Elizabeth: You fat ugly bitch. Nobody loves you. Everybody hates you. Go kill yourself!
She threw the spoon against the mirror, but it didn’t break it. The spoon instead bounced behind her over by the mannequins. She didn’t turn around, but did notice the first mannequin and to the imagination of Elizabeth she sees herself. Then she speaks to herself again.
Kocianski: Don’t kill yourself. Kill somebody else. Your opponent in your debut match, Aksana? Yes, KILL HER. You’re an asskicking machine. You have muscles in places some of these other girls don’t have places. There isn’t a woman on the roster that could stand toe to toe with you and that’s because you would rip their freaking head off and eat it. Aksana is small, fragile, and quite possible the worst wrestler ever. She is a livestock and you are a lioness. KILL HER!!! Femme Fatality!
Obviously displaying an alter ego of sorts Elizabeth tried to block Kocianski out, but once she did the second mannequin took her appearance and began to speak.
Bethany Caroline: You’re not fat and ugly, you’re beautiful. The fairest of them all to be exact.
Elizabeth: Aksana is pretty…
Bethany Caroline: Pretty ugly. Asksana could seriously pass for a man, where you on the other hand look so much better than she does. Your hair is luxurious, her hair is fake. You have natural beauty and a God-given glow, she has to draw her eyebrows on every day and needs a tan. You are so sexy, great breast and tight ass. Aksana should sue her plastic surgeon. Seriously, Wes Ikeda himself would jump at the chance to get you in the sack, where I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t screw Aksana with Chris Jericho’s penis. Speaking of Wes, I know how much you LOVVVVVVVVVEEEE him, sooooo you better be sure to go out there in your sexiest outfit and impress him, after all he didn’t have to offer you a contract in the first place.
Elizabeth: You’re right. I heart Wes.
She wiped her tears away as a small smile formed on her face. She noticed the final mannequin which now took her appearance. She stared at herself for a few moments before her alter ego finally broke the silence.
Beth Phoenix: Everybody loves you. Everyone wants you. Do you want to know why?
Elizabeth: Yes…
Beth Phoenix: Because you’re the Glamazon and there is not a single woman in the business who can compare to you. Your in-ring skills are unmatched and once you make your debut this Friday on Total Recall the entire world will realize. Aksana is not a challenge. She is inexperienced on the level of Eric Bishoff’s son. She says she is here to be the best, but you’re already the best. She says she will cement her place within this company and make her country proud. What a joke! You will destroy her, send her home, and we will never see her again, except maybe twitter. Aksana says she is not intimidate or nervous, even due to your “size” and “strength” advantage. That’s idiotic. She must be blind. First for thinking Christy Hemme looks anything like Todd Grisham and secondly for thinking her petite little frame will stand a chance against your pronounced physique.
Elizabeth: You’re right.
She cleaned her face with a cloth that was nearby and had now gained a certain look of confidence.
Elizabeth: I’m the Glamazon. I’m the best and I’m beautiful. Everyone loves me. This Friday when I debut I’m going to kill Aksana!
With that said she jumped to her feet and headed towards her closet full of self- motivation. Now it's time to prepare…
(OOC: First time with a new character, cut me some slack. :P)