Now We See You...

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Joined: Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:53 pm

Now We See You...

Post by D.J »

The second the referees hand hit the mat for a 3 count at Total Supremacy and The Miz (for the first time in his illustrious career) was named the EBWF King of the Ring- it seemed as though he and CM Punk were on a crash course to Gateway to Glory where the two decorated stars would meet for the richest prize in the game, in the EBWF World Title. Their beef started with a bit of the war of words, but escalated all the way to the two brawling through the arena in the companies last pre-PPV Warfare. There was certainly a sense of animosity and resentment between the two outspoken stars, and that hatred would soon be on full display with the world watching.

The scene opened in the 'Bro Awesome' RV. Riddle and Cole were in what seemed like an impassioned game of Nintendo 64's classic "Mario Kart" After a couple beats of nervous and excited noises. Riddle raised his arms in triumph. The Miz sat in his normal seat, half paying attention to the shenanigans that were going on next to him. Miz wore a black armani t-shirt and jeans and had his elbows on his knees as he sat seemingly deep in thought. Behind the wheel was Mickie Mizanin she wore a baby blue top and white shorts. Riddle's post victory celebration broke the silence of the scene.

Riddle: Another win for me! You can't mess with Yoshi bro.

Michael Cole: Facts bro.

The two fist bumped. The Miz muttered something under his breath that caught the attention of Riddle and Cole.

Riddle: What you say bro?

The Miz: I said- you can tell that that is just a game, because I can't remember the last time you actually won at that thing you do.. you know the thing..wrestling.. your job. I swear Matt, I trust you to do anything and you continue to drop the ball over and over again. You face Punk one on one- you lose. Which is fine, because again Matt losing is becoming pretty common for you- but then last week Punk and I are brawling through the crowd, and I expect maybe just once you could surprise me and pull your own weight.. but guess what? Wrong again. I look back while going blow for blow with Punk and I see Damien's hand being raised in victory.

Riddle tried to interject.

Riddle: I know bro I j..

The Miz cut him off.

The Miz: Don't even bother- I don't see the point. When we first started this thing, it was because you and I had some really great battles in the ring. Since then- I've watched you get progressively worse, and it makes me weaker just having you here because I have to carry you around and make you relevant. The weight of having to do the work of two people every time you're next to me- is not what I signed up for when we started this group. I thought I was getting a hungry young superstar in the making that I could help develop and we could really do some great things. Instead, I got a slacker- who can't beat a drum- that I gotta listen to up and down the road, city after city, town after town, act like he doesn't have a care in the world- when he should focus on why he freaking sucks so bad. Like we just lost Matt- does that even bother you? Do you care? Or are you just content to have this freaking free ride that I'm giving you to be in main events- to get to ride the road with someone of my caliber, even though you're nowhere close to what I am- and you never will be. The sad thing- is that it's not even because of lack of talent- you have the talent- you just don't have one ounce of desire to do anything except the bare minimum. That's the part that's even more pathetic... "BRO" is that there's some guys who work their asses off and just don't have the ability to make an impact. You have all the talent in the world and you're pissing it away because you don't give a shit. So do me and everyone a favor- and just keep your mouth shut for the rest of this ride- and listen to me talk about MY MATCH for the World Title- that I've held 7 going on 8 different occasions- a title you have never and WILL NEVER hold unless something drastically changes in you. For once- LISTEN and LEARN from me- because if you do that- then I know Bro Awesome can eventually become what I initially envisioned. Not this version of Miz and his wife drive two screwballs around from town to town who don't add anything of value to the table. You got me? Huh?

Riddle nodded somberly. The Miz grabbed him by the chin which startled Cole and even Mickie.

The Miz: YOU GOT ME?! Huh?!

Riddle: I got it.. I.. I'm sorry Miz.

The Miz nodded releasing his chin.

The Miz: I am too. I let this go on for far too long, I was so focused on winning King of the Ring- and getting back my title- that I basically blocked the two of you out. I have a sense of humor like anyone else, but I like to laugh at the expense of others- and right now people are laughing at you- and they're laughing at me by association. Punk has all the momentum, and the only person to blame for that is you. It doesn't have to stay this way Matt, we can get back on track- but you need to do some serious soul searching, because I'm not going to be weighed down- I'm not going to be laughed at- I'm not going to be looked at as weak just because of who I associate myself with. I will throw the two of you out of this RV while it's moving before I do that. The point is though, that even despite this, it's not going to stop me from doing what I always do. No matter where the momentum currently is, no matter how many matches you've lost, no matter how confident and sure of himself Punk is right now.. I am STILL going to defy ANYONE who thinks that I won't come through in this match. I'm The Mother Effing Miz. I have come through TIME AND TIME again in matches just like this one. I am the man that is SUPPOSED to be the EBWF Champion- it's a fact of the business at this point. Any time someone else is holding the strap, it almost feels like a placeholder. CM Punk is a placeholder. He's a guy that can seem like a big deal when the big deals aren't around. Well I'm back now Punk, and I'm a big deal- I'm the BIGGEST DEAL that this company has ever had. Which means quite simply that it's time for you to give me back what's mine. It's time for you to give me back the belt that only seems right, that only seems relevant when it is around my waist.

