face either Hook or Johnny Gargano. To be frank, I don't know a whole lot about Hook. I know he's a young kid who's trying to make a name for himself- and this certainly would be the opportunity to do that. The only problem is that he's going to try and do that.. against me. Hook, congratulations on making it this far in the tournament. Congratulations on the success that you've had at such a young age. Congratulations on the fact that if you can get by Johnny Gargano you are going to get to tell your friends and family that you got to step in the ring with The Greatest of the great, cream of the crop, your favorite wrestler's favorite wrestler, The Miz. Sure they'll then ask you how it went, and you'll have to break the gruesome news of the absolute dismantling you'll surely receive but for those 2 minutes before that, they'll definitely be excited for you. Hook if it's you I see in the final- Beat me if you can... but you can't....survive if I let you.. which I won't.

The Miz winked into the camera knowingly.

Mickie Mizanin: What about Johnny?

The Miz smiled.

The Miz: Ah yes, Johnny. Johnny Gargano- Johnny Wrestling. Johnny Wrestling is going to end up going down the same road as Johnny football if he tries to get a little too bold with me if it is indeed him that makes it to the King of the Ring Final. I've always had a soft spot for Johnny though, because he just feels to me very similar to what I was when I broke into this company. A fan first. Someone that dreamed of doing exactly what he's doing now for all of his life. Johnny is all of 5 feet tall- and he's really the RUDY of our business. He's an underdog, and he's an underdog that has had an enormous about of success- at least for someone like him. The problem for Johnny here- is that that success has now brought him to the deep end where his little feet can no longer touch the bottom. Johnny if you reach the King of the Ring Final against me, you will be swimming with not only the sharks, but the toughest meanest Shark that this company has ever seen. It'll be a level of competition that you've yet to see, and it'll open your eyes to the fact that though you dreamed big, though you achieved your goal of being a pro wrestler, though you've even ascended to a level where I am saying your name on EBWF programming, there's just certain levels that people like you could never and WILL never reach. Johnny you're not going to be the King of the Ring. For one your feet wouldn't even touch the ground sitting in the throne, the second reason though is the more important one. Despite the fact that you've defied the odds to even get to this point, your luck and your momentum is going to come to a screeching halt at Total Supremacy because you're just not GOOD enough for it to go any further. Leave the Championships and the mattering to the Champions and the ones who are good enough to matter. People like me Johnny Boy. People. Like. Me.

The Miz stood up and began to pace again.

Mickie Mizanin: You should really try to lie down and get some rest, babe.

The Miz: You know what? That's exactly what I'm going to do, and the next time you say that, I'll have to take my crown off before I lay my head down on my pillow, and there's not a single thing that Hook, that Johnny Gargano, or even the Great Chris Jericho can do to stop the fact that there's just one more sleep until I'm crowned once again as the King of this company.. and Mickie.. I simply JUST CAN'T WAIT TO BE KING.

Muffled from the hallway we heard words.

Michael Cole (Off Camera, from the hall way) SIMBA BRO!

The Miz and Mickie were both slightly startled, but even despite The Miz' words earlier even he had to share a smile with his wife.

The Miz: Because I'm The Miz... and I'mmm... Awesome.

The Miz winked into the camera and the scene faded to static.


EBWF World Champion (x7- Current) EBWF Intercontinental Champion (x3) EBWF Tag Team Champion (x2) EBWF PTG Champion (x2 ) EBWF Gateway Champion (1x)