Friday August, 23, 2013
8 PM
.:: Scene opened showing Damien Sandow sitting on what appeared to be a leather black couch. The room was large and had a coffee table in front of him with snacks and drinks on it. He leaned forward while sitting on the couch and grabbed a bottle of water and opened it and took a drink. Sandow was wearing a freshly pressed black suit with a yellow tie. His shoes were shined up perfectly and he had his hair pulled back in a tight pony tail. The Path to Glory championship is neatly folded on the couch next to him plate side up. Sandow was taking another drink of water when someone knocked on the door to the room and poked their head in. “Five minutes Mr. Sandow.” Sandow stood up from the couch and finished chugging the bottle of water. He threw the bottle away and turns around and picked up the PTG Championship. Sandow slung the title over his right shoulder and turned and looked into the big long mirror that was in the room. He smiled at the mirror and made sure that his tie was straight and that he looked nice. He ran his hand over his beard a couple of times until finally looking at the camera. ::.
Damien Sandow: I am a little nervous here if you can't tell. I am backstage at one of the most entertaining late night talk shows on television. I won't tell you right now which one, I will let you figure that out when everyone else does. .:: A knock was heard on the door again. ::. Here we go, this is going to be fun!
.:: Sandow walked over to the door and opened it. Someone was standing on the other side waiting to escort him to where he needed to go to get on stage. Sandow walked out of the room leaving the door open. The camera man quickly followed behind him as Sandow walked down a dark hallway. He stopped at where the person escorting him stopped, and that person put a microphone on his suit coat and made sure everything was on right. You could hear the crowd begin to clap, and Sandow took a deep breath to collect himself before walking through the curtains on to the stage. The camera cut and went full screen to what the audience at home would be seeing on their televisions. Sandow walked out from behind the curtains and approached the host of the show while waving at the crowd. As he approached the host, he and David Letterman embraced in a hand shake. After shaking hands Sandow turned towards the crowd and played to them by giving thumbs up and clapping. Moments later Sandow sat down on the plush chair that was provided for him next to Letterman's desk. The crowd continued to cheer as Sandow sat straight up and adjusted his tie and then did the same with the PTG Championship. A couple of moments later the crowd quieted down and the interview began. ::.
David Letterman: Well, uh, Damien it would appear that this crowd sure does love you!
Damien Sandow: David what can I say? My cleansed masses of followers know what they like. They are the smartest fans in the wrestling World! .:: The crowd cheered at the mention. ::. No but honestly David thank you so much for having me here tonight.
David Letterman: The pleasure is really all mine Damien. I first want to start off by saying that is a mighty attractive piece of gold you have on your shoulder right there!
Damien Sandow: Oh this bad boy? Yeah you can say that again David. I have had this for quite some time now and don’t plan on giving it up anytime soon. Sorry to say to other superstars in the EBWF, but this championship is staying at home where it belongs.
David Letterman: Now, follow me here for a second Damien, what are the chances that maybe I could try that beautiful piece of work on? Maybe feel like I am a champion for a couple of seconds?
.:: Sandow smiled and look out in to the crowd as if looking for approval. The crowd cheered loudly at the idea of Sandow giving Letterman the Championship to try on for a moment in time. Sandow stood up and handed the championship belt to Letterman who was also standing. Letterman accepted the championship belt and put it around his waist as if he were PTG Champion. The crowd clapped and cheered loudly as Letterman pretended to be posing as if he were an actual wrestler. After a couple of moments of laughing and cheering Letterman stopped posing and took the belt off. He handed the belt back to Sandow who simply folded it up and placed it on the edge of Letterman’s desk. ::.
David Letterman: Alright Damien, as much as I wish you were here for it, you are not here to let me try on your belt. EBWF has a big Pay-Per-View coming up. Tell us about that.
Damien Sandow: Yeah, David, this Sunday EBWF is putting on Summerslam, which is our second biggest Pay-Per-View of the year. And seeing as it’s the second biggest event of the year you know I’m going to be playing a big role in it! I will be defending this PTG Championship of mine against two guys that have faced in the recent weeks.
David Letterman: Yeah, Chris Sabin and this strange Bray Wyatt guy. I know he beat you last week I think it was. That’s right, I keep up with EBWF in my spare time.
Damien Sandow: Yeah David he did beat me last week. But last week I was distracted with stuff going on and the match last week meant nothing to me. Last week was the biggest match of his career because he faced a champion in a new company he just signed with. Last week to me was facing a new nobody wrestler that has never proven himself and will never be as great as me! Now don’t get me wrong, if there is a guy in the ring standing across from me that has earned my respect I will show him all the respect in the World. Bray Wyatt just does not deserve that respect from me. Now Chris Sabin, Sabin has earned my respect and like I said, I have all the respect for him. But just because I respect someone does not mean I won’t beat them down to retain my gold!
David Letterman: Whoa Damien that escalated quickly! Well folks we have to take a break for now, but when we come back we will be having a Top 10 reasons why Damien Sandow deserves to be a champion! Stay tuned!
.:: As the camera fades off to a commercial break you saw the crowd cheering and David and Damien embracing in a hand shake and hug again. The camera then cut to a commercial. After the commercial break the show came back to Letterman sitting at his desk. He looked in to the camera and spoke. ::.
David Letterman: Welcome back ladies and gents. Now to what I promised you before the break. It’s time for the top 10 list with Damien Sandow!
.:: The show went to the introduction of the Top 10 segment and when the introduction was over Sandow was shown in wrestling attire standing in front of a backdrop with the top 10 layout on the screen in front of him. ::.
David Letterman: Alright, for some reason Damien has taken his suit off and is in wrestling attire to give us our top 10 list tonight. Without further ado. Damien, number 10!

