Roleplay or whatever, it's 1am and I'm exhausted...

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Roleplay or whatever, it's 1am and I'm exhausted...

Post by Nick »

[[The large hulking giant Kevin Nash lurched his way awkwardly through the performer’s entrance in New York City. There was always a special feeling about performing in Madison Square Garden, and he could feel the magic in the air once more today. A lot of history had been made here during his career. And tonight, he intended to make another little notch. But not in the way one might expect of the difficult wrestler.

The hallways felt particularly electric as Nash looked for someone from the EBWF staff to direct him to his private dressing room. Despite being one of the most infrequent part-time performers on EBWF’s roster, he was still treated above and beyond what even top level stars were. And much of that had to do with the simple fact that he was not on the EBWF roster. Years ago, Kevin Nash convinced some of the EBWF board to sign him to a specialized contract, where in he would be paid monthly stipends to serve as counsel to various board members without pro wrestling experience. That was a logic thing to do, except once again Nash used contract trickery he had become well known for to add in that this would serve in perpetuity. It didn’t even matter that the board members who signed him had long since left the board, and a new batch was in, they were stuck with Kevin – and few thoughts gave Nash more pleasure than knowing he was going to get money for virtually nothing.

But there was more to it than just money. Regardless of what anyone said about the big man, Kevin Nash did love this business. It gave him his best friends in Scott Hall and Sean Waltman, and he got to spend years with guys he adored and looked up to like Shawn Michaels…of course it also exposed him to people whom he could never get on the right page with it seemed; guys like Hunter and of course Wed Ikeda.

As Nash was lead to his private room a thought occurred to him, what was it that made him hate Wes so much? All things being equal Wes had probably been more agreeable than Easy E ever was, and certainly more so than Vince. Maybe that was it. Nash didn’t like feeling like people he worked with lacked the nuts to step up. Dixie never challenged Nash – and maybe Wes didn’t either. He knew he thought of Wes as a character. Not on screen, but as a man, he pretended to be a character he wasn’t.]]

EBWF Staff Member:
Here’s your room Mr. Nash.

Kevin Nash:
Thanks. Hey have you seen Stephanie?

EBWF Staff Member:
Ms. McMahon?

Kevin Nash:
What the fuck other Steph would I be talking about?

EBWF Staff Member:
Well, yes sir.

Kevin Nash:
Well would you please find a way to become slightly useful and fetch her for me? K. Thanks. Bye.

[[Nash walked into his private room and closed the door without waiting for so much as a peep of response from the poor young staff member. He threw his gym bag on the large leather sofa. Inhaling deeply he surveyed the room. Waiting for him on the table was his requested items. In addition to fruit baskets and the typical VIP welcome baskets items, he spotted his favored perk. Two cases of Corona. He was smart enough o not open them before the match, but he had a feeling those would be killed before Syxx and him left for the night.

Nash suddenly remembered he was going to invite Syxx to spend the event with him. He reached for his iPhone and scrolled down to find Waltman’s number.

tell the staff you’re using my room tonight. i got some pills.

Nash missed the old camaraderie he had grown accustom to while traveling on the road with workers. But these days guys didn’t live the life. They were good looking pretty boys who were more concerned over who had the highest score on whatever the new video game bullshit was than who could party the most. He didn’t understand them. He didn’t understand their appeal. But he knew next generation stars had to be put over.

As much as he knew in his heart of hearts that guys like him and Syxx could put on more exciting matches in their sleep, these spot monkey flippy dippy assholes had their time in the sun. Nash made a career out of being new and fresh in an era where Hogan was hogging the limelight. He wasn’t going to be that guy. It’s why he put over so much of the young talent – specifically guys like Styles and Cena. They were talented. And he wanted to separate them from the pack, which a win over Kevin Nash still meant something to people who knew the difference between a flavor of the month and a true legend of the business. He knew how to spot talent, and last week he spotted one. That was why he wanted to talk with Stephanie.

Kevin wondered where Syxx was, when he heard a knock at the door. He went over to open it seeing before him Stephanie.]]

Stephanie McMahon:
I heard you wanted to see me. I’m surprised you remember who is head of talent relations considering you go out of your way to remind everyone you’re not talent.

Kevin Nash:
Ah Steph, you’re as charming as ever. I want a promo segment tonight.

Stephanie McMahon:
We’re tight on time. Promos don’t sell events mid PPV, if you wanted air time, you should have come last Monday.

Kevin Nash:
Well I’m here now.

Stephanie McMahon:
Yeah, you’re name is on the card, we sold you. What are you gonna rip on Wes to sell more tickets to our sold out event tonight?

