End the Chaos

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Ben M
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Joined: Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:12 pm
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End the Chaos

Post by Ben M »

The scene opened backstage at EBWF Warfare, where Britt Baker was pacing back and forth. Britt’s eyes were filled with determination, and a hint of frustration. Baker had just come off a tough loss in the final of the Queen of the Ring tournament against Tam Nakano, the leader of Oedo Tai. While the sting of defeat lingered, Britt found solace in one fact: her match against Tam had been a fair fight, free from the usual Oedo Tai interference that had plagued the tournament. She respected Tam for facing her head-on, but that didn't erase the disappointment of falling short in the final hurdle. Britt stopped pacing, took a deep breath, then turned to face the camera. Her voice was steady, and filled with resolve, as she began to speak.

Britt Baker: Tonight, I step into the ring with Rhea Ripley, another member of Oedo Tai. I’ve been watching everything that’s happened in the women’s division over the past few months, and it seems that Oedo Tai's mission is not just to dominate EBWF, but to cause chaos in the process. They've interfered in matches, attacked from the shadows, and disrupted everything they could. Clearly, it isn’t just about winning for them; it’s about creating disorder.

Britt's eyes narrowed.

Britt Baker: As someone who also wants to dominate the women’s division, I see it as my role to stop this chaos. Oedo Tai thrives on it, but I will not let them have their way. My match tonight isn't just about me versus Rhea Ripley; it’s about yours truly, the Role Model, setting an example. It’s about showing Oedo Tai that their reign of chaos has to end. I know what Oedo Tai is capable of. I’ve seen their tricks, their interference. Each member of Oedo Tai is a force to be reckoned with in their own right; as a collective, they’re extremely dangerous. But Tam, Jamie, Himeka… Mina now, apparently… let me issue the clearest of warnings to each and every one of you: if any of you try to get involved in my match tonight, I will make sure you regret it. I’m not just willing to fight Rhea Ripley; I’m ready to take on every single member of Oedo Tai if I have to, whether that’s one by one or in a handicap match.

Britt clenched her fists, then took a moment to compose her thoughts. As she started speaking again, her expression softened slightly.

Britt Baker: Tam, you fought and beat me fair and square; I respect and acknowledge that. You were the better woman on the night, and I wish you luck against Becky Lynch. But your group’s actions throughout the Queen of the Ring tournament have been anything but fair. Even on the night you beat me, you had your minions beat up Arisa Hoshiki to the point where she was easy prey for you, while I had to work my ass off to beat Utami. I was at a disadvantage before I even stepped into the ring with you, because you went into that match a lot fresher than I was. Our paths will cross again at some point Tam, and I have no doubt that when we do step into the ring again, I will finally beat you. But tonight, the only member of Oedo Tai I want to see is Rhea Ripley. Lead by example, Tam. Watch the match from your locker room, or maybe don’t even show up to the arena so you won’t be tempted to interfere when you see Rhea start to struggle. But whatever you do, stay out of my way. And get ready to give me a standing ovation when I make Rhea Ripley tap.

With a final, resolute nod, Britt turned away from the camera, her focus shifting back to the task at hand as she headed to her locker room.