If You're Welcome And You Know It...

This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.
Brian W.
Posts: 186
Joined: Wed Feb 20, 2013 9:54 am
Location: Jefferson City, MO

If You're Welcome And You Know It...

Post by Brian W. »

.:: A handheld camera came on and showed Damien Sandow's face. Sandow was obviously holding the camera himself as the camera was not far from his face. He smirked in to the camera and began to speak. ::.

Damien Sandow: I am going to make this short and sweet. After this week that Rodimer and I have had I have not had much time to address my opponent for this week at Warfare. Mick Foley. Most people like to focus only on their opponents during a weeks span. Well that has not been possibly this week. For some reason the unwashed masses are infatuated with this Bray Wyatt character. Well he has something coming his way. For now I can not and will not worry about someone that does not deserve worrying. Just know one thing Bray Wyatt. You like to play mind games with people. You think you are smarter than everyone in the EBWF. I looked in to the mirror this morning and you know what I saw? I saw THE smartest professional entertainer this business has ever seen! I am not your normal EBWF superstar. And with The Man Daniel Rodimer by my side, there is nothing you can do to stop Brains & Brawn!

.:: Sandow put the camera down on the floor to where the camera focused only on his boots. He paced back and forth as he made the following statements. ::.

Damien Sandow: However, like I said, I don't have time to waste thinking about mere peasants like the Wyatt family. Tonight I have to focus on Mick Foley. The Hardcore Legend. Foley is God. Foley is Good. I am hoping one of those last two names is not accurate. If Foley is indeed God then I am wasting my time standing here articulating any words. If Foley is God then I stand no chance this week in winning my second match since my return. However, if Foley is good, then he doesn't need bother show up for our match. If Foley is merely good then he stands no chance in beating The Savior of the EBWF. Damien Sandow is better than good. I am the absolute best! I have been beating good wrestlers my whole career. Good will get you no where in this company Foley. Not with the likes of me and Rodimer walking around here taking what we want. [Sandow paused.] Now that I took a moment to ponder with my thoughts I realize that Foley is God is a silly statement. This is because SANDOW IS GOD! Mick you better upgrade from good to great if you want any chance when you step in to the ring with me tonight. I am the Savior of the EBWf, and you... well, You're Welcome!

.:: Sandow slightly kicked the camera off balance causing the camera to flicker on and off before going to static. ::.

*OOC* Sorry this was so short this week. I had a long week of work (Worked three 16 hour shifts) and then had two family Easter celebrations today. Please forgive me. :haha