Why did John Cena miss Sacrifice? Are his days in the EBWF winding down? Is his secret marriage to Danielle Costa ending before it hardly even had the time to begin? Final installment to this series of storyline RPs Ashlee and I have been working on. Little longer than last two but a lot of dialogue vs. expo so hope you guys check it out and enjoy. Thanks to Ashlee for writing with me, Cory for his permission, and to all you guys for reading!
"We are weighed down, every moment, by the conception and the sensation of Time. And there are but two means of escaping and forgetting this nightmare: pleasure and work. Pleasure consumes us. Work strengthens us. Let us choose." - Charles Baudelaire
Waking Up To A Nightmare
Re: Waking Up To A Nightmare
Just finished reading all four parts and it was amazing. Great job.
1xWorld Heavyweight Champion
3xTag Team Champion
2x Path to Glory Champion
1x Breakout Champion
Re: Waking Up To A Nightmare
Thanks a lot Kyle!! :D
Writers aren't exactly people. They're a whole bunch of people. Trying to be one person.
The only living, breathing, Queen of Efeds in captivity
"You can't blame a writer for what the characters say." - Truman Capote