Warfare Results - 01/27/2024

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Warfare Results - 01/27/2024

Post by Ashlee »


Mauro Ranallo: Get ready folks… it’s time for Warfare! Tonight, we are live from Houston, Texas!

After panning around the arena, the camera cut to Christy Hemme, who was standing in the middle of the ring.

Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall…

“The Savior” was heard over the PA System and the crowd cheered. In the first break of the song, the entrance curtain opened and Mayu Iwatani walked out onto the stage. Upon the sight of Mayu, the crowd cheered even louder before Mayu walked down the entrance ramp.

Christy Hemme: Introducing first… From Yamaguchi, Japan… She is the Worldwide Renown Joshi Icon, MAYU IWATANI!!!

Mauro Ranallo: Tonight, Mayu has a tall order to fill when she faces one half of the Daughters of Darkness, Rhea Ripley.

Nigel McGuinness: Without a doubt, Mayu is tough. You have to be in order to thrive in Japanese promotions. Like Rhea’s partner, Jamie, she can hit hard. Also like Jamie, Rhea can hit hard. It’s going to be an all-out slugfest.

Mayu made it to ringside and climbed up onto the apron. She entered the ring and walked to the southeast corner before she turned her attention toward the entrance as her theme faded out.


The crowd began booing while lighting in the arena changed to a purple hue as “Demon in Your Dreams” by Motionless in White hit the PA System. Rhea Ripley stepped through the entrance curtain alongside Jamie Hayter and they were met with boos from the crowd. Jamie stopped on the stage, bent down, and then quickly leaned backward while raising her arms. At the same time, Rhea stomped on the stage. This triggered the pyro, which shot up through the stage. The camera zoomed in on the two as they started sauntering down the entrance while talking shit.

Christy Hemme: Her opponent… Accompanied by Jamie Hayter… From Adelaide, Australia… She is The Eradicator, RHEA RIPLEY!!!

Mauro Ranallo: Last time on Warfare, we saw Jamie Hayter in action against Liv Morgan. Rhea got involved and cost Liv the match.

Nigel McGuinness: That’s the thing about Jamie and Rhea. If you deal with one, you deal with the other.

Jamie and Rhea made it to ringside and stopped. They eyed the ring before Rhea climbed up onto the apron and entered the ring. As “Demon in Your Dreams” faded out, there were smatterings of ‘You Tapped Out’ chants directed at Jamie. One fan decided to get right into Jamie’s face, and for his troubles, Jamie punched the fan right in the face.

Mauro Ranallo: She just punched an audience member in the face!

Nigel McGuinness: Well, he shouldn’t have mouthed off to her.

This was enough for the referee to evict Jamie from ringside while the crowd cheered.

Mauro Ranallo: The referee is kicking her out of ringside! That’s a good thing, because we don’t want a repeat of last week.

Nigel McGuinness: Oh, come on! Jamie wasn’t doing anything!

While Jamie walked to the back under the threat of Rhea being disqualified, the referee called for the bell. Almost immediately after the bell rang, Mayu charged at Rhea and Rhea caught her with a choke. Mayu kicked Rhea in the stomach and backed her into the corner.

Mauro Ranallo: There they go, and Mayu is showing that she isn’t fearful of Rhea.

Nigel McGuinness: That’s gutsy, but it could backfire on her because Rhea’s power is no joke.

With Rhea in the corner, Mayu threw a few punches and a kick. She attempted to whip Rhea into the opposite corner, but Rhea reversed. Rhea charged at Mayu, but Mayu got both feet up and struck the oncoming Rhea with a boot. With Rhea momentarily stunned, Mayu attempted to take advantage by charging at her, only for Rhea to take Mayu down with a Powerslam.

Mauro Ranallo: Mayu tried to take Rhea down, but Rhea had the wherewithal to reverse.

Nigel McGuinness: People know how powerful Rhea is, but they forget about her speed.

With Mayu grounded, Rhea grabbed her by the hair and hung her head over the floor on the apron. Rhea left the ring and dropped an elbow across the throat of Mayu. Now on the floor, Rhea took a few steps back and then caught Mayu with a running big boot to the side of the head, causing Mayu to roll into the ring. Rhea re-entered the ring and she picked Mayu up, and she brought Mayu to the center of the ring. Rhea attempted the Riptide, but Mayu managed to land on her feet behind Rhea. With Mayu back on her feet, Rhea quickly turned around and attempted to throw a punch, but Mayu ducked and ran to the ropes. Right when Rhea turned around, Mayu bounced off the ropes and took her down with the Headscissors as the crowd wildly cheered.

