No More Lost Chances (Io Shirai)

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No More Lost Chances (Io Shirai)

Post by Utami »

We find ourselves in the Gateway To Glory interview area where the Genius of the Sky is clearly unhappy with her situation. She paces back and forth like a caged, predatory animal. Every now and then she shoots glares at the camera and half sheers as she continues to gather her thoughts.

IO SHIRAI: “I'm sorry, did you expect to find me in a good mood? After everything that's happened this year, do you really think I could just stand here and smile?”

She stops mid-step and sighs, knowing this isn't the way.

IO SHIRAI: “Sorry, I know that I should be approaching this more professionally. I know that this is another big opportunity to prove myself. But my mind keeps going back to everything I've been put through as I struggle to plant my flag on the summit.”

Io turns to the camera at last, her expression tensed and fierce.

IO SHIRAI: “When I first came here I almost became Last Survivor; the better woman won that night but I haven't forgotten those feelings. Anger, frustration, knowing that I'm better than that and could prove it if I just had the chance. Chances like that don't come very often at this level. And then the pettiest woman in the industry brings all her goons to constantly stop me from getting back into the grind! I'm not mad about her pretending to be me, though. Oh no. That was just her admitting that she wants to be me, to have the success I've had. Admitting I'm better. And that's what I'm proving tonight.”

Io nods to the camera, finding her old confidence again.

IO SHIRAI: “Alexa's not ready for what I bring to the table. She's accomplished a lot in this ring but she can't even begin to keep up with my controlled chaos. I respect her, though, and hope she'll return the favor of giving me her best tonight. Britt’s another matter - she's not just good but dangerous. A former champion right on the cusp of reclaiming her spot. But if she thinks that's stopping me she's dead wrong. When our two different styles and backgrounds collide, it's mine that's going to win out.”

That sneer is quickly back.

IO SHIRAI: “Jamie Hayter better watch her damn back tonight. Because I'm going to drive it and her through that mat straight to hell! I won't let any more opportunities be stolen from me by her or her friends. At the end of the night, Oedo Tai is going to be put back in their place by the Genius of the Sky like always.”

She makes her old unit gesture and grins.

IO SHIRAI: “Bow down to the Queen.”