Shocking Breaking News: Randy Orton/EBWF to Part Ways

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Shocking Breaking News: Randy Orton/EBWF to Part Ways

Post by Ashlee »
Randy Orton/EBWF Parting Ways
By Mike Johnson on 2013-08-23

Sources within EBWF are adamant that Randy Orton will be leaving EBWF at the beginning of next week after he faces Dean Ambrose at Summerslam. There's no doubt that Orton and Chris Jericho had bad blood 3 weeks ago after a chaotic ending to EBWF Warfare, and since Orton has been paying the price having been laid out again 2 weeks ago, and not even appearing in the live arena last week.

Though Randy Orton has had some problems with his brother-in-law, Wes Ikeda. It is thought that Randy would do better if Wes were back at the helm, however, it is assumed that Wes is far from 100% since fighting his way back from the devastating shooting last fall at EBWF's HQ.

One source spoke under condition of anonymity saying, "It's a done deal. Orton was saying goodbye to everyone last Monday night." As if to prove this claim a source sent along this photo.


Randy Orton hugging John Cena is symbolic. These two have had their differences over the last two years, mostly thought to stem from the fact that Cena broke up with Jessica Rushing a good friend of the Ortons and it apparently ended badly. However, some of those rumors have to be taken with a grain of salt because Nicole Orton and John Cena are obviously still such good friends. A hug is an obvious sign that Randy knows he's leaving Cena to the wolves.

Sources within the EBWF say Orton will still wrestle the main event at Summerslam, but it's probably safe to guess the ending.
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Juan Ramirez
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Re: Shocking Breaking News: Randy Orton/EBWF to Part Ways

Post by Juan Ramirez »

Comments (1)


That is obviously photoshopped, Orton wouldn't hug Cena.