Eva Marie RP #2
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I think it says something that I'm actually sitting down and writing one of these. This book hasn't been opened since I was in high school. But there's nothing wrong with expressing your thoughts with a pen and pencil, right?
I've been wrestling for almost a year now. Maybe I shouldn't be using that term, I know so many people would go apeshit over that. So I'll just call it entertaining in the wrestling industry. I've been entertaining industry for almost a year now, and I'm still waiting for things to go a little smoother.
I know, I know, nothing comes easy, especially in this type of environment. I'd be stupid to think otherwise. But I'm not talking about the actual wrestling, or the learning how to speak on a microphone, I'm talking about the reception. I mean, my skin isn't thin, and I'm definitely not fragile, but these fans are...ruthless.
It's not that I don't understand the need for high standards, especially when EBWF (which is my new venue, by the way) has been home to some of the best female wrestles in the whole world, and still is to some. But shit, can I at least get a chance?
The fans are only just half of it too. I feel like not even the people I work with give me any credit. I introduce myself, and I get eyes rolled at me. I don't introduce myself, I'm a bitch. I'd really just like to know how anybody expects me to grow if no one is willing to give me a chance to do so. How am I even supposed to show that I care (which I do) when everybody gives me the damn cold shoulder?
This isn't easy, so the fact that I'm even employed does mean I should hold some type of skill. That I won't deny. But what I think everyone else needs to realize is that not every great wrestler started great. Actually, every wrestler ever has been rough around the edges in the early stages of their careers. Why should it be any different for me?
Everybody starts somewhere.
And I'll just leave it at that.
~ Natalie