Different Animal

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Joined: Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:53 pm

Different Animal

Post by D.J »

The celebration continued on. The Miz, a man who had accomplished just about everything there was to accomplish in this business, had finally checked "Win King of the Ring" off of his list. His victories over Chris Jericho followed by Hook at Total Supremacy ensured that The Miz would be the next challenger of CM Punk, looking to win his 8th EBWF World Championship. His coronation was perhaps a little different than the average onlooker expected. He came out very pompous and discrediting the help of his 'Bro Awesome' cohorts and even more not letting them even get in a word in edge wise during his celebration segment. The Miz seemed extremely focused and not up for many fun and games. He would have a chance to keep his momentum going even further when he went head to head with another rising superstar in Seth Rollins. Miz seemed completely locked in to the point where it seemed unlikely that he would let anyone derail his momentum. Time would certainly tell on this!

The scene opened up on the 'Bro Awesome' bus. Michael Cole was driving and unlike in many segments prior he had his hat on forwards. He looked extremely somber and kept his eyes locked in on the road. Riddle sat on the couch in the RV and was eating pistachio nuts flipping each nut into his mouth, but really minding his own business. The Miz sat in the captain's chair as usual. He still had his King of the Ring crown on his head and sunglasses that covered his eyes. Mickie sat in the set next to him. She fed him grapes every couple of beats before Miz interrupted this exercise to sit up and begin talking.

The Miz: You know what's crazy?

Everyone was kind of startled by the awkward silence being broken. They all perked up to listen.

The Miz: How all of a sudden the EBWF just wants themselves nothing but All Miz All the Time. A couple of weeks ago people were questioning if I would ever even be in the ring again. Now I get reinstated to this tournament, I win the damn thing, and now every week it's like "Hey Miz- we need you for this" or "We need you for that." Its like oh how fast things can change. I quite simply dedicated myself to the fact that I was going to win this tournament. I told all of my Mizfits that that is exactly what was going to happen, and that there was nobody.. not Chris Jericho.. not Hook.. not Peter Pan himself that could stop me. So after I win, what do they need next? They want me to come out and talk about how the win made me feel.. well to be quite honest it made me feel- well pretty normal. You see when you're The Miz- and you do something extraordinary like win this tournament- you feel like it's just another thing that makes sense in your world. When you're a nothing like a majority of the wrestlers in the locker room, winning the King of the Ring might be an achievement that lasts them a lifetime. For me, I call it a nice little weekend. I was actually more excited by the Chic-Fil-A we had after the event than I was from winning the tournament.

He paused. Riddle and Cole both shot each other a glance.

The Miz: Go ahead.

Michael Cole: Chicken nuggets bro.

Riddle flashed a half hearted smile.

The Miz: So now a week removed from my "celebration" they're now asking me to go one on one with Seth Rollins. Normally this would be something I'd look at favorably. Here's a guy in Seth Rollins that has some ability, he's got some talent, there's some intrigue some juice behind it. The problem is that that stuff really only applies to the rest of the roster. It doesn't apply to the king of this entire business. When I put this crown on my head it ensured a couple of things. It ensured that once again I'd be the EBWF Champion- and it ensured that a match against Seth Rollins wasn't going to move the needle very much for me. You see, any match can add some intrigue depending on the state of mind I am in. I'm the first to admit that in the last year I haven't been locked in or focused a whole lot. However, the worst thing for this entire company is when the switch flips. When that conscious decision is made to just return to form, to return to being the best this company has to offer. Nobody can snap back into focus quite like I can. If you're doubting me on that the King of the Ring tournament is exhibit A. My match vs. Seth Rollins will be exhibit B. You see Seth Rollins, is someone that maybe on a bad day could cat... you know what.. no.. even on a bad day.. even on my worst day.. Seth "Freaking" Rollins is not beating me. It's that simple. Seth Rollins is someone who carries an air of confidence that isn't really backed up with anything he's actually accomplished. This guy reminds me of freaking Christian. Which is perhaps the greatest anti-compliment you could ever receive in this entire company. Seth Rollins is a guy who you look at and you want to be a factor, he's just not capable of becoming one. You can sing along to his entrance music, you can get hyped by all the fur coats and the fancy get up that he displays week in and week out, but when it comes time to actually getting something done in the ring. That's where Seth falls extremely short. Many people might look at this main event on Warfare as a match that makes sense, but for me it's a match that is an utter and complete waste of time. I'm just warming up for Punk at this point, Seth Rollins will be my speed bag as I start to get my mind even more locked in for CM Punk. Is it his fault for what I'm about to do to him? No it's not, but at the same time it will be fun to beat the unearned arrogance out of this tool.

