Dead Man Rising - Final Part - 5 of 5

This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.
The Undertaker

Dead Man Rising - Final Part - 5 of 5

Post by The Undertaker »

The Druid opens the book, and begins to chant...........

And then he speaks......

Druid: "I call upon the demonic force to bring forth the man that I am seeking......

"I call upon the demonic force to allow the man that I am seeking to return to this world.......

"I call upon the demonic force to allow the man that I am seeking to return to this world and create havoc in the only style he knows how."

The Druid chants some more, there is a low rumbling noise from down below.

The Druid speaks again.

Druid: "I call upon my demonic master to bring forth the legendary WWE creature. The Legend that has held 4 Championships....

The Legend that has held 3 Heavyweight Championships.....

The Legend that has held 6 Tag Team Championships......

The Legend that has held the Hardcore title for he is the Hardcore of Hardcore.....

And more importantly The Legend that has a 21 Win Streak at the Famous Wrestle Mania for the WWE....

I call upon my demonic master to allow me to bring forth the legendary creature of all demonic creatures........"

The Druid begins to chant some more.

The rumbling noise down below is getting louder.

The Druid speaks again:

Druid: "I call upon my demonic master to allow me to raise the man that I am seeking and I will be his minder........

"I call upon my demonic master to allow me to take the man that I am seeking to the EBWF and let him run riot..........

"I call upon my demonic master to grant me the return of the man that I am seeking to bring the EBWF to it's knees. To change the landscape. To take over...

"I call upon myu demonic master to grant me my one and only wish the legend, the new career, and the man that I am seeking. Grant me it now.........."

Suddenly the ground started shaking, and there was a huge roar. The Druid started glowing. He grabbed his head and started yelling..........

The Druids two followers and the Camera Man looked at one another, but were frozen to the spot where they stood.

Then there was a large crack of thunder....................

Then there was lightening.....................

And then there was darkness as once again the flaming lights went out.

Minutes later it was silent. No more ground shaking, no more lightening, no more thunder, nothing but eerie silence. The flaming lights flickered back on.

The Druid's two followers and the Camera Man looked ahead. The Druid was laying on the ground.

Suddenly he began to move. He got back to his knees, and then he stood up. He turned to his two followers and the camera man. His hood was still covering his face, but red eyes appeared from under the hood.

"He's here."

The Druid walked down from the stage, and then stood in front of the stage, and went back down to his knees. He signalled his two followers to do the same. They got down to their knees.

Only the camera man stood because he had been filming every thing.

The Druid and the two followers bowed at the stage, at the camera.

"It is time to rise up Master......

"It is time to begin your EBWF Career Master.......

"It is time......

"Rise up Master......

"Rise up now......."

For a couple of minutes there was silence, nothing but silence.

Then there was a creaking noise...........

And to the amazement of the Camera Man the coffin lid was opening. Suddenly.......


It was him who sat up...........

It was him who was awake.......

It was him who was alive........

It was him who was back...........




and then the music is heard

(click on link)
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Ben M
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Re: Dead Man Rising - Final Part - 5 of 5

Post by Ben M »

I'm pleased to see that you're already such an active member :) Just so you know, if you're planning on writing a lot for your match, generally it's better to post one RP with multiple scenes rather than posting it in parts. It makes it easier for us to judge the match, because if there's just one RP we can't miss it (if there are several, we might miss one).
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Re: Dead Man Rising - Final Part - 5 of 5

Post by Jon »

Ben M wrote:I'm pleased to see that you're already such an active member :) Just so you know, if you're planning on writing a lot for your match, generally it's better to post one RP with multiple scenes rather than posting it in parts. It makes it easier for us to judge the match, because if there's just one RP we can't miss it (if there are several, we might miss one).
Plus I really feel like it hinders the flow of the rp.
The Undertaker

Re: Dead Man Rising - Final Part - 5 of 5

Post by The Undertaker »

Jon wrote:
Ben M wrote:I'm pleased to see that you're already such an active member :) Just so you know, if you're planning on writing a lot for your match, generally it's better to post one RP with multiple scenes rather than posting it in parts. It makes it easier for us to judge the match, because if there's just one RP we can't miss it (if there are several, we might miss one).
Plus I really feel like it hinders the flow of the rp.
This was just an introduction Role play that I wanted to introduce like this. It was just a one off. All my role plays will be just the one post. I enjoyed introducing The Undertaker like this. But like I said it's just a one off.

But thanks for your comments.

Re: Dead Man Rising - Final Part - 5 of 5

Post by Ole »

I really have no room to critique anyone's work, just ask Ashlee, some pretty bad work has came from me in the past. I only suggest less period's, three could get the point across...

For example when you see this "Yeah bro................." It just isn't as impact as "yeah bro..."