Place at Summerslam

This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.

Place at Summerslam

Post by AustinAries »


At Summerslam, Austin Aries will NOT be facing Evan Bourne, and that is due to him losing to his opponent at Warfare, Michael McGullicutty, but he has a second oppurtunity, but this challenge will be a lot tougher. He is in a Fatal Four Way with three other men. Wade Barrett,Daniel Bryan, and Christian. Three men who all lost their matches at Warfare. So all four men will be looking for redemption.

One McGullicutter and it was all over. That was what ended Aries' chances to become Breakout Champion. That's what made Austin wait another week to get a Summerslam Championship Match, and he can't waste anymore time because next week it's SummerSlam!

Aries is laying in the ring after getting hit with a McGullicutter. The referees are trying to revive Austin. He finally awakens. He finally realized that he lost the match and isn't going to be facing Evan Bourne.

AUSTIN ARIES: Are you serious? Was that even a three count? Bring McGullicutty back out here, I want to face him again, I was about to beat him! Argghhh!

After complaining for a good two minutes, the referees finally get him to head to the back, so they can continue with the Warfare. Aries is really mad about the result, but there really nothing he can do. You lose, deal with it. Aries is backstage now watching Warfare continue, he is really mad as he still can't believe he lost, his phone begins to ring, he sees it's his dad, so obviously, he picks up.


MR. SOLWOLD: Hey son, I saw your match. Tough break son, you will get 'em next time!

AUSTIN ARIES: If there is a next time, I don't feel I performed the way I wanted to. I know I can beat him, and one day I will beat him.

MR. SOLWOLD: We all know you could have beat him, but you lost your focus at the end. When he reversed that Brainbuster, you lost focus, you were so mad you didn't hit your signature maneuver, he took advantage and got the one two three.

AUSTIN ARIES: Yeah I was a little angry, but I don't think I lost focus. I mean he can hit that move out of nowhere, I just fell victim to it.

MR. SOLWOLD: Well it looked like it son.

AUSTIN ARIES: I guess it did, but that will be the last time you guys see me lying on the ground for three seconds, I will not lose, I promise you that!

When Aries added more volume to his voice, his ribs started to hurt again. He was in pain from the very physical match with McGullicutty, but it really isn't anything he isn't used to.

MR. SOLWOLD: Well I gotta go son. I will talk to you soon, remember next match, you are going to make us all proud! See ya son, I'm proud of ya!

Hearing that really made Aries happy, his dad was always hard on him when he was young. He always put him down when he made the smallest mistake, and never congratulated him when he achieved something, but it seemed as if whenever Aries became a superstar, his dad was way different. Austin knows it's probably because of the money, but everyone wants to have a strong relationship with their dad, and Austin is finally having that and doesn't want to lose it.

Finally Warfare is over, the domiant World Champion, Cody Rhodes closed out the show with a victory over AJ Styles. Every superstar,staff,and fan are going home. The superstars are going to think about next week, and what they need to do better. Aries who can't stop thinking about getting planted to the ground and his chance at winning a title, but he can't let that take over him, he has to clear his mind somehow and try to redeem himself.

Austin Aries is heading home looking very angry, he is stopped by Todd Grisham. The man who just can't ever stop talking, and he thinks it is necessary to always ask for interviews and people's input on everything, but hey, that's what he is paid to do, and he was also accompanied by a camera crew.

TODD GRISHAM: Austin, I wanted to know your thoughts on your match tonight, are you a little disappointed.

AUSTIN ARIES: Look, Todd! That Breakout Championship means nothing to me, it isn't a big championship, the real reason I wanted to win that match was so I could wrestle at SummerSlam, other than that I don't give a damn about that championship.

TODD GRISHAM: But you were so close, you have to feel as if you kind of robbed, or if only I hit that Brainbuster, I would be cruising into SummerSlam.

AUSTIN ARIES: Yeah maybe I was close. But close isn't good enough, I have to be "Perfect" which Michael McGullicutty is far from, one day I will get my rematch against him, and the result will be different, he just got the better of me tonight, that's all that happened, it was lucky, so can we please stop talking about that scrub.

TODD GRISHAM: Well I have some good news for you. Next week you will be in a Number one contendership Fatal Four Way match for the Path of Glory Championship, against Daniel Bryan, Christian, and Wade Barrett . What do you think about that?

AUSTIN ARIES: This is what I think. I think that this a guaranteed win. This week, I slipped up, but next week Double A will be on his A game. I won't make any mistakes these three can bring all that have at me, they will not win. I am the Greatest Man That Ever Lived, those three are just indy wrestling rejects. This match is my PATH TO GLORY! So remember this right here Todd, because in two weeks the Warfare after SummerSlam, I'm going to have the Path to Glory Championship around my waist.

