Evan was on the mat, he was just starting to regain consciousness after being Attitude Adjusted by John Cena. He was able to roll out of the ring and limp to the back with the help of an EBWF Official. Evan stayed to watch the rest of the pay-per-view before changing into more comfortable clothes and heading to the airport to catch his flight back home in Florida..
The next day in Evan's home of Tampa, Florida, he gets the call that he will be wrestling Wade Barrett when EBWF gets back from break on the 6th of January. Evan was excited because he was determined to make 2014 his year. He wanted to win championships and have the crowd chant his name every night. Evan checked his twitter and saw lots of tweets talking about his performance at the pay-per-view, commending him on his impressive showing, even his opponent, John Cena, took the time out to recognize him.
Barrett also had an impressive showing at the pay-per-view last night defeating the Rated R Superstar Edge, but ending up losing to John Cena in a triple-threat match later in the night. Barrett showed that he is willing to put in the hard work to be successful here in EBWF meaning there match in a couple weeks should be a good one.
While Evan was laying in bed, he got a thought. He felt as if he needed a bit of an edge in EBWF, that he needed a manager. Someone who could encourage him to do well and someone who was attractive and good to look at. So he pulled out his phone and dialed up a number and held it to his ear.
air bourne//evan bourne: "Hey... Lizzy?"
Evan had called up his valet from The Wrestling Society X, Lizzy Valentine.. It wasn't a very successful company so their partnership didn't last long. It was a shame because the two of them got along great and maybe would have dated if that got to spend more time together.
pop superstar//lizzy valentine: "Matt? Is it really you?"
air bourne//evan bourne: "Aha, yeah it is. Are you busy?"
pop superstar//lizzy valentine: "No, hey, I saw your match last night with Cena. You did pretty good, I thought maybe you would have gotten old and rusty, aha!"
air bourne//evan bourne: "Heh, very funny. But I need to ask you something."
pop superstar//lizzy valentine: "Yeah, sure what do you need?"
air bourne//evan bourne: "So, what do you think about 'getting back together'? Like the whole storyline we had going in WSX, why not bring it to EBWF? You have to admit it was pretty fun."
pop superstar//lizzy valentine: "Wait, are you serious!?!?!"
air bourne//evan bourne: "Yeah, I'm serious, aha!"
pop superstar//lizzy valentine: "Well, of course, I'll do it! EBWF is a huge company!"
air bourne//evan bourne: "Alright, cool. We can talk to the some people and hopefully get you on board. See ya Liz."
pop superstar//lizzy valentine: "See ya Matt."
Evan almost thought she was talking to someone else as he has gotten used to being called Evan Bourne instead of Matt Korklan which is his real name. Evan hung up the phone and putting it under his pillow before getting up and getting ready for his day. Evan doesn't have to do much since EBWF is on break, but he wants to stay in shape so he isn't rusty for his matches and his match against Barrett will be a tough challenge.
Fast forward two weeks and it's time for Warfare. It will be Evan's first Warfare he has ever attended and hopefully it will result in a win. Lizzy got all the paperwork she needed to be filled out and was eligible to be Evan's manager. Bourne was very excited as he thinks that Lizzy should be the thing that helps him get a bit of attention in the company and by the fans. Evan's match is up soon and he is a bit nervous but knows that he has the ability to win. Evan was in his wrestling gear which was black tights with red designs and boots with a small red design at the top. He had his wrists taped up and was pumped for this match.
He was sitting with Lizzy backstage watching the show and chatting with her as it is both of their debuts on Warfare tonight.
air bourne//evan bourne: "Are you as excited as I am?"
pop superstar//lizzy valentine: "I shouldn't be since you are the one that's wrestling."
air bourne//evan bourne: "Good point."
Warfare goes to commercial after a match ends and Evan's match is up next. He is very game, since knowing that a win against Barrett will raise him a bit higher in the rankings here in EBWF. Also since he lost at Christmas Eve of Destruction, he doesn't want to be known as a loser. Evan then walked with Lizzy Valentine towards the curtains. They stopped right before it and clasps hands, he gave a quick grin to make things less awkward and then a couple seconds later, "Bourne to Fly" blasts out the speakers indicating that is Evan's time to come out to the ring, he turns to Lizzy and says.
air bourne//evan bourne: "Here we go."