Mauro Ranallo: Just like that, Mayu turned the tide of the match in her favor.

Nigel McGuinness: Yeah, no kidding. Mayu is good at turning the tide of a match on a dime.

Mayu attempted the pinfall. ONE! TWO! Kickout by Rhea and the crowd let out the collective “TWO.” Both Rhea and Mayu got to their feet, and Mayu backed Rhea into the corner. With Rhea backed into the corner, Mayu punched her and again attempted to whip her into the opposite corner, but again Rhea reversed and sent Mayu to the corner. Once Mayu stumbled out of the corner, Rhea dropped her into the turnbuckle with the snake eyes. Rhea bounced off the ropes and attempted a clothesline but Mayu ducked. Rhea bounced off the ropes again and Mayu ducked again. This time, Mayu bounced off the ropes as well but before she could capitalize, she was caught by a Big Boot from Rhea.

Mauro Ranallo: Once again, Rhea comes out on top with this exchange.

Nigel McGuinness: She’s managed to keep in step with one of the best wrestlers in the world. All she needs to do is just beat Mayu for that exclamation point.

After she stomped on Mayu a few times, Rhea looked at the crowd as they booed her. Then, Rhea attempted a pinfall. ONE! TWO! Mayu kicked out and Rhea got right into the referee’s face. Once Rhea turned around, Mayu started throwing punches at her. Mayu ran to the ropes and took Rhea down with a Hurricanrana. With Rhea in a daze, Mayu picked her up and moved behind her, and attempted the Two Step Dragon Suplex. Her attempt was fruitless, because once Mayu tried to lift Rhea, Rhea used both arms to elbow Mayu in the sides of the head. Rhea quickly moved behind Mayu, lifted Mayu up onto her shoulders, and dropped her with the Electric Chair Facebuster.

Mauro Ranallo: Rhea with the Electric Chair Facebuster. We know what’s coming next.

Nigel McGuinness: Yeah, here comes the Riptide, but wait. What’s this? Is that Alexa?

Alexa Bliss ran down and climbed up onto the apron to distract the referee. That brought Jamie down to pull Alexa off the apron. The two ended up slugging it out.

Mauro Ranallo: Jamie and Alexa are fighting on the outside.

Nigel McGuinness: I don’t think Alexa wants to throw hands with Jamie.

The referee left the ring in order to break up the fight between Jamie and Alexa. Meanwhile, Rhea attempted the Riptide on Mayu, but her attempt failed because of Liv Morgan. Liv smacked Rhea in the back of the head with a steel chair before she left the ring. The referee returned to the ring just as Mayu crawled into the cover. ONE! TWO! THREE!!!

The bell rang, “The Savior” was heard over the PA System once again, and the crowd cheered.

Christy Hemme: Here’s your winner, MAYU IWATANI!!!

Mauro Ranallo: Mayu with a huge victory over Rhea Ripley.

Nigel McGuinness: Yeah, but let’s not forget that Alexa and Liv had a lot to do with Rhea losing tonight.

Mauro Ranallo: Turnabout is fair play. Rhea cost Liv the match against Jamie last time, so this was a receipt.

Nigel McGuinness: The receipt will be when Jamie and Rhea destroy Alexa and Liv.

Before the commercial break, a side by side image was shown. One side showed Mayu having her hand raised while the other side showed Jamie helping Rhea to the back.


The scene opened backstage where Renee Young was standing, smiling broadly, microphone in hand.

Renee Young: Please help me welcome my guests at this time, Edge and Randy Orton. Rated RKO.

The two stepped into the frame both grinning.

Renee Young: Gentlemen, we were expecting you here last week and…

Edge: Yeah, yeah… sorry we were late Renee.

Randy Orton: We didn’t want to come.

Edge wiggled his eyebrows at Renee playfully, which got her to laugh.

Edge: Seriously though, we stepped away for a minute, and a lot is happening around EBWF since we’ve been gone.

Randy Orton: Miz seems to be on his annual sabbatical. CM Punk is the World Champion. Damian Priest has never been more over and we all believe in Joe Hendry! Indeed, there are a bunch of familiar faces but some talented new ones too, and that’s probably got a lot of people wondering why we decided to come back now.

Edge: You mean, besides the boss man finally settling our contract dispute? Do better internet! You guys completely missed that.

Randy Orton: Probably got stuck somewhere between Vince McMahon getting fired from his own company and Vince McMahon being an abhorrent sex trafficker.

Edge looked at Randy, stunned.

Edge: Was this in the news?

Randy shook his head.

Randy Orton: Yes, Adam, this was in the news.