Kevin Nash:
Yes, yes I am. But I’m also going to do the one thing you and I both know I do better than just about anyone.

Stephanie McMahon:
Get into a bullshitting contest with someone from the crowd?

Kevin Nash:
No, get talent over.

Stephanie McMahon:
We’re not short of guys who are over.

Kevin Nash:
Don’t bullshit me Steph. I know Kevin Nash is the last stop on the track to the World Belt. Styles beats me, he wins the World Title. Cena beats me, and look who’s facing Brock for the Title tonight. So why don’t we stop playing who’s can be a bigger sarcastic asshole – cause I’ll win that every time – and you just listen to me about how I’m going to get over someone who can work every house show for another decade.

[[Stephanie was annoyed, but he wasn’t wrong. Nash knew how to put someone over big, and if he was looking to use tonight to make a new star, she wasn’t about to say no to that...]]


[[“S.C.O.M.” by Fort Minor blared throughout the arena. The crowd jumped to their feet. Screams of adulation, boos that risked making fan’s throats horse tomorrow, but no one stayed silent.]]

Jim Ross:
Well I don’t know what this is about King.

Jerry Lawler:
Well it sounds like Nash is coming out here JR.

Jim Ross:
I know that, but what is he doing here? He’s not scheduled for his match until later.

[[The curtains parted and Kevin Nash walked out from behind the curtain. He wasn’t wearing his usual wrestling gear. Just a plain pair of jeans with a black collared shirt. The packed arena went wild. Nash was already carrying a microphone.]]

Kevin Nash:
Alright, hey, hey, hey, we all know the drill. I’m gonna walk the ramp and say some shit, blah blah blah. But that’s how We do it everywhere else, this is New York City, this is Madison Square Garden, this is the birthplace of the hashtag Nash Life! Hard to believe it, but old man Kevin Nash once laid out Bob Backlund and walked away WWF Champion in record time here. Kevin Nash and the rest of the Kliq broke kayfabe and turned wrestling from gimmicks to reality here. Kevin Nash was born in Detroit, but became a star here.

[[The pops were winning out over the boos. Nash sauntered to the ring while he continued his promo.]]

Kevin Nash:
And I’m thinking, maybe tonight, you and Kevin Nash make a little bit more history tonight? Huh?!

[[The crowd cheered. For whatever reason, Kevin Nash always had a direct line to audience’s heart through the mic.]]

Kevin Nash:
Well that’s not gonna happen.

[[A quick turn to boos.]]

Kevin Nash:
See, it’s not gonna happen, and I’m not going to say it will cause you’re not idiots. I’ll let you in on a secret, almost every single person backstage there thinks that you guys are morons, and will believe whatever script JR and King are reading from.

[[Nash jumps up on the ring and goes over the top rope.]]

Jim Ross:
I don’t know about you King, but I don’t read from a script.

Jerry Lawler:
And people wonder why Nash doesn’t stick around very long.

[[Nash cocks his eyebrow and looks over to the announcer’s booths.]]

Kevin Nash:
Hi boys! No covering for ol’ big mouth, big man, big bad boy Kevin Nash tonight. No no, see I wanna just speak the truth to you all. I’m not gonna win tonight. You all already know that. You’re not stupid. You know this isn’t real. This is wrestling, this is scripted fun. Well except when Wes is out here, than it’s just a scripted circle jerk for the most insecure prick on the planet. I swear, I’ve never met anyone who swears he cares so little, and yet has spent so much time, effort, and money to get himself over. Oops, think I fell into a bit of a “At Vinnie Vegas – no spaces” character there. Oh well.

Look all I’m trying to say is, I know where I am, and you know why I’m here. I’m Kevin Nash. I come out on the mic, I throe out some uncomfortable truths for people to hear, and then I do the old timey J-O-B to help someone get over. It’s what I do. And I’ve been doing it long enough now that most of you have probably picked up on it. Now I’m not saying I lay down for any asshole off the street, hell I think tonight I face DiBiase’s boy. Who, anyone that follows me knows, I’ve been saying for a long ass time that kid should be main eventing nightly. But he’s got a stick up his ass, and an Ikeda down his throat, so he’s gonna piss and moan about me even if I do the right thing and put him over tonight – but how about I talk about someone who stands a chance. And it’s not me – and it’s not DiBiase, cause for whatever reason he hasn’t realized yet that Wes thinks of him as a midcard talent with occasional “other guy” main event material. Nah, I’m here to say a few words about my homeboy, and the guy who I think has a damn fine chance of winning this thing; Syxx.