Evan walks through the curtains with Lizzy, getting a bigger pop than he did at CEOD. He had a big smile on his face as he walked down the ramp with his "girlfriend", he waved a couple fans before sliding into the ring and helping Lizzy enter the ring. He jumped to the top rope and raised his hands into the air causing the crowd to cheer a bit louder than they already were.
ebwf announcer//jim ross: "This young man, Evan Bourne is very impressive. He gave John Cena quite the fight at Christmas Eve of Destruction."
the king//jerry lawler: "Yeah, yeah, yeah. But do you see who has with him? She is hot!"
ebwf announcer//jim ross: "Of course you would say that King."
Evan's music cut as he grabbed a microphone and stood in the center of the ring while still holding Lizzy's hand. A few whistles from horny older men could be heard from the crowd. Then a couple of twelve year olds decided to join in just for the fun of it. It didn't seem to bother Evan too much seeing as that isn't really his girlfriend, no matter how much he wish she was, after a long pause, Evan began to speak.
air bourne//evan bourne: "What's up Chicago!"
That resulted in a big pop in the AllState Arena.
air bourne//evan bourne:"Well, this here is my lovely girlfriend, Lizzy Valentine. Lucky for you guys, she isn't going anywhere and you will get to gaze at her every week!"
That results in a huge manly pop from the crowd, Evan just chuckles at their excitement. He then leans on the ropes helping Lizzy out of the ring, before returning to the center of the ring to speak.
air bourne//evan bourne: "Ok, let's talk about Christmas Eve of Destruction. It was a brutal yet entertaining night. Hey, I even put John Cena through a table! Not to mention, I dropped him with a fire extinguisher! I nailed him with a kendo stick! But what I didn't do was win. You see I'm not ashamed, I respect the hell out of John Cena and hopefully after that match he respects the hell out of me, because I took him to the limit and that's what I plan to do here tonight.
Evan stated, he sounded very confident with himself. Every word that came out his mouth were true, genuine words. He really thinks he took the Path to Glory and Intercontinental Champion to his limit, and if he can do that, he can do anything in this company.
air bourne//evan bourne: "John Cena then went on to the finals and took on Kevin Nash and Bad News Barrett. He also won that match, and the reason I bring this up is because I'm facing one of those three men tonight, wanna take a guess? If you said Wade Barrett, you were absolutely correct! I'm taking on the bloke from England tonight, aha. You see me and Wade are a lot alike. We both debuted at CEOD. We are both debuting at Warfare tonight. We both were at the 'other' company at one point. We both lost in the PTG tournament and we both like to win. See those similarities are what makes a good match, and I am confident Barrett and I will have a great match tonight."
Evan gives his opponent a bit of a compliment with his last statement. He doesn't want to ever come off as rude and disrespectful as he respects everyone in this company and everyone he steps into the ring against as that's just how he was raised as a kid.
air bourne//evan bourne: "I really hope Wade doesn't think he has this one in the bag. I really hope he doesn't think that just because I'm smaller, I can't get the job done. Because that is completely untrue. It doesn't matter how big or strong or fast you are. It just matters on your heart. It matters if you are willing to put in the time and effort to get better. If you are willing to take everyone you step in the ring against to their limit. You don't have to be 250 pounds with jacked-up muscles to be a champion, and I am planning on proving it tonight."
Evan said those words with passion. He always wanted to spread a message to people younger than him. He always wanted to be looked at as a good influence and he believes that being smaller shouldn't make you the underdog. Bourne felt that EBWF was a great place for him to speak what was on his mind and he was doing just that.
air bourne//evan bourne: "Wade likes to go by the name Bad News Barrett, and Wade, unfortunately, I have some bad news for you, and that is that your debut here won't be a very good one, and you wanna know why? Because you are going to be hit by an Airborne, and then you while your shoulders are down, I'm going to pin you, 1.2.3, and the referee is going to raise my hand in victory, because Wade, I will not lose again. I will be victorious tonight and this will be the start to my career here in EBWF.
the king//jerry lawler: "Fighting words from Evan Bourne. Let's see if he can back it up tonight, because he is in for a challenge when he faces Bad News Barrett!"
Evan handed the microphone to Justin Roberts as he had finished his speech. He and Lizzy quickly shared a quick kiss, before he stood in the corner, stretching a bit waiting on the arrival of Bad News Barrett. Evan was confident that he could win the match, he was confident that the so-called "underdog" could shock the world and pick up a victory on a bigger man. Bourne now had support from Lizzy and the EBWF Universe, unlike Christmas Eve of Destruction, already making him feel better, but now he just has to wait and see.