OOC: Here is my RP for the PPV. Best of luck to Will.
Whenever the name Miz came up in conversation, the name AJ Styles was not too far behind. These two men had become synonymous with each other for the past 2 plus years. They have been friends, enemies have fought over girls, titles, and everything in between. The Miz at the end of March regained the Intercontinental Championship at the expense of Matt Sydal, but this was a completely different kind of animal. AJ Styles was The Miz ultimate rival. The Yankees to The Miz’ Red Sox. Without question, this would be the biggest challenge to The Miz most current reign. It would be a 2 out of 3 Falls Match for The Miz belt. Unlike past meetings AJ and The Miz did not have much of a lead up for this match, but there was a constant unspoken competition between the two of them on who has had the better career, and this match would be just another chapter in this story. If The Miz was going to stay on the current roll he’s been on, he was going to have to do it at the expense of a more than familiar foe.
The scene opened up outside of a van that looked like it was from the 1960’s. When he went inside the van, we were in the backseat/bed of it. There sat The Miz. He was wearing a blue T-Shirt that had a cookie with biceps on it, that read “One Tough Cookie” and blue jeans. Smoke filled the bed of this van, and Miz had a glazed over look in his eyes as he was currently in the process of devouring a bag of Cool Ranch Doritios. Afroman’s “Because I got High” played in the background as Miz nodded his head along with the beat.
The Miz: (singing) I was gonna win a match.. but I got high…. I was gonna win the IC Strap.. but I got high.. I’m coming up with excuses.. and I know why.. WHY MAN?! Ay Ay.. because I got high.. because I got high.. because I got high. I was gonna beat The Miz.. but I got High.. I was gonna be bigger in showbiz.. but I got High.. I’m still a nobody.. and I know why.. why man? Ay Ay.. because I got high.. because I got high.. because I got high… La Da Da Da Da Da
The Miz smirked.
The Miz: They say the best way to get into an opponents head is to live a day in their life, to walk a mile in their shoes, and in this case to smoke a joint the size that they would smoke. I got to be honest I haven’t smoked this much weed since my MTV days, but I will say this, it is really opening my mind to some things. The first is that, I don’t know how AJ Styles can do this every day and still be a functioning member of society, but wait, he isn’t. AJ for the last several months has walked around the EBWF swearing, cursing, tipping old guys out of their wheelchairs, stealing lollipops from babies, and of course smoking enough ganja to make Cheech and Chong jealous. He has transformed directly back to the old AJ, that we all knew and hated. The slacker, the complainer, the whiner, the “why am I not bigger than I am?” guy. AJ I’ve always been there for you to be the voice of reason, the guy to show you the light, to shed some clarity on all situations.. since you’ve always been to stupid to do any of that on your own. You want to know why you’re not bigger man? Here’s why. You don’t FOLLOW THROUGH on anything you say you are going to do.
The Miz smiled.
The Miz: One minute you are going to be a Heyman Guy, then you split on Heyman. One minute you are going to quit smoking weed, then you are back in the Pineapple Express, and I’m sure without question you are going to say that you are going to be the next Intercontinental Champion, but that’s just not true either is it AJ? You see a year ago, this match would have made me nervous, it would have made me think, but we both know how it’s gone the past 2 or 3 times we’ve been in the ring together, it’s been going a hell of a lot differently than it once did hasn’t it buddy? Instead of being that focused, eye on the ball guy that you became during your first World Title run, you have deteriorated back to that wrongfully entitled nobody, that does nothing but make empty threats and promises that he never keeps. AJ, time is going by fast, and I know you spend most of it baked off your ass and listening to songs like this, but let me be a major buzzkill for a quick second. This isn’t 2012, the clock is ticking on you buddy. Lose this match, which you will, and prepare yourself for the murmurs that will lay ahead of you. “Is he done? Is he still a threat? Should his scowl make me hide under my covers?” Well murmurers.. yes.. no.. and no. This Sunday night, you are all going to be watching our match, with a hard inquisitive look. Each EBWF fan will be scratching their heads, and they will be asking themselves “This used to be a rivalry?” It’s anticlimactic now, AJ Styles is a burn out, he’s a loser. It’s strange, even to me, that this USED to be a guy that I was concerned about facing. It’s strange even to me that AJ Styles was a guy that I used to see opposite me on the card and the thought “can I beat this guy?” Now I see him opposite me, and I think “Well that’s good, I could use the night off.”
The Miz smirked loudly.