[[Crowd erupts at the mention of Syxx’s name.]]

Jerry Lawler:

Jim Ross:
Well Syxx is an EBWF main stay. The people love him or hate him.

[[Kevin Nash unbuttons his black shirt to reveal an old “Syxx Ball” t-shirt from back in the WCW days.]]

Kevin Nash:
That’s right. I was a Syxx mark before it was cool. Suck on that you hipster wanna-bes with your new-retro EBWF Syxx Ball Shirts. This is original shit right here…and…wait a second…

[[Kevin Nash sniffs his shirt.]]

Kevin Nash:
Yup, that smells like grade A 90’s chronic.

[[The crowd pops. Wrestling fans sure do love weed references.]]

Kevin Nash:
Now I get that this is a tournament for the Path To World Title Short Championship, or whatever dumb fucking name they have for it. So more than two or three people are involved. But let’s face it. Randy Orton is an Ikeda by marriage, and then there’s me, I’m not gonna win, DiBiase is jobber to the stars, a couple of guys I’m not entirely sure I know who they even are…but one match has a fuck ton of potential, and that’s AJ Styles vs. Syxx. This is the match people want to see. Fuck it, I know you’re already here, but that’s worth of admission alone. And frankly –

[[Bizzare sounds come to a scretching halt, as images flash upon the screen and we open in a dark room. A long match is struck and the flame begins to dance on a stick.]]

Bray Wyatt:
New York City, we’re here.

[[Bray blows out the light and “Live in Fear” begins to play. The lights in the arena go black. The lone lantern carried by Bray Wyatt illuminated the path he walks as he exits from behind the curtain. He slowly meanders down the ramp.]]

Jim Ross:
There is the leader of the Wyatt Family, the always-enigmatic Bray Wyatt.

Jerry Lawler:
I don’t mind saying, that guy gives me the creeps JR.

[[Bray blows out the lantern and the arena is plunged into darkness. The house lights come up and Nash notices Bray standing alone on the ramp. Behind him are the equally physically imposing Harper and Rowan. Nash slowly shifts his head to the side to see the two men standing beside him. Harper has a long rope wrapped around his torso for some mysterious reason.]]

Kevin Nash:
Lemma guess, three on one beat down?

Bray Wyatt:
Ooooohhhh Mr. Nash. If only it were that simple. You see we are not men who carry out random acts of violence. Even though I have let it be known, that maliciousness is my most treasured emotion. No, you see, you have earned more than just a simple assult. And you deserve more than blood, you deserve truth. And the truth is, you don’t know the truth, do you?

Kevin Nash:
I’ve been dropping truth one these people decades before you were Husky Harris homeboy.

Bray Wyatt:
My-my, you seem to have confused truth with perspective. You see Kevin, you see only one perspective, that which has you as the star of a victim driven play. But you’re not the victim are you? No no, no no. You are the perpetrator. I have warned the people, those who worship at the alter of the mirror will find the reflection to be a lie. And you are living that lie Mr. Nash. This Nash Life you brag about so openly, what has it given you?

Kevin Nash:
A big house, nice cars, fine wine, and floor seats to every bastetball game I want to see – big shout out to my boy LBJ, who’s looking to sweep the Cats.

Bray Wyatt:
And there you go. Your celebrity has clouded your vision. That cushions of your life have made you soft. Mr. Nash, you have become your own enemy.

Kevin Nash:
I don’t have enemies little man. I got people that piss me off, and right now, you’re creeping up on that list.

[[Rowan and Harper begin to inch closer.]]

Bray Wyatt:
It’s such a shame. Because I believe you. I know when you speak of the past, you speak of the truth. But that rebellious streak doesn’t allow you to see just how much of the problem you’ve become little on.

Kevin Nash:
Who you callin’ little?

Bray Wyatt:
I judge a man not by his physical stature, but by the measure of his existence, and yours is so small it hurts me. It hurts me because, like it or not Kevin Nash, you are not even who I have my eyes on. You are just the symbol, a symbol I will use to send my message.

Kevin Nash:
How about I symbolically shove my foot up your ass you creeply little shit?

[[Bray smiles and nods his head. Harper and Rowan begin to attack Nash.]]

Bray Wyatt:
Don’t hurt him too much. Not too much!

[[Rowan and Harper begin to back off slightly, their attack becomes less focused. But Nash is clearly down on the mat.]]

Jim Ross:
Oh my King!

