I'm forty years old. I am an eight time world champion. I am Captain Charisma. I am... Who am I? Am I like Hogan? Am I someone who's been sticking around for too long? Am I done? I might be done. This could be it. 2013 could be the end of the road for my career! Then again... what if it isn't? I could be creating all of this in my head... I don't know... I'm making a pact with myself... if I win at CEOD, it's all psychological... but if I lose... well, drastic times call for drastic measures. Chris Sabin, I know you'll be fighting me with all you got and thensome... But this is beyond a match for the contendership. Chris... I'm fighting for my career. I will not hold back, and I will push myself beyond my limit. And at the end of the day, I won't promise to win. But I'll be able to say I put up a fight. So, to put it simply, may the best man win.
The segment ended with Christian leaning back on the couch and breathing deeply before walking away, as the camera faded to black.