The Miz: AJ, sometimes two people are heading down a road together. They push each other, they challenge each other. They play off of each other. We were friends dude, inseparable even, we made each other better. It’s just sometimes when two people are heading down the road to success, sometimes one takes a wrong turn, a detour and they end up trying to convince themselves and others that they still matter. That they should still be taken seriously, they try to get back on that road, but sometimes AJ, that road is all of a sudden blocked. A couple of months ago, AJ Styles was back on top of the world. He was the EBWF Champion, but then all of a sudden Brock Lesnar showed up and crashed his party. Since then it has been a free fall for you, hasn’t it pal? You’ve had to sit idly by and watch as John Cena, made a fool out of Brock, and now when you’ve finally admitted to yourself that you aren’t good enough to be in the World Title Picture, you turn to the Intercontinental Championship… ONLY to find out that the guy that holds that title is ALSO out of your league.
The Miz shook his head as if to say “tough break.”
The Miz: An old friend, an old friend that has owned you for the better part of this past year. AJ, you are going to need to smoke a hell of a lot more pot than you already do, to forget the beating that I am going to give you this Sunday. You see, I’m at the point of my career that I don’t even get up for every match. I have been here so long, and have reached a certain level, that some matches they just don’t even excite me anymore. I’m like a baseball team in game 43 of 162.. but when it is Miz vs. AJ Styles, color me interested. IT NEVER gets old for me to beat you AJ, it NEVER gets boring to see that look of disbelief on your face every time I pin you in the middle of the ring 1.. 2.. 3. Because as you know, you still truly believe in your heart of hearts that you are better than me. You still truly believe that you were the Michaels to my Jannety. The fact is though AJ, you got content. You settled. You didn’t care to continue to progress, and you fell back into the habits that made you unsuccessful.. the SECOND.. you started to gain any kind of success. Me on the other hand, I have scratched, and clawed my way back into stardom and the spotlight. There have been rough times, but I breathe this business AJ, I live for it. I am extremely gifted at what I do, but that wasn’t an accident. It took blood, sweat, and tears to reach the level that I’m at, and I will NEVER be content. I will never settle for the fact that, as good as I am now, is as good as I’m going to be. I REFUSE to not continue to improve each and every day, until I’m thought of by all as the best to ever lace up his boots. You aren’t wired like that, are you AJ? The second you see any kind of fame and success, you stop pushing, you stop doing the things that got you there, and you rest on your laurels. You kick back, your feet on your Lay-Z boy and light up that joint. You pull that car off of the road to success, that we started on together 2 years ago, and make that detour to easy street. Except when you get on Easy Street, THAT is the same exact time that life in the ring gets much MUCH more difficult. You see AJ, facing me as you know will NEVER be easy. It will NEVER be something you can take for granted. Because the second you let your guard down, when your facing The Miz, is the second you get your ass kicked and embarrassed and that is EXACTLY what is going to happen to you this Sunday. Best 2 out of 3 falls.. pfft, at least the fans will get to use the bathroom during the time EBWF allots for that possible 3rd fall. 2 will be all I need. Styles isn’t pinning me, he isn’t making me tap out, he isn’t getting me counted out. This isn’t 2 years ago, my days of losing anything to AJ Styles are over. Unless that something is a “Who can make their career go down the toilet, quickest?” contest Styles is losing to The Miz.. period, end of sentence.
The Miz shifted his weight around as he was currently sitting on his feet as he spoke.
The Miz: AJ will come out this week with his flashbacks. His recount of the history between the two of us, and he will say that THIS is what he uses to get himself focused on the task at hand. It’s sad really, it’s sad to see AJ reach and strive for something he may never reach again. It’s sad to see him get psyched up to face me. It’s sad to see that confidence return to him, and that light return to his eyes, that hopeful “hey maybe I can do this” light return to fill his entire being going into a match with me. Here are the facts, AJ, throw your joint to the ground, step on it, and listen. The fact is 2 years ago, you beat me, more than once. You were the hurdle I just couldn’t seem to get over. 2 years later you can’t seem to get out of your own way. You have made questionable at best career decisions and are trying to claw your way back to that guy you used to be. Except you just NEVER seem to be able to get there, and the biggest example of this is when you’ve stepped in the ring with me. I have made the adjustments AJ, I have corrected what I’ve slipped up in the past during our battles, but have you? Have you changed anything? Except for how much you absorb HGH? Maybe you should have stayed off the ganj, because you are higher than I am right now, if you think that this Sunday is going to be the day that it all changes back. You are so baked you’re blind, if you think that this Sunday is going to be the day that you can point to as the day that you turned it ALL back around and became the Intercontinental Champion. Afro Man, has a better chance of winning a Grammy, than you have of beating me on Sunday for MY Intercontinental Title. Rumor has it, you BEGGED Nicole for this match, after Sunday you are going to be begging her to never even put you in the same room as me. You are going to wet your “That 70’s Show” sheets every time you even think about stepping in the ring with me, so you CERTAINLY won’t be requesting it. You want people to think your crazy, well congratulations, I think you’re crazy for WANTING a match with the most must-see, the most dominant, the best of the best, cream of the crop, Your FAVORITE WRESTLER’S FAVORITE WRESTLER. You got to be. You are like Bray Wyatt’s toilet asking for a rematch after he drops a “Follow The Buzzards” worthy dump in it. You’re a glutton for punishment. A guy who always wants to make his life seem way harder than it actually is. “Wah I’m a two time World Champ. Wah I’ve held every title there is to hold here.. wah I dated Trish Stratus, wah but then I left her for Paul Heyman because his tits were bigger.”