Riddle nodded as did Cole. Normally they'd chime in, but Riddle was clearly heeding his leader's words.

The Miz: It's no secret ok, Punk. I don't like you and you don't like me. You talk down to me which is rich considering what I've accomplished here while you sat on the sideline and watched. I resent the fact that you think that whenever you show up, that someone or ANYONE for that matter is supposed to care. The fans chant "CM PUNK, CM PUNK" because they remember what you used to be. They remember the guy you WERE- but you haven't been that guy for a very long time. You look like the grizzled has been version of him, and you have now for a very long time. Whereas me, I continue to dip my body into the fountain of youth. As I get older- I get more handsome- I get better in the ring- I seemingly am aging backwards. I am two years younger than you Punk, but it feels like I'm 20 years younger. You seem like a man who's struggling to hold on to his past, while I am a man who's continuing to thrive in the present and will continue to excel in the future. This nostalgic placeholder that you've become Punk is really nothing short of pathetic. You've been the first guy to criticize others who did EXACTLY what you're doing now- and that's basically doing a bad impression of yourself from when you mattered. This whole schtick of you being the smartest guy in the room, the guy who's edgy and blurs the lines between what's real and what isn't. The guy who uses peoples real names to make things hit a little harder and seem more personal. We get it PHIL this is the only way you know how to exist in this business. You want to cut down who I am and the career I've had, but I've done something that you've never been able to do. I've been able to adapt with the times, I've been able to adapt to stay one step ahead of every single superstar in this company. That is why unlike you, or Randy, or Chris or Adam- I'm still the one who's a mainstay. I'm still the one who's here- and who's been here- I'm still the one CARRYING this company on my back. Aside from a couple of short breaks- I have been here for 13 STRAIGHT YEARS. I've taken this company through multiple eras, and all of those eras had ME in common. Why is this company still what it is today? It's not because of you Punk. You've come and gone for years at a time- it is what it is today, because of this beautiful bastard you're looking at right now. You don't achieve ICONIC status like the EBWF has- without a FREAKING ICON- and that is exactly what I am. You Punk, are the guy that had a run here- and then you leave for years at a time- and come back and try and re-create it by doing the same damn thing over again- except shittier. When they go back and talk about this company- you are a freaking blip in it's radar. Just a blip. Whereas I will be looked at- as the GREATEST OF ALL TIME. When my hand is inevitably raised I will have captured my EIGHTH World Title- and it will ensure that The Miz will once again be the leader as the EBWF enters yet another new era- and it will UNDOUBETBLY ensure that CM Punk- infant that he is- will once again do what he does best- and that's leave- and that's crawl into your little hole- and hide behind his keyboard on twitter or X or whatever the hell it's called now- typing away while you do NOTHING of SUBSTANCE at people who actually do their jobs. Sound about right, Punk? Phil?

The Miz stared a hole into the camera.

The Miz: A couple of weeks back ahead of your match with Matt here you told Riddle that anyone who spends time around me gets buried. You see that's where you're wrong, you arrogant douche nozzle. I elevate people. I elevate people who have the similar desire and passion to be great that I have. I am UNRIVALED when it comes to this, but even just guys who show it in the slightest- my presence elevates them. That is what I just told Matt right now- Matt is talented- and if he just switches his mindset- he will be ELEVATED. I hope it happens- but if it doesn't the person to blame will NOT be me. The same goes for you Punk- at Gateway to Glory- I am going to BURY you. You know why? Because you're the biggest fraud that the EBWF and professional wrestling in general have ever seen. You talk a HUGE game - shit you can talk a huge game with the best of them- but when it comes down to actually having a desire, a passion for this business, that is where your act is phony. You don't bleed for this business like I do Punk, you don't have the burning passion to be the Champion that I do, you don't care to be here for more than your once every 4 years pay us a visit paycheck. So it's because of THAT Punk, that I'm going to bury you, I'm going to send you on your way before these people get too attached to you again, only for you to surely let them down- because that's what you ALWAYS do. I'm going to bury you because you do not deserve anything BUT TO BE BURIED. I'm not going to bring you up to where I am Punk, because you don't deserve it. So even though you're keeping my belt warm for me for 2 more days- be ready to be sent back down to the bottom when I take it right off your waist at Gateway to Glory. Be ready for the free fall that is inevitable after you lose, and I and everyone else can get ready for you to- instead of fighting back- do what you do- and that's quit because it's too hard. Complain- because it could never just be your inferiority in your delusional head that sent you to the back of the line. Then disappear- because your ego doesn't lend itself to having you exist in a world where it truly knows that there's someone SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU ARE. I'm like the best magician this company has ever seen Punk, because right now you're the champion and you're happy because of that fact- so right NOW WE SEE YOU- but after Sunday's Massacre- when the reality sets in that you once again have to look up and watch me run this business again- we both know that will change to.. NOW WE DON'T.

Because I'm The MIZ

and I'm..


The Miz sneered into the camera as the scene went off the air.

EBWF World Champion (x7- Current) EBWF Intercontinental Champion (x3) EBWF Tag Team Champion (x2) EBWF PTG Champion (x2 ) EBWF Gateway Champion (1x)