David Letterman: Number 9!

David Letterman: I didn't know how to! Number 8!

David Letterman: I remember that! 7!

David Letterman: Haha! 6!

David Letterman: Sounds good! 5.

David Letterman: And what a handsome beard it is! 4!

David Letterman: Only you I imagine. 3.

David Letterman: I have heard that before! 2!

David Letterman: And the number 1 reason why Damien Sandow deserves to be a champion..

.:: The show went to the same clip it went to when introducing the segment and in the background you saw Sandow smile and waving goodbye to the crowd and then walked out of view of the camera. ::.
Scene 2
Backstage Interaction
Sunday August 25, 2013
.:: Scene opened up in a locker room where Damien Sandow was getting ready for the biggest match of his EBWF career. It was Summerslam and Sandow knew what that meant to the superstars and the fans of the company. He knew he would be in the toughest match of his life in mere hours and he was going to approach it that way. The normal smiling Sandow was serious faced when he noticed the camera. Sandow was sitting on a bench in the locker room holding the PTG Championship on his lap looking down at it. He had his wrestling boots on but appeared to stop getting ready to enjoy what could be his last moments with the title. ::.
Damien Sandow: This championship meant nothing when I entered the EBWF. Del Rio had held it for a couple of months and was doing nothing with it. Not defending it, not even trying to make it be known that he was a proud champion. When my reign began that all changed. I let everyone know I was the PTG champion. A couple nights ago I even went on national television with this belt because that is how proud I am to represent this title and this company. Not only proud, but I have defended this title more in four weeks than Del Rio did his entire title reign it seems! I am a fighting champion. And tonight that is exactly what I find myself in, a fight! Last week Bray Wyatt slowly walked in to the ring and defeated me in the middle of that ring. I hope that has made him over confident in his ability to beat me. Like I said a couple of days ago, that match meant nothing to my career! To me that was a match against a non proven, non deserving opponent. He beats me one time in a match that means nothing and what does he get? A shot at my championship. Go ahead EBWF management, take this title I have build up and tear it down by giving a nobody hick a shot at my belt! .:: Sandow paused. ::. Now that I have taken a moment to think about it, it doesn't really matter. I have luck on my side, I have the cleansed masses by my side, and I have more talent in my pinky than he has in his whole body! This is one thing to Bray Wyatt. This isn't a chance for him to become a champion. This is a chance for him to learn. To learn how to get beat by a champion and stay motivated. A chance for him to lose graciously.
.:: Sandow paused for a moment again and picked the championship up and put it over his right shoulder. He leaned down in his bag and picked up the lucky rabbit's foot attached to a chain. After putting the chain around his neck he stood up and approached the camera. ::.
Damien Sandow: Hail Sabin! Hail Sandow! Sabin like I have said before I respect the heck out you. You have earned everything you have received in this industry. Unfortunately for you, you have also earned what you are going to receive tonight! Tonight you are going to receive the most embarrassing and most tremendous beating of your life. You held this championship once, and what did you do with it? You immediately lost it to me! Just like you were supposed to. Tonight Sabin, remember when I am beating the life out of you that it is all done with much respect. Wyatt, Sabin, you may be lucky to be where you are in your life and your career. However, tonight, your luck runs out!
.:: Sandow smirked in to the camera and then turned and walked away. The camera faded to black as Sandow was putting his championship back in his gym bag. ::.
.:: End ::.