[[Rowan and Harper kick Nash repeatedly, physically moving him to the edge of the ring where Wyatt approaches and looks at the fallen superstar with a thin line of blood dripping down his forehead.]]

Bray Wyatt:
My poor sweet little play-thing.

[[Rowan and Harper roll out of the ring, and drag Kevin Nash’s limp body up the ramp following Wyatt.]]

Jerry Lawler:
Where are they going JR?

Jim Ross:
I don’t know King!

[[Bray leads them and the cameraman backstage. Bray wanders about for a bit with the two larger members of the Wyatt family carrying Nash’s unconscious body while occasionally peppering him with shots to keep him wounded. Bray finds a pipe that is exposed from the ceiling. He smiles a wicked grin. He laughs satanically. Harper begins to unravel the rope around his torso. He hoists it up around the ceiling pipe. Meanwhile Rowan has begun tying Nash’s feet to the other end of the rope.]]

Jim Ross:
Oh I don’t like the look of this one bit King!

[[As Rowan finishes on Nash’s feet, Harper tears part of his shirt and stuffs it in Nash’s mouth. Kevin is barely conscious, but the audience can see tears begin to swell in his eyes as he is choked by the cloth. Bray applies round after round of tape to Nash’s head, keeping the cloth lodged in his throat. Rowan and Harper than begin to tug on the rope which lifts Nash up off the ground. He dangled helpless, blood dripping from his head, with his throat burning for oxygen.]]

Bray Wyatt:
Oh lookly here, how the mighty will be turned upside-down. The beautiful people will choke on their own lying words. And the entire EBWF will be at my mercy. You see, Kevin Nash was right, there was no one who believed he would win. That destiny lies in the lap of another man. Me. But the path to glory to beset on al sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Men like Kevin Nash, and men like Randal Keith Orton. I know how your mind works. You see this man, and you assuage your mind with the notion that you are not limited by age as he is. But it was not age that gave way here tonight Mr. Orton. This is how we play the game. And the we grows every minute.

[[Bray looks right into the camera]]

Bray Wyatt:
I sincerely hope you are able to hear these words Orton, your past will come back to haunt you. No one escapes from their deeds, and yours have written a check that is to be redeemed. We have within our family, the lost chapter, the key to your downfall. I have been described as a mystery, you a prototype. Now I know your first instinct is to look around and say we know nothing of you, but that is because you only see us as we are in the here and now. But your eyes lie to you! The truth always rests in the under belly of what is the unseen.

Jerry Lawler:
What is this man talking about?

Bray Wyatt:
You have been warned Orton, you know nothing of me, but I have been told all there is to know about you. You serve as the cornerstone of the organization, but you still provide only foundation for the temple of self deceit. Well that temple will fall, and you will be my magnum opus. For if I have access to your past, I can open the doors to anyone’s dormant nightmares. Like our friend Kevin here.

[[Bray gets down and inches closer and closer to Nash’s purple and blue face. Sweat and blood swirling together on his brow, slowly dripping to he ground, creating a small pool of Nash.]]

Bray Wyatt:
You see, I love you. I love you all. Like a shepherd that must tend to his flock. But sister Abigail, she is convinced you are growing out of control. That you are beyond saving. Maybe she is right. Maybe, too much time has past. Maybe the illusion of your persona has begun to infect the deeper parts of you. No, no, no, we can’t think like that, can we? If there is nothing worth saving, than we must scrap it all and start anew. But how can we do that? Eradication is so time consuming. I believe in stripping the unneeded and building upon a strong base. But Orton, you have shown, you can not be trust to build upon. So you must be stripped away. And we will. Erick Rowan, Luke Harper, Bray Wyatt, and our special little secret, we will tear you away from the spine. Like surgeon removing a tumor, we must be quick, we must be exact, and we must carry this out. Isn’t that right Kevin?

[[Nash is completely unconscious now. He looks as though he may barely be breathing.]]

Bray Wyatt:
It’s so beautiful isn’t it? I envy you Kevin, you have been close enough to touch her, but now is not your time. You have done well as my tool, as so I release you.

[[Rowan cuts the rope, which causes Nash’s limp body to fall to the ground. Wyatt removes the tape from his face.]]

Bray Wyatt:
Sleep well friend, your time is fast approaching. But we must deal with the picture before the frame.

[[Wyatt kisses Nash’s forehead.]]

Bray Wyatt:
When you awaken, you will know truth, because you will awaken to a world in which we have solved the problem of R-K-O.

[[The Wyatt family walk away leaving Nash on the ground.]]

Jim Ross:
For god’s sake, someone get some help to Kevin Nash! He’s a human being!