Edge: Well, print this headline. Rated RKO is back. And you’ll be happy to know we haven’t changed a bit.

Randy Orton: I’m not so sure most people will be happy about that. But whether you are or not it should be no surprise to any of you, that we are here tonight to declare ourselves for the 2025 Last Survivor Match.

Edge: And you know the old adage that there are no friends in the Last Survivor match?

Randy faked a grimace.

Edge: Well there’s good news and bad news.

Randy Orton: The bad news is that we don’t believe in that.

Edge: The good news is, we’re just going to throw you over the top rope and out of our way, ya know… rather than completely burying your career.

Renee Young: When you say “you”, who are you referring to?

Without missing a beat, Rated RKO answered in unison.

Both: All of ‘em.

Renee couldn’t help but chuckle at their bit.

Renee Young: I might actually like to see that. Randy, Adam, thank you. Back to you, Mauro.

The camera went to ringside where Mauro Ranallo was prepared for the main event of the evening.


Mauro Ranallo: Thanks, Renee! Up next, it’s time for our main event! Joe Hendry, the charismatic and determined fan favorite, will square off against the towering and unpredictable Gateway Champion, Damian Priest!

Joe Hendry made his way to the ring first, the crowd cheering and singing his theme as the Scottish superstar walked down the ramp. When Hendry was in the ring, Damian Priest came out to a mixed reaction from the crowd. As he entered the ring, Priest locked eyes with Hendry, smirking and looking confident.

Mauro Ranallo: It doesn't get bigger than this on Warfare, Nigel! What an opportunity Joe Hendry has this evening!

Nigel McGuinness: Damian Priest has been riding a wave of dominance, but if there's anyone who thrives under pressure, it's Joe Hendry. The question is - can he pull off the upset?

Hendry wasted no time, locking up with Priest in the center of the ring. Priest's size and strength advantage were immediately evident as he overpowered Hendry, forcing him back into the corner. The referee called for a clean break, but Priest delivered a stiff forearm to Hendry’s jaw instead, sending a clear message.

Mauro Ranallo: That’s Priest for you—always walking the line between brilliance and brutality.

Nigel McGuinness: You can't turn your back on a guy like Damian Priest. He's as dangerous as they come.

Hendry shook off the blow and retaliated with a flurry of strikes, managing to stagger Priest with a well-placed dropkick. The crowd roared as Hendry pressed his advantage, whipping Priest into the ropes and catching him with a textbook belly-to-belly suplex.

Mauro Ranallo: Mamma mia! Joe Hendry just launched the Gateway Champion like a sack of potatoes!

Nigel McGuinness: An impressive display of power from the Scotsman… but can he keep the momentum going?

Priest answered that question quickly by cutting off Hendry’s offense with a vicious spinning heel kick. The momentum shifted as the Gateway Champion methodically dismantled Hendry, punishing him with heavy strikes and hitting a thunderous Broken Arrow slam for a near fall.

Mauro Ranallo: Hendry's in a world of trouble here. Priest is like a predator stalking his prey.

Nigel McGuinness: Hendry's got guts, but guts can only take you so far against a man like Damian Priest.

The crowd rallied behind Hendry, chanting “we believe” as he got back to his feet. Priest attempted to hit the Razor’s Edge, but Hendry slipped out and countered with a desperation DDT. Both men were down as the referee began the count.

Mauro Ranallo: This is anyone's match now! Who’s going to get to their feet first?!

Nigel McGuinness: This is what you call a pivotal moment, Mauro!

As both men got to their feet, Priest went for a big boot… but Hendry ducked underneath it, then hit Priest with a neckbreaker. Feeding off the energy of the crowd, Hendry let out a roar, then as Priest got to his feet, Hendry lifted him up, hitting the Standing Ovation!

Mauro Ranallo: Standing Ovation! This could be it!

Nigel McGuinness: What a moment this would be!

Hendry crawled into the cover, hooking both legs. The referee counted - 1… 2… 3! The arena erupted as the referee’s hand hit the mat for the third time.

Mauro Ranallo: What an upset! Joe Hendry has just beaten Damian Priest in the middle of the ring!

Nigel McGuinness: I can't believe it, Mauro. This is one of the biggest wins of Hendry’s career.

Hendry climbed the turnbuckle, raising his arms up high and soaking in the adulation of the crowd.

Mauro Ranallo: Mamma mia! What a way to end Warfare! Joe Hendry shocks the world, and the Gateway Champion has just been humbled!"*

Nigel McGuinness: Hendry proved tonight that heart and determination can overcome even the toughest of odds. What a match!

Hendry continued celebrating as Warfare went off the air.
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