The Miz smiled at his own joke.
The Miz: Get over it man, you’re like Eminem rapping like he did in 97’ after he blew up and got rich and famous. Nobody wants to hear how hard your life is. NOBODY feels bad for you. There are literally hundreds of guys in development right now that would give their left nut to be in your shoes. However, those guys will be begging for their left nut back on Sunday, because there is nobody on gods green earth that is going to want to be you this coming weekend Styles. Nobody is going to be watching this Sunday, and have any shred of jealousy towards you whatsoever. There are going to be people getting root canals on Sunday Night, that wouldn’t trade places with you. Pauly Shore, is going to want to stay Pauly Shore, rather than being AJ Styles, come this Sunday Night.. and that guy would literally trade places with ANYONE. AJ since I’ve always been the one to steer you in the right direction, allow me to be that guy for you again right here and right now. I want to hit you with a couple of “don’ts” that moving forward you can utilize to better your situation here. DON’T smoke so much weed. DON’T try and gain cool points BECAUSE you smoke so much weed. DON’T continue your current stance on never getting a haircut or washing your hair in general.. and most of all DON’T request a match with someone that you simply will NEVER find a way to beat.. EVER again.
The Miz sniffed and shook his head in disappointment.
The Miz: You can get as grim as you wanna get, you can do interviews in cemeteries, at funerals, shit you can even go inside a grave and tell me that I’m going to be inhabiting that grave sooner rather than later. You can do everything in your power to get me to be even remotely intimidated by you, but at the end of the day Allen, it’s not going to serve any kind of a purpose at all. Intimidating me, isn’t like intimidating any other jamoak in this company. I know you dude, I know that for all the scowling, for all the dark promos that would make Slipknot pee in their tighty whities, you are the guy that rocks out to One Direction. I know that for all the morbid, doomsday shit you spew to the masses, that you are the same guy that DVR’d Teen Beach Movie on the Disney Channel. You are a fraud, Allen Jones. You aren’t dark, in fact you can trade that “A” for an “O” you’re a dork. A dork who this Sunday is going to lose every bit of credibility he has, by losing badly in a match that he has no business being in, in the first place. A loss to you brings me back to a place I will never go again. It’s a different world now Styles, a world where we are no longer friends, a world where we are enemies and NOT because of some British chick who neither one of us give a shit about anymore.. but instead it is a world where we are enemies SIMPLY because neither one of us can stand the thought of the other being MORE successful. A world where we are enemies because just the thought of you having a second of gratification because you are doing more with your career, makes me physically ill. I won’t lose AJ, I won’t, I CAN’T and I WON’T. I don’t care if this was a first to 10 falls match I would win all 10. I have spent my whole career with the mentality that I want NOBODY to get the better of me, but it goes much further with you AJ. I wouldn’t even want you to burp louder than me in a belching contest, I wouldn’t want your shit to stink worse than mine if you were in the stall next to me. I want you to look at me, and KNOW for sure that I am better than you at everything.. IN.. EVERY.. WAY.. and I promise Sunday Night, Sunday Night, AJ, you will know this.. because I will make that statement LOUD.. and I will make that statement clear. Hashtag.. Fact.
The Miz winked at the camera and turned the music up as “Colt 45” by Afro Man filled the van as Miz smiled almost maniacally, and the scene faded to black. We reopened at a House Show at the site of this weekend’s event. The fans were buzzing with excitement when “AWEESOMEEEEEEE” followed by “I Came To Play” by Downstait filled the arena loudly, which whipped the crowd into a Frenzy. The Miz made his way through the curtain to a thunderous ovation. He wore a black with lime green letters, “Your Favorite Wrestler’s Favorite Wrestler” T-Shirt, and had the Intercontinental Title draped over his right shoulder.
