EBWF News and Notes
By: Dave Meltzer
What We Know about Jessica Rushing
Yesterday afternoon, Lynne McClinton, EBWF's publicist, quietly released a statement on behalf of the company introducing their new Director of Marketing and Assistant Director of Talent Relations, Jessica Rushing. Jessica is a relatively obscure EBWF figure who seems to have little knowledge in the way of sports entertainment. An online profile does indicate that she majored in business marketing and graduated from St. Louis' Washington University. The company announced that she would be reporting directly to Stephanie McMahon.
The press release went on to explain that Jessica would approve marketing materials on both the local and national stages for EBWF, which would include photo work, commericals, and personality appearances. With the void Joanie Helmsley has left in the production and programming department, Stephanie has been spread thin, and Jessica is there to help share some of that responsibility. She is responsible for the day to day movement of EBWF's Superstars, responsible for their schedules and appearances, while Stephanie will remain in charge of their performance expectations.
Little was known about Jessica until she began dating former EBWF World Champion, John Cena in 2010. They had been dating for several months before sources even figured out her name. Jessica is rumored to have worked at Wes Ikeda's sports bar, Ike's, for several years as a server. We do know that she and Nicole Ikeda are best friends, who graduated with Masters degrees in the same year. This would make her roughly 26 years old. Jessica was the maid of honor at Nicole's wedding to Randy Orton.
Jessica regularly attended Make a Wish foundation events with John Cena, and appeared with him at the 2011 Slammy Awards show. It is unclear how long she dated the EBWF Superstar, but a timeline would indicate that it was less than a year. She stepped into the public eye inadvertently over the late fall months as she was often photgraphed with Nicole as they were planning for her wedding. Her Twitter account is private, but some comments by Wes Ikeda early this year implied that Jessica had now began dating EBWF heavy hitter CM Punk, and had been since early last Summer. These suspicions were confirmed when CM Punk showed up to the 2012 Slammy's with Jessica and later in the week posted a photo of himself with the blonde.
So, we do know that Jessica has been in at least two semi-serious relationships with EBWF Superstars. She is best friends with the Chairman's sister. Said Chairman has known her since she was in grade school, and she's absolutely easy on the eyes. However, premature judgment of Jessica is probably uncalled for. In her mid-twenties, Jessica has the education and is more than qualified for the position with EBWF. Wes likes putting pretty girls on TV. Let's see if this one will get the distinct honor, and if she has the chops to hang in this huge broadcast corporation.
What We Know about Jessica Rushing
What We Know about Jessica Rushing

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