Riddle looked to Miz who nodded in approval.

Riddle: Hammer and nails bro.

Michael Cole: Screwdri..

The Miz: Ok we get it.

Cole nodded.

The Miz: So Seth Rollins, if you even have the nuts to come out and speak out on this match. Make sure you tell all my Mizfits the truth. Make sure you tell them that as much as you'd like everyone to believe that you believe in yourself here. Make sure you tell them the gods honest facts. That being that even known you can't win here Seth. Even you know that your career at this point is pretty much locked in to only beating guys that should be working at Wal-Mart and not this company. You knew as soon as you found out that you'd be going head to head with the King of the freaking business, the king of wrestling, that you weren't just going to lose, but instead you were going to be completely decimated, pulverized, humiliated, to the point that you may take your little feathered coats and donate them to charity. Good peacocks died in vain for you to wear a stupid ass jacket that will only help the guys at the morgue identify the body easier. Because Seth let's face it, we both know you're over your head here.

Michael Cole: Deep end bro.

The Miz looked at Cole and slowly nodded.

The Miz: You are in the deep end bro.. and guess what you can't swim. There's no life guard, no floaties, there's just you and a lot of water that you have no idea how to get your head above. The second the match starts will be like you just dropped in with a big fat cannon ball, with no capacity to rise back up. You'll know INSTANTLY that there's no way that you can keep from drowning. No WAY to survie against someone like me, and that panic is going to set in right as this match begins. It's also why this match will END just as fast as it starts. You're not capable of competing with someone like me Seth. You're out of your league completely, and as much as you'll try to hide that fact, or as much as you'll try to fight that truth, you can't escape it- it's unavoidable- it's inevitable. My name is Mike Mizanin- people call me the Miz, and for the last 13 years since my reinstatement, I have turned the EBWF into my own little personal playground. I have won match after match after match. Title after title after title- and the one thing that I haven't done is LOSE matches to people that should be serving me french fries at a drive through instead of serving as my opponent. PEOPLE. LIKE. YOU. SETH. You may have management fooled, but you don't have me fooled one bit. You see you're a guy that everyone expects good things from, but for some reason it's like someone who's painfully medicore has gotten in control of your brain- and you can't seem to be able to think of one thing to say that would ever make you even remotely relevant around here. Seth Rollins is a character that wrestling fans want to like, but EBWF Seth Rollins is a different animal. And by that I mean- he's an animal who well.. absolutely sucks.

Riddle: Hawk Tua Bro.

Cole started laughing and even Mickie started to chuckle as well. Miz barely acknowledged the comment. He moves his to the right but never his eyes.

The Miz: Warfare will just be another pit stop. Another small obstacle that your KING conquers barely breaking a sweat. Seth Rollins- a name that should matter- but just does not.. could not.. WILL NOT ANY time soon. So Seth.. bow to your king.. bow to the best wrestler on planet freaking earth.. and bow to the next EBWF Champion.. or don't.. be defiant.. and I will beat you to your fuckin knees so that you literally have no choice in the matter. Though your name and reputation would lead anyone to believe this could be a match.. the truth of the matter is.. Seth Rollins vs. The Miz... in THIS company is a PEASANT vs. a KING. And If you don't believe me.. I look forward to nothing more than PROVING it to you.. in a loud.. PAINFUL.. but CRYSTAL CLEAR message, come Warfare.




Mickie straightened the Miz crown on his head. Cole and Riddle looked satisfied in the sense that they were finally allowed to mildly contribute. The scene faded.

EBWF World Champion (x7- Current) EBWF Intercontinental Champion (x3) EBWF Tag Team Champion (x2) EBWF PTG Champion (x2 ) EBWF Gateway Champion (1x)