Justin Roberts: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the EBWF Intercontinental Champion.. THEEEE MIZZZZZZZZ.
The crowd showed their appreciation for The Miz energetic entrance, as he went through his normal moves on the ramp and upon his entrance into the ring. When The Miz finished, he climbed into the ring and requested a microphone from the timekeeper. This request was granted, and the Miz held the mic to his lips only to be halted by a “Miz is Awesome” chant which brought a smile to the Intercontinental Champion’s face. Finally, the crowd died down enough for Miz to speak.
The Miz: No matter your career choice in this world, there are moments that come to define you. There are times where you know that is going to be IMPERATIVE that you rise to the occasion, that you come up big, and that EVERYTHING you’ve done prior to these moments can be effected by what happens, by how you respond, by WHAT you come up with. Tomorrow Night, I am going to be looking at one of these moments.. tomorrow night I am going one on one with AJ Styles for MY Intercontinental Championship.
The crowd booed at the mention of Styles.
The Miz: Tomorrow night, will be a moment that defines me. You see up until this point, I have gained a reputation that every time I gain a little momentum, something happens to slow me down. Every time I make a little bit of a run, a moment, a match quickly brings that run to a screetching halt. Well I can promise you.. THIS. ISN’T. ONE. OF. THOSE. TIMES!
The crowd erupted in cheers at how confident The Miz seemed in this moment.
The Miz: This time AJ Styles becomes just another piece of flat pavement that I roll over. This time AJ Styles is NOT a speed bump at all. This TIME the only thing that is going to come to a screeching halt is AJ Styles time in the spotlight. The only thing that is going to slow down, is AJ Styles attempted run to get back to the top of the mountain. If this is a moment that defines the career of The Miz, it is CERTAINLY a moment that is going to define the career of AJ Styles.. and I can promise you that after Sunday only one of us is going to be happy with the definition that materializes. After this Sunday AJ Styles is going to be defined as a once upon a time star. A guy who has gone from stoner loser, to a brief winner, back to a stoner loser. Where as The Miz is going to be defined as a guy who steadied the ship, a guy who went from being up and down, to a guy who won consistently over a long period of time. A guy who didn’t shy away from challenges but instead tackled them head on. A guy who truly excelled in this business. But most of all after Sunday.. the definition that will shine through about my career, the fact that people will ALWAYS walk away knowing for sure without a shadow of a doubt, after I dismantle AJ Styles.. is that
The Miz dropped the mic as the crowd exploded. “I Came To Play” by Downstait filled the arena once more as The Miz made his way out of the ring and down the ramp. One thing seemed for certain, Miz was ready for this match. There were few guys that could motivate Miz to be at his best, and AJ Styles was definitely one of them. The fans would surely be in for some fireworks this coming Sunday. Miz made his way back through the curtain, as the scene faded to black.
I Was Gonna Beat The Miz.. but I got High...
I Was Gonna Beat The Miz.. but I got High...
EBWF World Champion (x7- Current) EBWF Intercontinental Champion (x3) EBWF Tag Team Champion (x2) EBWF PTG Champion (x2 ) EBWF Gateway Champion (1x)
EBWF World Champion (x7- Current) EBWF Intercontinental Champion (x3) EBWF Tag Team Champion (x2) EBWF PTG Champion (x2 ) EBWF Gateway Champion (1x)
Re: I Was Gonna Beat The Miz.. but I got High...
Legit thought this was a AJ Styles RP.

Writers aren't exactly people. They're a whole bunch of people. Trying to be one person.
The only living, breathing, Queen of Efeds in captivity
"You can't blame a writer for what the characters say." - Truman Capote
Re: I Was Gonna Beat The Miz.. but I got High...
"wah I dated Trish Stratus, wah but then I left her for Paul Heyman because his tits were bigger.” First of all, LMAO!!
Second of all, I absolutely loved this! Absolutely amazing work and I haven't laughed so much from a RP in a long time!
Second of all, I absolutely loved this! Absolutely amazing work and I haven't laughed so much from a RP in a long time!

EBWF Women's Champion (ALx2) (VSx2)(LMx1)(ZSx2)
EBWF Sky High Champion (VSx1)
EBWF Women's Tag Champions (TBPx2) (MGx3)
Babe of the Year (VS-'12,'14,'16,'17)
Female Wrestler of the Year (AL-'13)
Tag Team of the Year (TBP-'15)
Alliance of the Year (MG-'16)(LM&2Pawz-'18)
Re: I Was Gonna Beat The Miz.. but I got High...
For the name of the title you get a Colt 45 and two zig zag's.