Austin Aries walks off as Todd Grisham signs off. Aries had said some bold words again, but maybe this time he will actually back it up, because it doesn't look very good if you talk all this trash and can never back it up, but Monday in the SuperDome, Aries has his chance to prove it. Austin walks outside and sees a bunch of fans. Not to long after they see him that start to tell him how much he sucks and stuff like that.

FAN: You will never win a championship you suck Aries! You need to go find something better to do with your life!

FAN #2: Yeah that's why Michael McGullicutty beat you, you suck! You should never wrestle again! Your not the Greatest Man Ever to Live, your the Worst Man Ever to Live!

Aries ignoring all the childish remarks heads into his car, starts the engine, and drives off. His drive home, he never once stopped thinking about his loss. That was the only thing on his mind and probably gonna be the only thing on his mind till next week. Until he wins the Fatal Four Way, maybe even until he wins the Path of Glory Championship, and stops Ted DiBiase's hotstreak. We will just have to see.

It's Warfare night. Aries has arrived at the SuperDome, and is getting ready to try and get a SummerSlam match. This time he has three more opponents to deal with, and these guys are no push-overs. These guys have the potential to become champion, and so does Austin Aries, and he has to show that potential tonight. Aries is walking backstage to his locker room, walking past a number of EBWF superstars, he gets in his locker room, turns on the television watching the Warfare intro as Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler hype up the night and talk about SummerSlam being six days away. They even bring up the Path to Glory number one contendership match which makes Austin think more about how much a win can do for him.

AUSTIN ARIES: I have to win tonight, no matter what, there is no excuse for a loss, so that means no losing from here on out. No more losing!

He kicks a wall for no real reason, he feels pumped up, and is feeling really good about his match tonight, which is actually the second match of the night so he shouldn't be waiting to long before he tries to get another oppurtunity at a EBWF Championship. He then sits and watches the opening match with Chris Sabin, Hornswoggle, and Diamond Dallas Page. It didn't take to long before it ended and Austin Aries realizing that he is going out there soon. He opens his door, and heads towards the entrance ramp, the show comes back from break and "Greatest Man to Ever Live" blasts out the speakers, the fans start to give Austin Aries some heat as he walks out slowly, he has a microphone in head and stops at the top of the ramp to address his match.

AUSTIN ARIES: Before we get this match started, I want to say a couple things! I think my match last week was a referee error, but everybody's eyes fail to see that. Michael McGullicutty cheated! And he will get what is coming to him soon. Now in a little bit, I'm about to beat these three hopeful EBWF superstars in a Fatal Four Way match. I kind of feel bad because you know they are so excited thinking I may be in a championship match at a pay-per-view, but instead they will be losing to me, the Greatest Man to Ever Live. But there isn't really anything to be ashamed about, I mean, have you seen me, I beat Hulk Hogan, easily, and I beat Michael McGullicutty, everyone knows that the true winner of that match was me, not him, but forget that match, it doesn't exist to me anymore. Let's get back to my match tonight, if you people don't like spoilers, I advise you to cover your eyes. Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this Fatal Four Way bout, ISSSS, AUSTINN ARIESS!! It will be said in just a matter of moments, that is a fact, and when I face another 2nd generation, or 3rd generation, whatever generation they are in. It doesn't matter but whenever I face Ted DiBiase, he isn't going to be on DreamStreet, he is going to be in Heaven, because when amazing people like me, get rid of people that aren't really important to the world, we promote them to Heaven, it's the place they can all dream they are wanted. I think I am done talking and I'm just going to let my actions finish all my talking for me.

Austin Aries' drops the microphone, and his music hits where it left off, he heads down to the ring confidently because he really think that he will be the winner of this match, and he better hope, because he doesn't want to be watching SummerSlam from home, he wants to be in the arena, getting ready to win his first championship here in EBWF. A company that has proved to have talented superstars.

JIM ROSS: When we come back Austin Aries, will face off against Daniel Bryan, Wade Barrett, and the Christian. Don't go anywhere!

---THE END-------

Re: Place at Summerslam

Post by .CM. »


I really enjoyed this man. The thing that I noticed was your description was on another level this week. I really enjoyed the way AA was taking the "loss" too, sounds just like him. If I where to give any advise I'd say that splitting that into 2 scenes would have made it read better instead of just taking a new paragraph. Other than that, keep doing what you're doing bro :) Good luck in your match
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Re: Place at Summerslam

Post by Ashlee »

One longer RP is alway better than two shorter ones. My suggestion would be to work on the transition between scenes, rather than breaking it up into two. Sometimes Transitions aren't possible, or don't flow well so people put a page break


That gets the point across too. This is good work!
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Re: Place at Summerslam

Post by .CM. »

I was basically trying to say this :P May have been confusing though. 1 RP with 2 scenes separated by ------ or something else