The Revolution is Here!

This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.

The Revolution is Here!

Post by Michael »

Jake Hager's decision to start fresh in another professional wrestling company on the verge of turning 32 was not an easy one. He had been with a company for 7 and a half years that offered him a contract almost immediately after graduating from the University of Oklahoma. Significant milestones occurred while working there, like meeting his wife, Catalina, and the birth of their son, Knox Stribling. He had solidified a spot in the company to earn a comfortable living for his family.

Unfortunately, Jake knew he was capable of more than what he had been given by management. He knew his hard work had been under-appreciated and he felt that it was finally time to see what else was out there. Was the EBWF the place where he could finally get the opportunity to reach his potential? He really didn't know for sure, but he felt as if it was finally time to see how far he could go in this business as "Jack Swagger".

Although Jake felt like this change had been a long time coming and had been excited to start over, he quickly regretted the timing of his decision. It was hectic enough starting a new company with all of the meetings, paperwork and trying to get acclimated but to add on the demanding schedule of Wrestlemania week, he barely found time to breathe. Thankfully, for his sanity, he had been able to talk Wayne Keown, as "Zeb Colter", into coming along with him to the EBWF. Wayne's experience in this business had helped a lot throughout the transitioning period along with Wrestlemania week.

As Wrestlemania draws closer, so does the EBWF in-ring debut of "Jack Swagger". With everything else that's been going on, preparing for his debut had been a priority since the Fatal Fourway #1 Contendership Match for the Breakout Championship had been announced. Included in that preparation was getting a message out to his three opponents and instead of accepting an official interview, he decided to create his own video that has been posted on EBWF's website.


A closeup of Zeb Colter's face is shown as he is attempting to adjust a camera. After a little tinkering, Zeb turns around and walks toward Jack Swagger who is standing with his arms behind his back in front of a vertical wood planks backdrop and a Gadsden flag hanging in the top left corner of the camera's view. Zeb stops next to Swagger, turns around toward the camera and puts on his glasses.

Zeb Colter: " Fellow Americans, allow us to introduce ourselves. My name is Zeb Colter. "

Jack Swagger: " And my name is Jack Swagger. "

Zeb Colter: " We are REAL AMERICANS. We are here to lead a revolution to restore our once great country back to its former glory. That revolution begins on Sunday night at Wrestlemania. You see, not only does Jack Swagger face three men this Sunday but he has to face three men who depict exactly what is wrong with this country. Three men who we're embarrassed to call countrymen and the three men that I speak of are Mick Foley, Raven and Goldberg. "

As Zeb calls out each of Swagger's opponents’ names, Jack Swagger takes his hands from behind his back and counts 1, 2 and then 3 with his fingers from his left hand. He then puts his hands back behind his body as Zeb continues to speak.

Zeb Colter: " Now I know what you're thinking. These men were born and raised in this country, so what's all of the fuss about? They didn't sneak across our borders illegally. Well, the fact of the matter is this, just because you were born and raised in America, does not make you a true and real American. Being born and raised in America is a privilege that you must honor and respect. This is the greatest country in the world and people like the three of you make a mockery out of what this country stands for. You make a mockery out of wonderful patriots and Vietnam veterans like me and Jack's daddy. "

Jack Swagger: " If you're making a mockery out of my dad and my country, you're making a mockery out of me. And trust me you don't want to make a mockery out of me. "

Zeb Colter: " That's exactly right, Jack. They are making a mockery out of you and all of the other Real Americans out there. Let's take Mick Foley for example, the man who mutilates his own body in an attempt to amuse our young impressionable youth. Don't you have children, Mick? What do you think that tells your own children, nevertheless other people's children, about violence when you're allowing yourself to be thrown onto thumb tacks or barbed wire? How do you think a young mind is going to process you beating a man until he bleeds all over the ring? Remember, we're not some third world country where the motto is kill or be killed. "

Jack Swagger: " This is the United States of America. We're the land of the free and the home of the brave. Not the land of the bloodied and the home of the mentally insane. "

Zeb Colter: " Speaking of mentally insane, let's take a look at that freak show, Raven. Not only does he also mutilate himself and others for his own enjoyment but he also blames everyone else for his problems. You didn't hear me complaining when I had bullets flying by my head in Vietnam. A real American takes responsibility for his actions. Real Americans do not sit in a corner and whine about how rough their childhood was and blame everyone else for their problems. This blame everyone and everything attitude is killing our country. Every single time someone stubs their toe, they are on the internet telling everyone that it was someone else's fault. "

Jack Swagger: " It makes me sick. "

Zeb Colter: " It should. It should make every single American sick to their stomach that we allow these so-called men to be idolized by our children in this country, just like they've idolized the unstoppable, Bill Goldberg. Goldberg embodies more about this country than I would like to admit and believe me, that's not a good thing. He is nothing but a quitter who gave up on his dreams when it got too difficult and decided to settle for becoming a professional wrestler. America holds this man on a pedestal when in actuality he'd rather be doing something else but he just was not good enough. It was too hard for Goldberg. Real Americans dream big and work hard to reach that goal. They do whatever it takes. And Goldberg, just like Raven and Mick Foley, are right there in front of your children. They are on your kids' posters in their rooms. They hang on every single word that comes out of their mouths when in all honesty they should only be idolizing one man here in the EBWF. The only REAL AMERICAN, Jack Swagger. Yet somehow, these men are given the same opportunity as you in this number one contender's match for the Breakout Championship. Thankfully for America, I happen to know that you know what to do with people who disrespect our country, ain't that right? "

Zeb pats Jack Swagger on the back.

Jack Swagger: " I know exactly what to do, Zeb. Becoming Breakout Champion is just one small step. It's time for a change for the better in America. And it's time for a change for the better in the EBWF. "

Zeb Colter: " Don't like the truth? You know, people don't like what we have to say because it makes them uncomfortable. But the truth is not comforting. We are not here to comfort you. We are here to lead this country back to its former greatness. I guarantee that Jack Swagger will leave Wrestlemania a winner. When Jack Swagger wins, America wins. And that will truly be a day for all of the REAL AMERICANS to celebrate. "

Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger both put their right hand over the heart.

Jack Swagger: " WE THE PEOPLE! "

They both stand tall, staring at the camera as they leave their right hand over their heart as the screen fades to black.

Re: The Revolution is Here!

Post by Nick »

Welcome to EBWF Michael. Great debut RP. :)

Re: The Revolution is Here!

Post by Michael »

Glad to be here. And thanks a lot for the feedback.